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CURRICULUM. MAPPING:. AN OVERVIEW. Presentation Created By Janet Hale, Curriculum Mapping Consultant www.CurriculumMapping101.com. All that is shared in this slideshow is based on the work of Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs….
CURRICULUM MAPPING: AN OVERVIEW Presentation Created By Janet Hale, Curriculum Mapping Consultant www.CurriculumMapping101.com
All that is shared in this slideshow is based on the work ofDr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs… Mapping the Big Picture 1997, ASCD Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping2004, ASCD Active Literacy Across the Curriculum2006, Eye On Education and …
Keys to Curriculum Mapping: Strategies and Tools to Make It Work Susan Udelhofen 2005, Corwin Press
A Guide To Curriculum Mapping: Planning, Implementing, and Sustaining the Process Janet Hale December, 2007 Corwin Press
Ten Tenets of Curriculum Mapping 1. Curriculum mapping is a multifaceted, ongoing process designed to improve student learning. 2. All curricular decisions are data-driven and in the students' best interest. 3. Curriculum maps represent both the planned and operational learning. 4. Curriculum maps are created and accessible using 21st century technology. 5. Teachers are leaders in curriculum design and curricular decision-making processes.
Ten Tenets of Curriculum Mapping 6. Administrators encourage and support teacher-leader environments. 7. Curriculum reviews are conducted on an ongoing and regular basis. 8. Collaborative inquiry and dialogue are based on curriculum maps and other data sources. 9. Action plans aid in designing, revising, and refining maps. 10. Curriculum mapping intra-organizations facilitate sustainability. Hale, J. (2007). A guide to curriculum mapping: Planning, implementing, and sustaining the process. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Curriculum mapping is a calendar-based processfor collecting and maintaining anongoing databaseof theoperational and planned curriculumin a learning organization. Curriculum mapping encourages teachers to be curriculum designers via authentic examination, collaborative/collegial conversation,and student-centered decision making.
Two CM Guidelines • The Empty Chair • Whenever teams or entire staffs meet in person, there is literally or figuratively an empty chair placed front-and-center in the room. This chair represents all of the students in a school or a district. Usually, the student in the chair is referred to as “Chris.” Data-driven Reviews and Collaborations If it is in Chris’best interest to change, modify, stop, start, or maintaina practice or other school/District-related issue,there must be data-based proof. Maps are a form of data!
Why Map? Mapping is a continuous cycle of reviewing what has actually happened (Diary Maps) compared and contrasted with curriculum planning (other Types of Maps) throughongoing curricular dialogue. State/Other StandardsProficiency Targets Types of Maps (Monthly)Essential Consensus ProjectedDiary ON-GOING PROCESS (Daily)Lesson Plans Reality
Four Types of Curriculum Maps • Diary Map • Projected Map • Consensus Map • Essential Map
The “Essence” of Curriculum Mapping I am a data- collection portal… Diary Map(Recorded Monthly) • A personalized* map recorded by an individual person that contains data reflecting what REALLYtook place during a month of learning and instruction • Commonly due by the “7th” of the next month *There is no such thing as “team” diary mapping.
The Nuts N’ Boltsof Mapping Language Projected Map • A map that has been created by anindividual personfor a discipline or course beforethe actual yearlytesting out of its “planned itinerary” Projected Map Diary Map These two types of maps are, in actually, the same map. Differentiation is based on the current month of the year.
Consensus Map(An Entire School Year Of Months) • A map designed bytwo or more educators wherein all designers have come to agreement on the course learning based on standards and serves as the planned-learning map wherein all who teach the course use the Consensus Map as a foundation*forhis or her course learning and instruction *Flexibility in additional learning, length of learning, assessments, resources, and how learning is executed is up to the discretion of each teacher teaching the course and is reflected in his or her Projected Map/Diary Map. SCHOOL-SITE “LEVEL” MAPS
The Nuts N’ Boltsof Mapping Language Essential Map(An Entire School Year Of Learning Usually Recorded By Grading Periods) • A map createdvia a team of educators(Task Force) that is representative of District learning expectations.* The Essential Map serves as thebase-instruction mapwherein all who teach the course use the mapto plan learningand create collaborative, Consensus Maps and/or personal Projected Maps *There needs to two or more “like”schools or courses offered to warrant creation and use Essential Maps. DISTRICT “LEVEL” MAPS
“When we travel, road maps become more distinctive the closer we get to the ‘main destination’.” Quote By: Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs Keynote Presentation, 2005 National Curriculum Mapping Institute.
"Levels" of Maps Base DETAIL Bergenfield School District Grade 1 Essential Maps Lincoln Elementary School ConsensusMap Grade 1 Math Janet Biggins Nicki McGrane Susan McGuire More DETAIL Diary MapJanet Biggins Grade 1 Math Most (Monthly) DETAIL Much More Specific Day By Day DETAIL Weekly/Daily Lesson Plans
Diary Map Cliffs Notes Diary MapJanet Biggins Grade 1 Math A Month’s Worth Of Learning =
We will all become “Stepford Teachers?” No. Mapping focuses on Fair AccessandEquitable Education for ALLstudents… Mapping Establishes Consistency (Essential/Consensus Maps) andFlexibility (Projected/Diary Maps)
What Curriculum Mapping is NOT… “Set in Cement” • State Standards Documents • Curriculum Guides • Scope and Sequences • A Syllabus • A Forgotten “List” Of What We Do Or Did Curriculum mapping is ongoing collaboration and reflection on therealities of what is planned and happening in each classroom-- each month and each year!
“Maps equal data … Data equals facts and figures … Facts and figures show trends … And with this knowledge, we can give ‘all the above’ meaning by looking at the trends and comparing it to other data bases.” Curriculum Mapping Conference, 2003 Evidence Vs Claim
Curriculum mapping is IT’S ONGOING! NOT STATIC … Curriculum maps serve as the living, breathing, ever-changing, archived and current history of your learning organization!
Curriculum Mapping =Systemic Second-Order Change It is all about “doing business”differently. Please realize up front that teachers and administrators will be learners for some time. As with all learners, new knowledge is bestpresented in small steps… Curriculum = A Path Run In Small Steps
Sustained, systemic changetakes 3 to 5 years tofully implement! Curriculum Mapping is an ongoingprocess, not aprogram! And remember…
Curriculum mapping is not something you add to what you already do. It is a replacement model that means learning a new way of conducting the professional business of teachers improving student learning by designing rigorous, vertically aligned curriculum. The beauty of starting off and moving forward slow, steady, and in small steps is that there will never be an epilogue. (Jacobs, Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping, 2004).