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Graph Algorithms. Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) Union - Find Dana Shapira. Spanning tree. A spanning tree of G is a subset T E of edges, such that the sub-graph G '=( V,T ) is connected and acyclic. Minimum Spanning Tree.
Graph Algorithms Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) Union - Find Dana Shapira
Spanning tree A spanning tree of G is a subset T E of edges, such that the sub-graph G'=(V,T) is connected and acyclic.
Minimum Spanning Tree Given a graph G = (V, E) and an assignment of weights w(e) to the edges of G, a minimum spanning treeT of G is a spanning tree with minimum total edge weight 1 3 3 6 6 9 1 5 7 8 3 2 7 4
How To Build A Minimum Spanning Tree • General strategy: • Maintain a set of edges A such that (V, A) is a spanning forest of G and such that there exists a MST (V, F) of G such that AF. • As long as (V, A) is not a tree, find an edge that can be added to A while maintaining the above property. Generic-MST(G=(V,E)) • A= ; • while (A is not a spanning tree of G) do • choose a safe edge e=(u,v)E • A=A{e} • return A
Cuts A cut (X, Y) of a graph G = (V, E) is a partition of the vertex set V into two sets X and Y = V \ X. An edge (v, w) is said to cross the cut (X, Y) if vX and wY. A cut (X, Y) respectsa set A of edges if no edge in A crosses the cut.
1 9 4 2 3 4 A Cut Theorem Theorem:Let A be a subset of the edges of some minimum spanning tree of G; let (X, Y) be a cut that respects A; and let e be a minimum weight edge that crosses (X, Y). Then A{e} is also a subset of the edges of a minimum spanning tree of G; edge e is safe.
A Cut Theorem A Cut Theorem Theorem:Let A be a subset of the edges of some minimum spanning tree of G; let (X, Y) be a cut that respects A; and let e be a minimum weight edge that crosses (X, Y). Then A{e} is also a subset of the edges of a minimum spanning tree of G; edge e is safe. 1 9 4 2 3 4
A Cut Theorem Theorem:Let A be a subset of the edges of some minimum spanning tree of G; let (X, Y) be a cut that respects A; and let e be a minimum weight edge that crosses (X, Y). Then A{e} is also a subset of the edges of a minimum spanning tree of G; edge e is safe. 12 9 4
A Cut Theorem u e e v f T w(e) ≤ w(f) w(e) ≤ w(f) w(T') ≤ w(T)
Proof: • Let T be a MST such that AT. • If e = (u,v) T, add e to T. • The edge e = (u,v) forms a cycle with edges on the path p from u to v in T. Since u and v are on opposite sides of the cut, there is at least one edge f = (x,y) in T on the path p that also crosses the cut. • f A since the cut respects A. Since f is on the unique path from u to v in T, removing it breaks T into two components. • w(e) ≤ w(f) (why?) • Let T ' = T – {f}{e} w(T ') ≤w(T).
A Cut Theorem Proof: The cut (VC, V–VC) respects A, and e is a light edge for this cut. Therefore, e is safe. Corollary:Let G=(V,E) be a connected undirected graph and A a subset of E included in a minimum spanning tree T for G, and let C=(VC,EC) be a tree in the forest GA=(V,A). If e is a light edge connecting C to some other component in GA, then e is safe for A.
Kruskal’s Algorithm Kruskal(G) 1A←∅ 2for every edge e = (v, w) of G, sorted by weight 3do ifv and w belong to different connected components of (V, A) 4then add edge e to A a a 9 9 1 1 b b d d 3 3 4 4 c c 5 5 (a, d):1 (h, i):1 (c, e):1 (f, h):2 (g, h):2 (b, c):3 (b, f):3 (b, e):4 (c, d):5 (f, g):5 (e, i):6 (d, g):8 (a, b):9 (c, f):12 e e 1 1 12 12 3 3 8 8 6 6 f f 5 5 i i 2 2 g g 2 2 1 1 h h
ei ei Correctness Proof Sorted edge sequence: e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, …, ei, ei + 1, ei + 2, ei + 3, …, en Every edge ej that cross the cut have a weight w(ej) ≥ w(ei). Hence, edge ei is safe.
Union-Find Data Structures • Given a set S of n elements, maintain a partition of S into subsets S1, S2, …, Sk • Support the following operations: • Union(x, y): Replace sets Si and Sj such that xSi and ySj with SiSj in the current partition • Find(x): Returns a member r(Si) of the set Si that contains x • In particular, Find(x) and Find(y) return the same element if and only if x and y belong to the same set. • It is possible to create a data structure that supports the above operations in O(α(n)) amortized time, where α is the inverse Ackermann function.
Kruskal’s Algorithm Using Union-Find Data Structure Kruskal(G,w) A for each vertex vV do Make-Set(v) sort the edges in E in non-decreasing weight order w for each edge (u,v)Edo if Find-Set(u) ≠ Find-Set(v) thenA A {(u,v)} Union(u,v) return A
Kruskal’s Algorithm Using Union-Find Data Structure • Analysis: • O(|E| log |E|) time for everything except the operations on S • Cost of operations on S: • O(α(|E|,|V|)) amortized time per operation on S • |V| – 1 Union operations • |E| Find operations • Total: O((|V| + |E|)α(|E|,|V|)) running time • Total running time: O(|E| lg |E|).
Prim’s Algorithm Prim(G) 1for every vertex v of G 2do label v as unexplored 3for every edge e of G 4do label e as unexplored and non tree edge 5s ← some vertex of G 6 Mark s as visited 7Q← Adj(s) 8whileQ is not empty 9do(u, w) ← DeleteMin(Q) 10if (u, w) is unexplored 11then ifw is unexplored 12then mark edge (u, w) as tree edge 13 mark vertex w as visited 14Insert(Q, Adj(w)) a 9 1 b d 3 4 c 5 e 1 12 3 8 6 f 5 i 2 g 2 1 h
Correctness Proof Observation:At all times during the algorithm, the set of tree edges defines a tree that contains all visited vertices; priority queue Q contains all unexplored edges incident to these vertices. Corollary:Prim’s algorithm constructs a minimum spanning tree of G.
Union/Find • Assumptions: • The Sets are disjoint. • Each set is identified by a representative of the set. • Initial state: • A union/find structure begins with n elements, each considered to be a one element set. • Functions: • Make-Set(x): Creates a new set with element x in it. • Union(x,y): Make one set out of the sets containing x and y. • Find-Set(x): Returns a pointer to the representative of the set containing x.
Basic Notation • The elements in the structure will be numbered 0 to n-1 • Each set will be referred to by the number of one of the element it contains • Initially we have sets S0,S1,…,Sn-1 • If we were to call Union(S2,S4), these sets would be removed from the list, and the new set would now be called either S2 or S4 • Notations: • n Make-Set operations • m total operations • nm
First Attempt • Represent the Union/Find structure as an array arr of n elements • arr[i] contains the set number of element i • Initially, arr[i]=i (Make-Set(i)) • Find-Set(i) just returns the value of arr[i] • To perform Union(Si,Sj): • For every k such that arr[k]=j, set arr[k]=i
Analysis • The worst-case analysis: • Find(i) takes O(1) time • Union(Si,Sj) takes (n) time • A sequence of nUnions will take (n2) time
Second Attempt • Represent the Union/Find structure using linked lists. • Each element points to another element of the set. • The representative is the first element of the set. • Each element points to the representative. • How do we perform Union(Si,Sj)?
Analysis • The worst-case analysis: • Find(i) takes O(1) time • Make-Set(i) takes O(1) time • Union(Si,Sj) takes (n) time (Why?) • A sequence of nUnions-Find will take (n2) time (Example?)
Up-Trees • A simple data structure for implementing disjoint sets is the up-tree. • We visualize each element as a node • A set will be visualized as a directed tree • Arrows will point from child to parent • The set will be referred to by its root H X F A W B R H, A and W belong to the same set. H is the representative X, B, R and F are in the same set. X is the representative
Operations in Up-Trees Follow pointer to representative element. find(x) { if (x≠p(x)) // not the representative then p(x)find(p(x)); return p(x); }
Union • Union is more complicated. • Make one representative element point to the other, but which way?Does it matter?
Union(H, X) H X F X points to H B, R and F are now deeper A W B R H X F H points to X A and W are now deeper A W B R
A worst case for Union Union can be done in O(1), but may cause find to become O(n) A B C D E Consider the result of the following sequence of operations: Union (A, B) Union (C, A) Union (D, C) Union (E, D)
Array Representation of Up-tree • Assume each element is associated with an integer i=0…n-1. From now on, we deal only with i. • Create an integer array, A[n] • An array entry is the element’s parent • A -1 entry signifies that element i is the representative element.
Array Representation of Up-tree Now the union algorithm might be: Union(x,y) { A[y] = x; // attaches y to x } The find algorithm would be find(x) { if (A[x] < 0) return(x); else return(find(A[x])); } Performance: ???
Analysis • Worst case: • Union(Si,Sj) take O(1) time • Find(i) takes O(n) time • Can we do better in an amortized analysis? • What is the maximum amount of time n operations could take us? • Suppose we perform n/2 unions followed by n/2 finds • The n/2 unions could give us one tree of height n/2-1 • Thus the total time would be n/2 + (n/2)(n/2) = O(n2) • This strategy doesn’t really help…
Array Representation of Up-tree • There are two heuristics that improve the performance of union-find. • Union by weight • Path compression on find
Union by Weight Heuristic Make-Set(x) { p(x)x; rank(x)=0; } Always attach smaller tree to larger. union(x,y) { LINK(FIND-Set(x),Find-Set(y)) } LINK(x,y){ if (rank(x) > rank(y)) { p(y)x; else p(x)y; if(rank(x)=rank(y)){ rank(x) = rank(y)+1; } }
Union by Weight Heuristic Let’s change the weight from rank to number of nodes: union(x,y) { rep_x = find(x); rep_y = find(y); if (weight[rep_x] < weight[rep_y]) { A[rep_x] = rep_y; weight[rep_y] += weight[rep_x]; } else { A[rep_y] = rep_x; weight[rep_x] += weight[rep_y]; } }
Implementation • Still represent this with an array of n nodes • If element i is a “root node”, then arr[i]= -s, where s is the size of that set. • Otherwise, arr[i] is the index of i’s “parent” • If arr[i] < arr[j], then set arr[i] to arr[i]+arr[j] and set arr[j]to i • Else, set arr[j] to arr[i]+arr[j] and set arr[j] to i
Implementation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -2 -1 8 1 0 8 0 2 3 4 2 7 4 4 6 5 9 8 -7 7
Performance w/ Union by Weight • If unions are done by weight, the depth of any element is never greater than lg N. • Initially, every element is at depth zero. • When its depth increases as a result of a union operation (it’s in the smaller tree), it is placed in a tree that becomes at least twice as large as before (union of two equal size trees). • How often can each union be done? -- lg n times, because after at most lg n unions, the tree will contain all n elements. • Therefore, find becomes O(lg n) when union by weight is used.
New Bound on h Theorem:Assume we start with a Union/Find structure where each set has 1 node, and perform a sequence of Weighted Unions. Then any tree T of m nodes has a height no greater than log2 m.
Proof • Base case: If m=1, then this is clearly true • Assumption: Assume it is true for all trees of size m-1 or less • Proof: Let T be a tree of m nodes created by a sequence of Weighted Unions. Consider the last union: Union(Sj,Sk). Assume Sj is the smaller tree. If Sjhas a nodes, then Skhas m-a nodes, and 1 a m/2.
Proof (continued) • The height of T is either: • The height of Tk • One more than the height of Tj • Since a m-a m-1, the assumptions applies to both Tkand Tj • If T has the height of Tk, then h log2(m-a) log2m • If T is one greater than the height of Tj: h log2a+1 log2m/2)+1 log2m
Example • Is the bound tight? • Yes: “pair them off” • Union(S0,S1), Union(S2,S3), Union(S4,S5), Union(S6,S7), Union(S0,S2), Union(S4,S6), Union(S0,S4) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Example 0 2 4 6 1 3 5 7
Example 0 4 1 2 5 6 3 7
Example 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7
Analysis • Worst case: • Union is still O(1) • Find is now O(log n) • Amortized case: • A “worst amortized case” can be achieved if we perform n/2 unions and n/2 finds • Take O(n log n) time • Conclusion: This is better, but we can improve it further
Path Compression • Each time we do a find on an element x, we make all elements on path from root to x be immediate children of root by making each element’s parent be the representative. find(x) { if (A[x]<0) return(x); A[x] = find(A[x]); return (A[x]); } • When path compression is done, a sequence of m operations takes O(m lg n) time. Amortized time is O(lg n) per operation.
Find(7) 0 0 1 2 4 1 2 4 6 7 3 5 6 3 5 7
Analysis • The worst case analysis does not change • In fact, we are going to have to increase the worst-case time of Find by a constant factor • The amortized analysis does get better • we need to define Ackerman’s function
Performance with Both Optimizations • When both optimizations are performed, for a sequence of m operations (m n) (unions and finds), it takes no more than O(m lg* n) time. • lg*n is the iterated (base 2) logarithm of n. The number of times you take lg n before n becomes 1. • Example: • lg*16=3 • lg*65536=4 • lg*265536=5 • Union-find is essentially O(m) for a sequence of m operations (Amortized O(1)).