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MyLearningPlan. Using MyLearningPlan to document Professional Development Points For Relicensure in Kansas Toni McKee, Summer 2014. This is a PowerPoint Presentation. To view it you may need to click or tap to progress through the slides. IMPORTANT.
MyLearningPlan Using MyLearningPlan to documentProfessional Development Points For Relicensure in Kansas Toni McKee, Summer 2014
This is a PowerPoint Presentation. To view it you may need to click or tap to progress through the slides.
IMPORTANT • It is a State Requirement that the college hours you have earned receive approval of your Professional Development Council. • These may be entered into MLP using the College Hours Form.
AND: • You must complete a new Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) each five years when you have been issued a new license. • This date usually corresponds to your date of birth.
Check It Out! • http://www.ksde.org • **note: The State no longer sends your License to you through the mail. Now you print your own License from the KSDE site. Your employer has access to this information, as well.
If you have any questions about licensure in Kansas or the appropriate forms to be completed when you apply for, or renew a license, you will find the answers on the KSDE website. • Contact information for the Licensure Department is also provided on the KSDE website.
Don’t Let Your License Expire!!! Expense of Renewal Increases Significantly: - Fingerprints (cost varies, sheriff’s department) Must obtain fingerprint card from KSDE - Background Check: $50.00 fee - Renewal Fee (Effective September 1, 2014) is $70.00 - If you haven’t taken the State Teacher Proficiency Exam, you will have to take it. - All costs for relicensure are the responsibility of the applicant. - Cannot receive full pay if license isn’t current.
Transcripts • An Official Transcript from each Higher Education Institution attended, including all hours earned toward the degree must be attached to the application form. • Your Official Professional Development Transcript must also be attached if you are using PD points to renew.
What is an Official Transcript? • An Official Transcript is issued from the College Registrar’s Office in a sealed envelope that must not be opened by anyone other than KSDE Licensure Personnel. • The sealed envelope can be sent to the applicant, who should write their name on the outside of the unopened envelope before sending it to SCKSEC.
Signatures • The application form will need signatures from the college department of education, the director or superintendent, as well as your own. Some colleges send all the paperwork in for you (initial license). • Check www.ksde.orgfor status once the application has been sent in. (Go to License Lookup.) • KEEP COPIES!!!!!Sometimes things do get lost.
Renewal of Bachelor’s Degree License • State requires 160 points • 80 of those points must be college credits • (1 college hour is worth 20 PD points.) • The remaining 80 points may be either four college credits (hours), or 80 PD points.
Renewal of Master’s Degree License • State requires 120 points • (1 college hour is worth 20 PD points) • These points can be any combination of professional development points, college hours, or both. • http://www.ksde.org • Form 3a
Graduate Experience Renewal • Check your license for a five-year graduate experience renewal. If you have one, it will appear on the license you view online at KSDE. This can be used to renew for five years without taking coursework or using PD points. • These are good to keep as an ‘insurance policy’.
Using Professional Development Points To Renew: • In addition to the Official Transcript from the college(s), a Professional Development Transcript, signed by yourself, an administrator of the district (or cooperative), and the PDC chairperson must be sent in with the completed application. • Each transcript must be in a sealed envelope.
Earning Professional Development Points 1. Knowledge Points: “Sit and Get” One (1) point for each hour of InService/Training 2. Application Points: Use what you learned to work with students. Knowledge Points x2 3. Impact Points: Long-term Documentation of the impact of the strategy on student(s) growth. Knowledge Points x3
Example: • Attended 6 hour InService for Academy of Math = • 6 knowledge points • Applied information learned at InService = • 6 knowledge points x2 = 12 points • Documented Impact of Academy of Math on students = • 6 knowledge points x 3 = 18 points • When added together, 6 + 12 + 18 = 36 points. • Remember that 20 PD points = 1 college credit.
MyLearningPlan • http://www.mylearningplan.com • The program used by SCKSEC to document Professional Development Points is • MyLearningPlan.
Log into http://www.mylearningplan.com • If you do not have information to log in, contact the Assistant Director who is a member of the PD Council. Currently, that is Marsha Evenson: marsha.evenson@scksec.com • You will probably be given your SCKSEC email address for the username. • The password will probably be SCK605(1st and last name initials) • Example: username: joe.snow@scksec.com password: SCK605js For security, you may wish to change the password only. Make certain it is one you will remember!
MLP Menu The menu is along the left side of the screen. This is where you will make the selection for the form(s) you wish to enter, and to look at your portfolio of points, or you may print a PDF Transcript from this menu.
After your login information has been set up, you will need to share the effective and expiration dates of your current license with SCKSEC and ask that they be entered into your MyLearningPlan account. This has to be done by an administrator of MyLearningPlan. (There is a menu choice for you to do this, BUT IT WILL NOT BE SAVED BY MLP if not entered by admin.)
IPDP Form This form is gray. The first form you must enter is the IPDP Form. (Individual Professional Development Plan) This plan is a long-term plan spanning the length of your license and will need to be completed each time you are issued a new license, usually every five years.
You will select goals on this form that you intend to achieve during the five years it is in effect. All of us are required to participate in Professional Development if we hold a professional teaching license. If the IPDP Form is not completed and submitted, the points you submit will not flow through the program for approval. Your License usually expires on your date of birth. ** Some of us earn CEU’s instead, and are not required to follow this avenue for renewal (one example would be a SLP who does not hold a teaching license.)
Request Points: Knowledge Form The Request Points: Knowledge Form is GREEN. The knowledge form is the first training form to complete when you plan to attend an activity for which you choose to document PD points. The points obtained for this form are usually new information that you may be utilizing to help students achieve their IEP goals. Do not include hours for lunch in the total hours of the activity unless you were actually being trained (working lunch) during that time. ** Be sure to check the appropriate box for the purpose of the activity on each of these forms. The choices are RELICENSURE or ENDORSEMENT.
Knowledge Form (cont.) All the required fields* must be completed, then submit the form by clicking the submit button at the bottom of the page. After you have attended the activity, mark the form complete, near the bottom of the form, then submit the form (again). When you view your portfolio these activities will show up as ‘pending approval, awaiting final approval, or completed’ as they pass through the approval process. The approval process may take two to three months to complete, so try to enter your activities ASAP, especially if your license renewal is coming up soon. For each hour spent in training, one point of Professional Development is awarded.
Request Points: Application Form This form is filled out AFTER the Knowledge Form has been submitted and approved. (Second Training Form, used when the knowledge you gained in training is used with students) This form is GRAY. The Application Form is used to document that you have instructed students, using the new information you gained from the training you attended. This form should be completed after one or two months of implementing the new instruction with students, and you should be prepared to share student products, pre-testing, or other forms of data to show that you are using the information from the training. This form is similar to the Knowledge Form. Complete all required fields* and follow the same procedures to submit the form and mark it complete. Submit the form again. The PD points earned for application are equal to 2X the earned Knowledge Points for this activity.
Request Points: Impact Form This form is the THIRD Training Form and is used AFTER the Knowledge and Application Forms have been submitted and approved. This Form is GRAY. The Impact Form is used to document the progress of the students you have instructed using the information from the training you attended. This form should be completed after at least eighteen weeks of instruction with the same students has occurred. Be prepared to show pre- and post-test results, and/or any other data that shows how the instruction impacted student progress. A teacher’s reflection of the progress is also helpful. This form is similar to the Knowledge Form. Complete all required fields and follow the same procedures to submit the form and mark it complete. Then submit the form (again). The PD points earned for Impact are equal to 3X the earned Knowledge Points for this activity.
College Hours Form Use this form for approval of college hours ONLY! The College Hours Form is YELLOW and ORANGE. The form is very similar to the Knowledge, Application, and Impact Forms, so check to be certain that you have the right form! Filling the form out is also similar to filling out the other forms. Be sure to check the box by Purpose of Activity appropriately. Choices are ‘Endorsement’ or ‘Relicensure’. Complete the form, submit it, and upon completion of the college course, go back in and mark the form complete, then submit it again for approval.
Service to the Profession Form The Service to the Profession Form is GRAY. The Service to the Profession Form is used to document book studies, videos, meetings you attend (such as SCKSEC or District PreService, or some InService Trainings) that are related to working with students or in the school setting, but not specifically related to teaching methods. If you are a presenter and wish to earn points for presenting, use the Service to the Profession Form. **KSDE prefers that the date(s) for each of these activities are listed separately. An example would be turning in SIT (RTI) meetings. List the date and time for each meeting attended, or fill out a new form for each one. The Service to the Profession Form is submitted one time each year, usually in May. One point is awarded for each hour turned in for these entries.
Credits Information for this presentation was obtained from these resources: Kansas Department of Education http://www.ksde.org SCKSEC Professional Development Plan MyLearningPlan mylearningplan.com