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Genitives of Quantity and Description

Genitives of Quantity and Description. Genitives we already know. Helena erat filia Aristonis . Helena was the daughter of Aristo. villa Salviī est in Britianniā. The house of Salvius is in Britian. These uses of the genitive show: possession. Genitive of Quantity.

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Genitives of Quantity and Description

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  1. Genitives of Quantity and Description

  2. Genitives we already know • Helena erat filia Aristonis. Helena was the daughter of Aristo. • villa Salviī est in Britianniā. The house of Salvius is in Britian. • These uses of the genitive show: possession

  3. Genitive of Quantity • Memor satis vinī non habet. Memor does not have enough of wine. (enough wine) • Memor nimium laboris habet. Memor has too much of work. (too much work) • Memor multum cibī habet. Memor has much of food. (much food) • Memor plus pecuniae vult. Memor wants more of money. (more money) • miles nihil periculī intellexit. The soldier knew nothing of danger.

  4. Genitive of Quantity • The Genitive of Quantity is made up of 2 nouns • The first noun is a quantity word • The second of those nouns is actually in the genitive case. • Only one of those nouns is in the genitive.

  5. Genitive of Description • is est homo minimae prudentiae. He is a man of little wisdom. • hic est iuvenis vigintī annorum. This is a young man of 20 years. (He’s 20 yrs. old.) • Memor fabulam huius modī amat. Memor likes a story of this kind. • ea est femina magnae dignitatis. She is a woman of great dignity.

  6. Genitive of Description • The Genitive of Description is made up of 2 genitive words • The first is an adjective • The second is a noun • Bothare in the genitive.

  7. Exempla • Salvius, vir magnae auctoritatis, thermis appropinquat. Salvius, a man of great authority, approaches the baths. • Latro erat vir magnae diligentiae sed minimae prudentiae. Latro was a man of great diligence but little prudence. • difficile est mihi Cogidubnum sanare quod est vir octoginta annorum. • It is difficult for me to heal Cdub because he is a man of 80 years.

  8. Plus Exemplorum • Bulbus, iuvenis vigintī annorum, Guttae consilium optimum proposuit. Bulbus, a young man of 20 years, proposed the best plan to Gutta. • fabulas huius modi audire nolo. I do not want to hear stories of this kind. • architectus, vir summae dignitatis, te exspectat. The architect, a man of the greatest dignity, is expecting you.

  9. Plus Exemplorum • Memor satis sapientiae non habet. Memor does not have enough of wisdom. • Hercules est vir maximae virtutis. Hercules is a man of the greatest manliness.

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