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Addressing Chronic Absenteeism 2013-2014. Administrative Services 2013-2014. Chronic Absenteeism 2013-2014. Key Terms. A v era g e Da ily A tt e nd a n c e : T h e pe rc en t ag e o f en r o lle d s t uden ts w h o a t t en d sc h oo l e a ch d a y .
Addressing Chronic Absenteeism 2013-2014 Administrative Services 2013-2014
Key Terms AverageDailyAttendance:Thepercentageof enrolledstudentswhoattendschooleachday. SatisfactoryAttendance:Missing5%orlessof schoolinanacademicyear. ChronicAbsence:Missing10%ormoreof school inan academicyear forany reason—excusedor unexcused. SevereChronicAbsence:Missing20%or more daysofschoolperyear–approximatelytwo monthsofschool. Truancy:InCalifornia,this means missing3daysofschool or being tardy more than 30 minutes without a valid excuse. (truancy is defined by each state.)
When90%Doesn’tEarnan“A” StudentsWhoMissMoreThan 10%Of SchoolAreAtGraveRisk ChronicAbsence (=>10%absence) 0-90% WarningSigns (<10%but>5%absence) 91-94% SatisfactoryAttendance (=<5%absence) 95%+ Emergency:=>20%absence 4
StudentsChronicallyAbsentin Kindergarten& 1stGradeMuchLess Likelyto ReadProficientlyin3rdGrade PercentStudentsScoringProficientorAdvancedon3rd Grade ELABasedonAttendanceinKindergartenand1st Grade 100% 80% 64% 60% 43% 41% 40% 17% 20% 0% Noattendancerisks Smallattendancerisks Moderateattendancerisks Highattendancerisks 5 Source:AppliedSurveyResearch&AttendanceWorks(April2011)
ChronicallyAbsent 6thGradersHave LowerGraduationRates DropoutRates bySixthGradeAttendance (BaltimoreCityPublicSchools,1990-2000SixthGrade Cohort) Severely Chronically Absent Not Chronically Absent Chronically Absent 9 Source:BaltimoreEducationResearchConsortium SY2009-2010
9thGradeAttendancePredicts GraduationforStudentsof All EconomicBackgrounds Needtorecolorchart Note: ThisChicagostudyfoundattendancewasa stronger graduationpredictorthan8thgradetest scores. 10 Source:Allensworth&Easton,WhatMattersforStayingOn-Trackand Graduatingin ChicagoPublicSchools,Consortiumon ChicagoSchoolResearch atU ofC,July2007
Great attendance in Kindergarten is the pathway to great academic success! • MY CHILD'S ATTENDANCE GOAL: Last year, my child was present 157days. My child was absent 18 days (89 %). My child's current attendance rate is 91%(absent 6 days out of 65.) To be ready for 1st grade, my goal is to improve my child's attendance rate by 6% (89 + 6= 95). • TO IMPROVE MY CHILD’S ATTENDANCE I CAN COMMIT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. Attends 174 days out of 180 days absent 6 days 96.6% attendance rate 2. 173 7 96.1% 3. 172 8 95.5% 4. 171 9 95.0% POSSIBLE STRATEGIES TO REACH YOUR CHILD’SATTENDANCE GOAL: • I will keep an attendance chart at home. At the end of the week, I will reward my child for attending school every day with ______ (i.e. a visit to the park, extra video game time, a special treat). • I will make sure my child is in bed by ____ p.m. and the alarm clock is set for ____ a.m. • If my child consistently complains of a stomach or head ache, I will send him/her to school anyway and call the school nurse/health clerk so that he/she can check in with him/her during the school day. • If my child has a cold but no fever (less than 100 degrees), I will send him/her to school anyway. If I don’t have a thermometer, I will purchase or borrow one. • I will find a relative, friend, or neighbor who can take my child to school if I can’t or if he/she misses the bus. • If my child is absent, I will contact his/her teacher to find out how he/she can make up missed schoolwork. • I will set medical and dental appointments for weekdays after 3:30 pm.