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THEMIS: Tail Reconnection triggering substorm onset.
THEMIS: Tail Reconnectiontriggering substorm onset • Vassilis Angelopoulos, James P. McFadden, Davin Larson, Charles W. Carlson, Stephen B. Mende, Harald Frey, Tai Phan, David G. Sibeck, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Uli Auster, Eric Donovan, Ian R. Mann, I. Jonathan Rae, Christopher T. Russell, Andrei Runov, Xu-Zhi Zhou, Larry Kepko Also: Thanks to Sabine Frey for the orbits/designand Sergey Apatenkov for SCW modeling • Mission overview, and the substorm problem • Overview and event selection • Event #1 2008-02-26 (reconnection onset) • Other events (2008-02-16, 22: reconnection onset) • Counter example: 2008-01-29 • Substorm Picture Revis(it)ed • Remaining questions
CurrentDisruption Z Reconnection AuroralEruption X X Y Introduction: Definitions Substorms, the three main elements Courtesy: Pulkkinen & Wiltberger X Y Courtesy: H. Frey
dJ dJ dJ FP FC FB The current disruption region: Ballooning Roux et al., 1985 • Three plasma forces in equilibrium: • FCurvature+FPlasma+FBfield =0 • Assume dV undulation • If dFp> dFC it grows • Plasma expelled • Linear instability criterion is: • 0 < kC < kP(2+b)/4 • kC, kP, kB : inverse scale sizes • b<2 and kC low enough: • 6<R<10 RE • Mode stable in linear MHD regime… • …but unstable in the non-linear (right) ,in the Hall-MHD and fully kinetic regimes Earth Tail Horton et al., 2005
The current disruption region:A zoo of instabilities WHERE: fci = proton gyrofrequency; fLH = lower hybrid frequency Lcs= current sheet thickness; Lpx= pressure gradient scale size ri = proton gyroradius; vA = Alfvén speed
The reconnection (Rx) regionThe phenomenon • Rapid release of magnetic energy into plasma energy • Performed by acceleration and heating of outflow plasma • Rate depends on local Alfvén speed and outflow capability • Proposed at the Sun and later in the magnetosphere • Plasma resistivity alone is too low to explain fast onset, but… • Petschek showed that shock formation around Rx linemakes the rate insensitive to the value of the resistivity
Electron skin depth: Ion skin depth: Electron beta: The reconnection (Rx) region…the phenomenon • Reconnection rate depends on external flow coupling to whistler waves • Whistlers control reconnection rate as they mediate electron physics to ion outflow • Rate insensitive to simulation model as long as whistler mode is accounted for • Hall MHD is adequate for rate regardless of term is responsible for collisionless resistivity Electronpressure Electron inertia Hall term Alfvén waves Whistler waves Dispersive Alfvén waves Pritchett and Coroniti, 2001
A simpler task: Distinguish BetweenTwo Models for Substorm Onset Magnetic Reconnection: Explosion at 25RE Current Disruption: Implosion at 10RE
: Ground Based Observatory THEMIS Mission elements Probe conjunctions along Sun-Earth line recur once per 4 days over North America. … while THEMIS’s space-based probes determine onset of Current Disruption and Reconnection each within <10s. Ground based observatories completely cover North American sector; determine auroral breakup within 1-3s …
EFIs EFIa SCM ESA BGS SST Operations UCB FGM Tspin=3s Instrument I&T UCB Ground Mission overview D2925-10 @ CCAS Release Probe instruments: ESA: ElectroStatic Analyzer(coIs: Carlson and McFadden)SST: Solid State Telescopes (coI: Larson)FGM: FluxGate Magnetometer(coIs: Glassmeier, Auster & Baumjohann)SCM: SearchCoil Magnetometer (coI: Roux) EFI: Electric Field Instrument (coI: Bonnell) Encapsulation & launch Mission I&T UCB
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 TH-B TH-C TH-D TH-E TH-A 2007-03-23 2007-06-03 Launch=2007-02-17 YGSE 2007-07-15 XGSE 2007-08-30 2007-12-04 First 10 months Angelopoulos, 2008 Space Sci. Rev. Submitted
TH-B TH-C TH-D TH-E TH-A P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 First year baseline orbit YGSE Dayside 12008-08-08 XGSE Tail 12008-02-02 Angelopoulos, 2008 Space Sci. Rev. Submitted
Feb-26 Jan-29 1st Tail Neutral Sheet Crossings • Orbit was a North-South scan. As a result: • P1, P2 at 30 and 20 RE saw tailward flows/beams only when dZNS<1RE • When P1, P2 had 5RE >dZNS >1RE they observed classical NFTEs at onset • Earthward flows are more frequent than tailward (plasma sheet expansion) • Energetic particle beams were not observed (though we planned for them) • A number of events (Feb. 16 to Mar. 1) are amenable to timing 1st tail season (Jan-Mar 2008) Feb-26 Mar-01 Feb-22 Feb-18 Feb-14 Feb-10 Feb-6 Jan-29 Feb-2 Midnight Pre-midnight
x Substorm study on Feb 26, 2008 Probe locations 2008-02-26 04:50UT P3 P1 P2 P4 P5 y
First Event Second Event
First Event Second Event
Pi2 Signatures First Event Second Event
First Event P1 P1 (TH-B) P2 (TH-C)
Second Event Tail substorm signatures: Flows, Reconnection, Dipolarization
Middle Panels: Transformation to • deHoffman-Teller frame • Bottom panels:Walen test of stress balance • Caveats: • Need to include energetic particle contribution to velocity • Aliasing from temporal variations
Middle Panels: Transformation to • deHoffman-Teller frame • Bottom panels:Walen test of stress balance • Caveats: • Need to include energetic particle contribution to velocity • Aliasing from temporal variations • Note: When peak velocity considered • match to Alfven speed is better
Combined substorm signaturesfor the second event: AE, Pulsations, Aurora
TRx 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 3rd 3rd TAI TCD Timing of ground and space:
A different opinion:2008-01-29 [Lui et al, 2008] P5 P1 P2 Velocity P3 P4 P5 P1 P2 Flows P3 P4
P1 (TH-B) Detail 2008-01-29 Vz < 0 means Northward, Toward the neutral sheet Negative Bz impliestailward moving flux rope, near neutral sheet.
2008-Feb-16 event Liu et al., 2008
2008-Feb-22 event Gabrielse et al., 2008
2008-Mar-01 event Runov et al., 2008
2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd Summary Note: this is not the classical time sequence: Aurora brightens before near Earth dipolarization This holds true on several events considered Outside-In model Inside out model Reconnection Aurora Current Disruption THEMIS finds:
Caveats Caveats on Feb 26 event: • The plasma sheet was cold (Ti ~ 1keV) and dense (1/cc) • Communication speeds slow: perhaps reason for the long delays? • The first onset (0400 UT) might not be an isolated substorm (TBD). • Have requested Greenland mags and will collate KUUJ data Caveat on all 1st tail season events: • There have been no events with 4 probes exactly at the neutral sheet • No simultaneous observations of reconnection outflows and current disruption Remedy: • Second tail season • Reconfigured orbit to result in more neutral sheet encounters 2009 four-probe conjunctions: Nominal criteria: dzNS < 5 Re 63h+100h+93h=256h (comparable to 2008) Near neutral sheet: dzNS < 2 Re: 43h+ 95h+37h=175h Exactly at neutral sheet: dzNS < 1 Re: 30h+ 63h+10h=103h
Open Questions • How does Rx communicate with and power aurora so fast (96s)? • What preconditions tail to reconnect? • Spontaneous tearing? • Driven by ballooning or KH instabilities and cross-scale coupling? • How can mapping be so distorted? • Need to model stretching using THEMIS data for validation (MHD, Tsyganenko) • Non-monotonic flux tube volume evolution vs. distance ought to be sources of current? • Consequences of tail stretching for tail stability, particle dynamics and wave growth?