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This report analyzes the digital divide in Italy and the trends in internet access, content and communication, interests on the internet, and interaction of individuals. It also identifies different clusters within the Italian population based on their cultural consumption and use of technology.
The Axes Culture (+) Technology (+) Technology (-) Culture (-) Impact on purchases and fruition
2007 2008 2009 Digital Divide in Italy Mainly individuals up to 44 years old, medium-high education and salary. Officers, managers, directors or students 23% 11.6 mil. 14.5 mil. 28% heavy users 17,7 mil. 34% Mainly individuals up to 54 years old, medium-low education and salary. Employees, workers, traders. 12.7 mil. 25% medium/light 11.4 mil. 22% users 21% 10,7 mil. Mainly individuals over 55 years old, low education and salary. Housewives and pensioners. South of Italy residents. 52% 26.6 mil. 25.7 mil. 50% no users 23,1 mil. 45% Base: Tot. Population: 14 yrs old or over 2007-2008-2009
Internet accessSocio-demo Trend 2007/2009 by sex-age % individuals connecting to the internet +12pp +11pp +11pp Base: Tot. Population, 14 yrs old or more 2007-2008-2009
Content and communication on the netTrend 2007/2009 % surfing at least once a week Absolute growth was 1,6% +30pp +8pp +8pp +7pp 2007 Data NA 2007 Data NA Base: individuals connecting to the internet within the 3 yrs
Interests on the net Trend 2008/2009 % of those interested in a topic Base: Connecting to the internet 2008 and 2009
Who interacts on the internetTrend 2008/2009 2008 2009 Number of topics of interest on the internet % of individuals interacting in at least one topic Interaction means: actively participating into discussions, adding content like comments, musical or audiovisual files, pictures Base: Connecting to the internet 2008 and 2009 Base: Connecting to the internet and interested in at least one topic 2008 and 2009
The Italians’ “passions” Heavy users Medium/light users No user 31 22 21 19 14 14 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 3 % answering: “it’s my passion” ITALY 21 15 12 12 7 Listening to music Going to the movies Watching TV Reading books Always on the news and watching films Base: Tot. Population 14 yrs old or more
What Italians could easily do without Trend 2008/2009 2008 2009 % answering “I am not interested, I could easily do without” 49 43 34 34 25 23 19 18 16 14 Going to the movies Watching TV Reading books Always on the news Listening to music and watching films Base: Tot. Population 14 yrs old or more
Reading books % readers of at least one book in the last 12 months 31 mil. individuals 29 mil. individuals 60 56 2008 2009 Base: Tot. Population > 14 yrs old
Barycenter, map in 2007 Culture (+) Technology (-) Technology (+) 2007 Culture (-)
2007-2009: the Barycenter moves Culture (+) Technology (-) Technology (+) 2007 2009 Culture (-)
Cluster 2007 Culture (+) Eclectics 7.4 Mil. (14%) Sophisticated 6.9 Mil. (13%) Traditionals 12.3 Mil. (24%) Technological Avanguarde Traditional Matrix Technology (+) Technology (-) TV People15.5 Mil. (31%) Technofan 8.9 mil. (17%) Culture (-) Base: Tot. Popolazione con 14 anni o più
The clusters An integrated vision of scenario data on new technologies and cultural consumption identifies 5 different clusters within Italian population: • TV mass consumption and low cultural fruition TV People • Moderate cultural fruition and use of traditional technologies Traditionalists • Strong cultural consumption and moderate traditional technology Sophisticated • Strong disposition towards new technologies and firm inclination towards consumption of cultural and entertainment content, Pc and web oriented Eclectics • Highly technological, devoted primarily to an exclusive playful use of new technologies Technofan • the 30 % of population with greater technological (Eclectics and Technofan) can be sub-divided in two groups, similar on the socio-demo level, but extremely dishomogeneous on the cultural consumption level (those differences are more prominent as compared to those in the less “technological” groups) • The classical segmentation variables are not sufficient to interpretthe relation between technological attitude and consumption of cultural and entertainment content • Compared to traditional media, new technologies tend to amplify the differences in terms of attitude towards consumption
Life passions(variation index vs Italian average) Culture (+) Eclectics Sophisticated Traditionalists Technofan TV People Technology (-) Technology (+) Culture (-) Base: Tot. Population of 14 yrs old or more
Purchase of at least 1 type of content(variation index vs Italian average) Culture (+) Eclectics Sophisticated Traditionalists TV People Technofan Technology (+) Technology (-) Culture (-) Base: Tot. Population of 14 yrs old or more
Cluster2009 Eclectics 6.5 Mil. 12% Traditionalists 11.6 Mil. 22% TV People14.7 Mil. 28% Technofan 13.9 mil. 27% Culture (+) Sophisticated 5.3 Mil. 10% -2% -3% Traditional Matrix Technological Avanguarde -2% Technology (+) Technology (-) -3% +10% Culture (-) Base: Tot. Population of 14 yrs old or more
The Communities Culture (+) Technology (+) Technology (-) Culture (-) Forum literature Google results 30-05-07 1.680.000 15-07-09 1.470.000 Forum Soccer Google results 30-05-07 1.940.000 15-07-09 4.850.000
Young technofans % technofan individuals 14-24 yrs old 58% of young people between 14 and 24 yrs old are technofans 3,8 million individuals Base: Tot. Young people 14-24 yrs old
What young people could easily do without Trend 2008/2009 % “I am not interested, I could easily do without..” Base: Tot. Population 14-19 yrs old
A Technoday for young people: morning afternoon IN PARALLEL AND SECRETLY Facebook Surfing on entertaining/fun websites FACEBOOK AND EMAIL CHECK LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR RELAXATION LISTEN TO THE NEWS TO BE UPDATED AND CONNECT WITH THE WHOLE WORLD READ NEWS ONLINE (Corriere - Repubblica - Gazzetta) CHECK AND START OF FILM DOWNLOADING (FOR THE EVENING) LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR RELAXATION MINIMUM INFORMATION/NEWS Reads headlines on front page, horoscope, cinema, events in the city, sport (esp for males) DUTIES Check of mail Download of files Outlook and Excel work related websites Scanning and photocopying WAKE-UP CALL ALWAYS ON AS SOUNDTRACK WHILE LISTENING TO THE NEWS SPEEDY MSN Not to waste time and mainly to organise the evening CHECK TEXT MESSAGES THE LESSON GOOD MORNING FOR LOVERS CHECK HOROSCOPE GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENT Free press (on public transport) Moving iPod /Itouch (on byke & walking) Home Corriere/Repubblica (at bar) Computer (in the office) mobile phone Study-Work Scanner (in the office) Computer Notebooks (in college) mobile phone TV iTouch mobile phone Radio (in the car) DUTY AS A BACKGROUND COMPANY SAFETY & POSITIVENESS THE FREE MOMENT while on duty PLEASANT INTIMACY COMMITMENT-SERIOUSNESS CURIOSITY – FIRST PLEASURE ORGANISATION OF THE DAY LISTENING TO ONE-SELF, IDENTITY: I AM MUSIC RECHARGING THROUGH RYTHM AND SOUNDS FUN BEFORE DUTY – NEED OF LIGHTNESS WITHIN THE SERIOUS “FORMAT” “STOLEN PLEASURE” (Facebook Aand private email) ONGOING UPDATE The ANTI-BOREDOM PF THE LESSON with mandatory attendance
HOME ALONE: WATCH THE DOWNLOADED FILM OR THE Emotional involvement with the heroes and their stories A Technoday for young people: afternoonevening AT THE SAME TIME WITH TV: MULTITASKING USE Facebook, email, chats, games, Making comments, watching pictures, gossip, minding other people’s business, surfing through the news + LISTEN/DOWNLOAD MUSIC AT THE SAME TIME WITH TV AND PC: THE PHONE, TO HEAR THE BELOVED VOICE ALONE FUN AND GAMES (Facebook) HAVE FUN WITH THE QUIZ while waiting for the news… THE COUPLE AT HOME WATCHING TV TV-series or, less frequently, films FOLLOWING THE NEWS at dinner with the parents of alone, while preparing dinner AT OWN HOME OR AT FRIENDS’ Meeting among males A complet detach The show starts and goes on ‘til late OUT OF THE HOUSE to be safe and to make parents relax LISTEN, ELAX AND THINK AT HOME WATCHING TV Entertainment shows Mind’s automatic “Switch-off” A MINORITY With a book on the bed, while waiting for dinner to be ready IN BED mobile phone (cinema, bars, friend’s house) Computer Computer Moving iPod (on byke & walking) Home After dinner TV and book mobile phone TV Play / Wii Book Radio (in the car) SHARING: JUMP IN RELATIONS, EXTENSION TO FRIENDSHIP, AFFECTIONS, CURIOSITY, FUN, ORGANISATION ANTIPANIC SAFETY ORGANISATION PURE RELAX ABANDONMENT INERZIA COMPANY AND RELAX BACKGROUND SERENE CONCENTRATION LIBERATING EXPLOSION PURE FUN AND CHALLENGE EMOTIONS LIVING AS PROTAGONISTS: IDENTIFICATION AND PROJECTION DISTENSIONE e EUFORIA per la fine del dovere - LA MENTE IN AVANTI E LA VOGLIA DI TORNARE A CASA BOOK as EVASION EVASION BEFORE DREAMING
Music Trend 2007/2009 % “declaring” purchase of original cd and musical dvd, during the year % “declared” purchased quantity 2007 2008 2009 49 57 55 50 41 35 How many? 27 25 24 14 12 11 9 8 21 mil. 25 mil. 18 mil. 7 Less than 3 More than 10 Btw 4 & 5 Btw 6 & 10 Base: Tot Population 14 yrs old or more in the 3 yrs Base: buyers – last 3 yrs
Film Purchase - DVDTrend 2008/2009 % “declaring” purchase of original non musical dvd, during the year % “declared” purchased quantity 2008 2009 27 22 How many? 14 mil. 12 mil. Base: Tot Population 14 yrs old or more in the 2 yrs Base: Those who purchased of DVD in the last 12 months
Film – Rental DVDTrend 2008/2009 % “declaring” rental of original non musical dvd, during the year % “declared” rental quantity 2008 2009 25 20 How many? 13 mil. 10 mil. Base: Tot Population 14 yrs old or more in the 2 yrs Base: Those who rented DVD in the last 12 months
Film - CinemaTrend 2008/2009 % “declaring” cinema attendance during the year % “declared” frequency of cinema attendance 2008 2009 50 47 How many times? 25,6 mil. 24,3 mil. Base: Those who went to the cinema in the last 12 months Base: Tot Population 14 yrs old or more in the 2 yrs
BooksTrend 2008/2009 % “declaring” a purchase of at least one book during the year % “declared” quantity of books purchased 2008 2009 48 45 How many? 25 mil. 23 mil. Base: Those who purchased books in the last 12 months Base: Tot Population 14 yrs old or more in the 2 yrs
Opinions on technologies % answering “I agree very much” 2007 NA 2007 NA 2008 NA Base: Tot. Population 14 yrs old or more 2007 2008 and 2009
25% of the Italians is ready to pay for those items/content now available for free How much will you be interested in... (% answering: very much, more, average) 7,5 millions of individuals 7 millions of individuals 3 millions of individuals Base: Connecting to internet – 28 mil.
Differences between Eclectics and technofan How much will you be interested in... (% answering: very much, more, average) Italia Technofan Eclectics 38 36 26 27 27 26 15 12 12 Buy a subscription to an on-line service providing unlimited access to films Buy a subscription to an on-line service providing unlimited access to music Buy a subscription to a mobile service providing unlimited access to music Base: Connecting to internet – 28 mil.
L’e-book % Absolutely yes % Probably yes Will you read on the screen of…… 4 mil individuals 1,8 mil Individuals 14 Study/Work book 4 28 13 Computer screen mobile 1,7 mil Individuals 9 thousands Individuals 6 2 Entertainment book 17 10 Computer screen mobile Base: Computer User 29 mil. Base: Mobile User 45 mil.
Final food for thought • Analysing the relation between new technologies and content fruition, two opposite dynamics emerge: • The first one, positive, in which technology serves as a stimulus/opportunity, thanks to the unlimited access to information and content • The second one, negative, in which traditional contents are substituted by others with less added value (throwaway content) • In the absence of a real project management for the whole System (schools, enterprises, politics, etc.), the second dynamic will be prevailing, especially for the new generations • This trend has an evident but not irreversible impact on purchases the use of new technologies by the eclectics generates a virtuous relation for the content market: • Internet can be an unfair competitor (p2p) • But also a channel and a drive for purchases • The new technological platforms, in general, tend to activate new means of content fruition • There are weak signs showing emerging opportunities for the market