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Personal Perception Checks

Dive into the world of personal and interpersonal perception checks to improve communication. Challenge your sensory and selective perception, analyze biases, clarify messages, and take responsibility for clear communication. Explore scenarios to practice clarifying perceptions effectively.

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Personal Perception Checks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personal Perception Checks

  2. Intrapersonal Perception Checks • Question your sensoryperception…CouldI actually see the accident well? Was the sun in my eyes? • Question you selectiveperception…DidI actually see all of what happened? • Question your personalperception…Whatinfluenced my interpretation of the accident? Was I influenced by any biases or prejudices about the circumstances of the accident?

  3. Interpersonal Perception Checks • Clarifying Your Perceptions of Others’ Messages • Analyzing Others’ Points of View • Taking Responsibility for Your Own Communication

  4. Involves asking others about their perceptions of an event Compare your perception to the other person’s to get a clearer picture of what actually occurred It is important to be as accurate and easy to understand as possible… make clear requests, give accurate directions, ask appropriate and purposeful questions, and respond appropriately to others Clarifying Your Perceptions of Others’ Messages

  5. Analyzing Others’ Points of View • Asking someone else how he or she feels about an event can provide you with some valuable insight • Can make you aware of issues or special circumstances that you might not have considered before

  6. Taking Responsibility for Your Own Communication • Ask questions and restate the issue as you understand it to clarify understanding • When you feel someone else has not fully understood your message, it is your responsibility to check that person’s perceptions • “Let me see if I understand this assignment correctly.”

  7. Clarifying Perceptions Activity • There are times when the words of another may need clarification. • Choose a situation, and create a skit to act out how a person should go about clarifying perceptions. • Possible scenarios: household chores, baby-sitting, part-time job, school project

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