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オーストラリア研究 ( 英語 ). Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・ http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess. 豪、移民受け入れを約 15 %削減 都市部の人口集中緩和目指す. オーストラリアのモリソン首相は20日、都市部での人口集中の緩和に向け、年間の移民受け入れ人数を 15%近く削減し 、一部移民については 3年間は主要都市への居住を認めない 方針を示した。
オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
豪、移民受け入れを約15%削減 都市部の人口集中緩和目指す豪、移民受け入れを約15%削減 都市部の人口集中緩和目指す • オーストラリアのモリソン首相は20日、都市部での人口集中の緩和に向け、年間の移民受け入れ人数を15%近く削減し、一部移民については3年間は主要都市への居住を認めない方針を示した。 • 同国では、住宅価格の上昇や人口過密に対して有権者の不満が高まっており、一部では人口増加がこうした問題を引き起こしたとの声が出ている。 • モリソン首相は、年間の移民受け入れを従来の19万人から引き下げ16万人とすると発表。キャンベラで記者団に「これはオーストラリア国民が対策を望んでいた問題だ」と語った。 • 首相は、新たな技能ビザで移住する最大2万3000人も移民制限の対象で、永住権が取得できるのは主要都市以外に3年間居住した後になると説明。コールマン移民相によると、人口に対しインフラが不足しているメルボルン、パース、シドニー、ゴールドコーストへの居住は認められない。また、今後の永住権申請では要件を厳格化し、居住地と職場の住所を示す証拠の提出が必要となるという。 March 20, 2019
Figure skater Harley Windsor the first indigenous Australian to compete in the Winter Olympics • Windsor’s idol in his young days was Cathy Freeman*, the indigenous Australian sprinter who won the gold medal in the women’s 400 meters at the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics. *キャシー・フリーマン(Cathy Freeman)は、オーストラリア・クイーンズランド州生まれの女性の元陸上競技選手。400mを専門とした選手でもあった。フリーマンはオーストラリア先住民アボリジニで、バハーイー教を信仰している February 13, 2018
First major Australian feature film completely filmed in an indigenous Aboriginal language... Aboriginal Videos in AV library 2014 2002 2006 2002 (デヴィッド・ガルピリル) All starring David Gulpilil, an indigenous Australian traditional dancer and actor
Semi-autobiographical drama, about an aged Aborigine becoming lost between two cultures who journeys into the Outback to live in the traditional ways of his ancestors
What does ‘aborigine’ mean? • ‘ab’ + ‘origine’ = ‘from the beginning’ • ‘aborigine’ refers to indigenous people of any country (Canada, US, Taiwan, Japan) • When used to refer to the specific group of people in Australia, it should be spelt with a capital 'A', i.e. 'Aborigine'
Where did they come from? • Ancestors of Aborigines separated from ancestors of other human populations about 64,000-75,000 years ago • Moved from Africa through Asia, arriving in Australia some 45,000~50,000 years ago • Oldest living civilisation…and population with the longest association with the land on which they live today
Study says Aborigines were 1st Human Explorers • Aborigines descended from first wave of migration by humans from Africa through Asia and intro Australia • Reached Australia 50,000 ago • The latest study establishes Aboriginals as “one of the oldest continuous populations outside of Africa as well as the population with the longest association with the land on which they live today.” https://www.news24.com/SciTech/News/Aborigines-were-first-explorers-20110922
Homogenous concept of ‘Aboriginality’ didn’t exist before white settlement 400+ distinct tribes & languages
Aborigines are usually distinguished from Torres Strait Islanders (トレス海峡諸島人), the indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands who are culturally & genetically linked to the Melanesian peoples of Papua New Guinea.
Indigenous Populations: Japan & Oz? 32% live in cities 43% live in regions 25% live in remote areas
Aborigines back to original total number After enduring two centuries of disease, displacement and violent death, Australia's Aboriginal population is back to the level it was when Britain first settled the continent. A high birth rate and reduced infant mortality have boosted the indigenous population to an estimated 500,000. "This brings us symbolically full circle in terms of original numbers," Dr John Taylor, from the Australian National University's Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, wrote in a paper. 2006/10
Why Increase? More people wanting to identify themselves as indigenous
CENSUS 2016 More Australians are identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, with 2.8%in 2016 compared with 2.5% in 2011.
Australian Government Definition: • is of Australian Aboriginal or TS islander ‘descent’… • BUT no minimum ‘blood’ requirement • identifies self as an Aboriginal or TS Islander • is recognised by the local community as an Aboriginal/TSI
Legal Definition “a person of Aboriginal descent, albeit mixed, who identifies himself as such and who is recognised by the Aboriginal community as an Aboriginal ...” Justice Deane, High Court of Australia, 1984
Artist fights 'fake Aborigine' claims Jonathan Jones, accused of faking Aboriginal heritage to gain access to grants and prizes worth more than $45,000
Japan and Australia: Similarities • Terra Nullius (lit. ‘land belonging to no-one’) • Indigenous people as barely human ‘savages’ • Initial policy of ‘protection’ (=control) • Subsequent policy of assimilation(消化・同化) 「無主地(テラ・ヌリウス) 」
Japan and Australia: Differences • Early recognition of indigenous status (先住民として認められること) • 1967: granted full citizenship rights
読売新聞1997年3月27日(夕刊) アイヌ民族に先住性 土地収用の裁決違法 裁判長は「アイヌ民族は先住少数民に該当する」と、先住性に対する初の司法判断を示した
Japan and Australia: Differences • Early recognition of indigenous status • Racial Discrimination made illegal • Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Japan and Australia: Differences • Recognition of indigenous status • Racial Discrimination made illegal • Recognition of NATIVE TITLE (1993) (先住民権源法: 伝統的に帰属して いる土地に対する 先住民の法的権利) Whitlam, 1975
MABO JUDGEMENT (マボ判決)1992 38% of Australia subject to native title claim
What was the Mabo Judgement? マボ判決 • A landmark High Court decision recognising native title in Australia for the first time. The High Court rejected the doctrine of terra nullius, in favour of the common law doctrine of Aboriginal title. • 移民が移住してきた時のオーストラリアは、 「無主地(テラ・ヌリウス)」だったという従来の考え方を否定し、先住民たちが先住権原もっているとして世界で初めて承任された判決。
WIK JUDGEMENT (ウィク判決)1996 Pastoral leases (牧場の賃貸) also subject to native title claim (total 78%)
AVライブラリ- DVD-3967/8 Disc 2, Episode 7 “we are no longer shadows”
Contemporary native title deals • Sept.’06: Federal Court recognises native title rights of the Noongar people over metropolitan Perth • Jan. ’07: NSW Government agrees to hand over joint control of 19 national parks and state forests in some of the nation's most picturesque country (6000km2 +) >>"This is reconciliation in a practical sense: we have formed a business with the state Government” Githabul claimant
Native Title: The Future? • Despite some successes, most native title claims get bogged down in court for years: only about 11% of Australia has native title • The need to prove a ‘continuous connection’ with the land means that those who have been most thoroughly dispossessed have the least chance! • NEW IDEA: Enable traditional owners to negotiate directly with the government…
“the most significant changes to the system since the Mabo decision was handed down by the High Court 20 years ago” 2012/06/06
The Legal Reforms • native title payments to be tax-free • new legal powers to force groups to negotiate seriously -- rather than just pay "lip service" to indigenous people • new access to parks and reserves • BUT “Too soon” for native title proof reform • i.e. reversing the burden of proving continuous connection to the land, and placing the onus of disproving traditional owners' connection on the state.
History in Japan’s textbooks gets government makeover(歴史、正しく伝わるか 中学教科書検定) • In the latest screenings, many requests for modifications were made to descriptions • For example, in a section explaining government policies in the Meiji Period, the phrase “expropriation of land (土地を取り上げた) from the (indigenous) Ainu people” was changed to “giving land to the Ainu people (土地をあたえた)” • “It is true some (Ainu) people lost land, but the Meiji government made efforts to protect the Ainu population,” said a ministry official (Japan Times 2015/04/09)
歴史、正しく伝わるか 中学教科書検定、アイヌ民族に「土地あたえた」歴史、正しく伝わるか 中学教科書検定、アイヌ民族に「土地あたえた」 • 文部科学省が6日公表した中学校の教科書検定では、政府見解による新しい基準に基づき、従来は認めていた表現についても修正を求めた。歴史教科書の中に は、「北海道旧土人保護法」の記述を修正した結果、狩猟、採集などの場を奪われたアイヌ民族の歴史が中学生に正しく伝わりにくい事例も出ており、専門家か らは疑問の声が上がっている。 「旧土人保護法の法の趣旨を生徒が誤解する恐れがある」として検定意見が付いた教科書の記述 (北海道新聞 2015/04/07)
Recognition & Native Title were Positive Developments but also Friction…
Riots after deaths in custody • November 2004: Riots in Palm Island after Aborigine dies in police custody (ruptured liver/broken ribs) • February 2004: Riots in Redfern, Sydney, after 17-year old aboriginal boy fell off his bike & was impaled on a fence