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Impact of Healthcare C osts on Universal Health Coverage: global perspective. Dr. Carlos Avila Senior Health Economist Health Finance and Governance Project. NAMAF 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE 22 SEPTEMBER 2014 WINDHOEK , NAMIBIA. Outline. Universal Health Coverage
Impact of Healthcare Costs on Universal Health Coverage: global perspective Dr. Carlos Avila Senior Health Economist Health Finance and Governance Project NAMAF 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE 22 SEPTEMBER 2014 WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA
Outline • Universal Health Coverage • Population and Utilization • Health Care Costs and Financing • Potential Solutions
What is the relationship between costs and UHC? • There is an unquestionable imperative to: • Optimize the effectiveness of the investment in health systems • Achieve Universal Health Coverage • Provide Financial Risk Protection • Government health expenditure as a source • Spending by governments on health as sourced domestically was $613.5 billion in 2011. • This means that, on average, countries spent 20 times more of their own resources on health than they received in assistance
UHC: “all people have access to services and do not suffer financial hardship paying for them” UHC: “all people have access to services and do not suffer financial hardship paying for them”
Population and Utilization • Demographics • Burden of disease • Behaviours • Access
Age-standardized Mortality Rates by Causeby WHO Region and World Bank Income Categories, 2000-2012
“Sin-Taxes”: Sugars • Taxation of empty calories, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, can: • reduce the prevalence of obesity and • generate public revenue • Taxation on sugar-sweetened beverages does not hurt the poor • The main dietary problem in low-income groups is poor dietary quality rather than insufficient energy
Health Care Financing • Health Care Costs & Financing • Costs of Services • Medical Procedures • Drugs and diagnosis • Health Financing
BRICS and Namibia: selected indicators *IMR = infant mortality rate per 1000 births **MMR = annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births †International Monetary Fund. 2014. World Economic Outlook. Washington, DC: IMF. ‡World Health Organization. 2013. Global Health Observatory: Data Repository.
Growth in domestic health spending in 43 countries, under economic growth and Abuja commitment, by source, 2000-2020
Summary Health Financing Projections: SSA, 2020
Health Care Costs • Why Health Care Costs Are High and Growing Rapidly? • How high health care Cost are threatening the economy? • What Can Be Done About Health Care Costs?
Potential solutions • Investing on behavior, literacy and prevention • Client centered solutions • Integration and efficiency • Outsourcing • Health Technology Assessment • Risk pooling
Increasing Resources and Improving Efficiency Catalytic Investments Matching Programs Debt Swaps Income Taxes Crowd Funding Social Bonds Diaspora Bonds Lotteries Consumption Taxes F4D PPPs CSR More Money Public Private Health Financing Platform Paying for Results Effective Allocation Technical Efficiency Better Money
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