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RISKS-THREATS-RESPONSE. Presented to: California Indian Health Centers Presented by: Brian Tisdale. Goals. Recognize the risk of a natural disaster, local terrorist event, or public health emergency.

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  1. RISKS-THREATS-RESPONSE Presented to: California Indian Health Centers Presented by: Brian Tisdale

  2. Goals Recognize the risk of a natural disaster, local terrorist event, or public health emergency. Provide the audience with an overview of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and response during the October 2007 Southern California fires.

  3. Risks • Agricultural • Earthquakes • Epidemics • Fires • Floods • Hurricanes • Hazardous Materials • Infrastructure Failure • Mudslides • Nuclear • Pestilence • Riots • Terrorism • Transportation • Tsunamis • Volcanoes

  4. The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

  5. Earthquakes • 1984 Northridge Earthquake • 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake • 2003 San Simeon Earthquake

  6. Floods • Levee failure 1986 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Tyler Island) • “Pineapple Express” 1996/1997 Northern California • 43 Counties declared disaster areas

  7. Floods

  8. Mudslides • 2003 San Bernardino County • 2005-LaConchita

  9. Train Derailments (man-made) 2005 Glendale, California 11 DEAD 180 INJURED

  10. Hammond Train Derailment In Mecca--2008

  11. Other Incidents/Disasters • Bioterrorism Scare-Dalles, Oregon 1984 • 751 cases of Salmonella • Sarin Gas Attack—Tokyo Subway 1995 • 12 Dead, 5500 affected • Oklahoma City Bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah building 1995 • 161 Dead • 911-Washington, DC, New York • 3000 Dead

  12. Other Incidents/Disasters • Anthrax-Washington DC, Florida, New Jersey • 5 Dead, 22 Infected, over 30,000 given prophylaxis • Tsunamis Indonesia 2004 • 220,000 Dead • Hurricane Katrina August 2005 • Three States impacted • New Orleans Evacuated (400,000) • Shooting at Red Lake High School, Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota 2005 • 10 Kill, 7 wounded

  13. Pandemic Influenza

  14. Firestorm 2003

  15. Firestorm 2007

  16. Operational Areas/Regions

  17. Oakland Hills 1991

  18. Standardized Emergency Management System(SEMS) • Part of the Emergency Services Act • Developed after the Oakland-East Bay Hills Fire October 20, 1991 • At the time, one of the most destructive fires in CA history • An incident involving Multiple Agencies

  19. Before SEMS • INCOMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT • (fire hoses from different regions not compatible with hook-ups…) • INADEQUATE MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES • (getting needed supplies from point A to point B) • INADEQUATE COMMUNICATION • (who does what…where? Speaking in code/slang) • INADEQUATE COMMAND STRUCTURE • (too many commanders with different agendas…)

  20. SEMS-The Solution • SENATE BILL 1841, pushed by Senator Petris, was passed by the Legislature and made effective 1/1/93. • Section 8607 of the California Government Code • To Improve the Coordination of State and Local Emergency Response in California • SEMS was created • State agencies are required to use SEMS • Local agencies must use SEMS to be eligible for state reimbursement of response-related personnel costs resulting from disaster.

  21. National Incident Management System (NIMS)2003 Management of domestic incidents • Directed the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer NIMS • A consistent nationwide template • Federal, state, local and tribal governments • Private sector • Nongovernmental organizations • Applicable across “all hazards” of all size and complexity • Improve coordination and cooperation

  22. NIMS • Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-5 ) • Requires all Federal departments and agencies to adopt NIMS • State and local organizations must adopt NIMS as a condition of Federal preparedness assistance (FY 2005)

  23. The Basics of SEMS 4 components 5 functions 5 organizational levels

  24. SEMS used during Firestorm 2007

  25. Four Components • INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM(ICS) (nationally recognized…designed to give order) • OPERATIONAL AREA CONCEPT(relay information to EOC) • MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS(voluntary aid and assistance) • MULTI-AGENCY COORDINATION SYSTEM(MACS) (sharing resources)

  26. Five Functions

  27. Five Organizational Levels • Field -On-scene responders • Local -County, city or special district or subdivisions of any of these. • Operational Area -Manages and coordinates all local government within geographic boundary of a county. • Regional -Manages and coordinates information and resources among operational areas. • State -Statewide resource coordination integrated with federal agencies.

  28. Why do we care? • Disasters are unpredictable and can happen at anytime. • First victims could present in a clinic, private practice, or other outpatient setting. • In a bioterrorism emergency, physicians and nurses are “first responders.” • The disaster could occur near you and may involve your clinic and staff. • Due to the potential numbers affected, clinics and private practices may be needed to augment the county-wide response.

  29. Summary Talk about some of the risk of natural disaster, local terrorist event, or public health emergencies. Given you an overview of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and how it was used during the October 2007 Southern California fires.

  30. Preparing Before an Event Occurs The Key to Success is-

  31. CONTACT INFORMATION… Brian Tisdale, MS 951-440-7495 btisdale@co.riverside.ca.us

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