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オーストラリア研究 ( 英語 ). Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp ・ http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess. Sign here please!. If you are late, please sign the late-list after class. Letter from a Tsuda Student…. WEATHER
オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
Sign here please! If you are late, please sign the late-list after class
Letter from a Tsuda Student… • WEATHER • The temperature reaches over 20℃ every day here on the Gold Coast and last week, it was 33℃!! It’s hotter than in Japan even if it’s winter here… • The biggest cause is global warming, you know, and the coral reefs are dying in many places. Great Barrier Reef is no exception, but the interest in environment is high here, and we can see many programmes about pollution or waste on TV. e.g. “War on Waste” (ABC)
Letter from a Tsuda Student… • INDIGENOUS PEOPLE • Anzac Day was very big, and many people attended it, but there was nothing big on National Sorry Day/Aboriginal Week. Like my host mother, many local people have the recognition that Australia is not their own land, but it seems that Aborigine is separated from everyday life • They partially respect indigenous culture; for example, when a famous Aboriginal singer died, the news reported it with his picture with mosaic mask and without name, but there is distance between “Australians” and Aborigines.
Letter from a Tsuda Student… • IMMIGRANTS • Most of the students in the EAP (English for Academic Purposes) programme are from China (70%) followed by India. They study to get a VISA, and most of them are applying for construction because it’s the easiest to get • Some locals are concerned about the growing population, especially limits on water supply and habitable land (housing). My teacher pays AU$600 (\50,000) for 2 people for 3 months. My agency advised me to have 5 minute shower in my home stay…
Recapping last week: Racism as an ideology i.e. racism=attitude/idea (偏見)c.f. racial discrimination=action
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: EXAMPLES AUSTRALIA PAST AUSTRALIA NOW JAPAN PAST JAPAN NOW Be as concrete as possible: list specific events or incidents!
Racial Discrimination in Australia: Past Aborigines/Stolen Generations white superiority, Aborigines as animals ‘Yellow peril’ Immigration Restriction Act (White Australia policy) Internment of Japanese during WWII
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: EXAMPLES AUSTRALIA PAST AUSTRALIA NOW JAPAN PAST JAPAN NOW Be as concrete as possible: list specific events or incidents!
Racial Discrimination Act suspended 07-10 R.D. in Australia: Now Aborigines (e.g. interventionpolicy) N.B. legally have same rights Asians: racist violence (e.g….)
Protest in New Delhi against racial attacks on Indians in Australia (January 17th 2010)
Racial Discrimination Act suspended 07-10 R.D. in Australia: Now Aborigines (e.g. interventionpolicy) N.B. legally have same rights… Asians: racist violence (e.g….) Cronulla Beach Riots (Sydney)
「白豪主義」なお豪・移民と衝突 • 衝突は、1970年代に撤廃されたとはいえ、完全に消え去ることのない「白豪主義」と、米同時テロ以降に深まった中東系移民への不信感に起因する民族対立を改めて浮き彫りにした。 • イスラム系人口は全体の1.5%(30万人) • 4割は70年代の内戦を逃れてきたレバノン系 讀賣新聞 2005.12.13p.7
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: EXAMPLES AUSTRALIA PAST AUSTRALIA NOW JAPAN PAST JAPAN NOW Be as concrete as possible: list specific events or incidents!
R.D. in Japan: Past (そうしかいめい) (満洲事変) Ainu /Okinawaans (cultural destruction) Colonialism - e.g. Manchurian incident / 創氏改名 Koreans and Chinese forced workers - e.g. massacre after 1923 earthquake (x) Burakumin (eta-hinin) (?)鬼畜米兵 (x) 鎖国 (x) Christians 亀戸事件・甘粕事件
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: EXAMPLES AUSTRALIA PAST AUSTRALIA NOW JAPAN PAST JAPAN NOW Be as concrete as possible: list specific events or incidents!
R.D. in Japan: Present ? Housing discrimination (foreigners)
外国人「入居断られた」4割 法務省調査、就職拒否も25%外国人「入居断られた」4割 法務省調査、就職拒否も25% • 法務省は日本に住む外国人を対象に初めて実施した差別や偏見に関する調査の結果を5日までに公表した。過去5年間に日本で住居を探した2044人のうち、外国人であることや、日本人の保証人がいないことを理由に入居を断られた経験がある人は、それぞれ約4割だった。物件に「外国人お断り」と書かれているのを見てあきらめた人も約27%いた。 日本経済新聞 2017/4/5
R.D. in Japan: Present ? Housing discrimination (foreigners) ? “Japanese Only”‘外国人禁止’ (温泉/浦和)
2014/03/08: Banner in front of Urawa Red’s Supporters Section “The area behind the goal post is our domain. We don’t want to see other people, especially foreigners, entering that area.”
R.D. in Japan: Present ? Housing discrimination (foreigners) ? “Japanese Only”‘外国人禁止’ (onsen/浦和) Hate speech against resident Koreans…
Provocateurs: Riot police prevent an anti-Korean group (at left) and Korean residents and their supporters from clashing Sunday in the Shin-Okubo district in Tokyo(Japan Times, May 23rd, 2013)
R.D. in Japan: Present (しょくむしつもん) ? Housing discrimination (foreigners) ? “Japanese Only”‘外国人禁止’ (onsen/浦和) Hate speech against resident Koreans… Targeting dark-skinned people for 職務質問 ?? Reverse racism: akogare towards white people…
[金髪に高い鼻」は人種差別、ANA新CMに外国人から苦情[金髪に高い鼻」は人種差別、ANA新CMに外国人から苦情 January 2014 http://www.debito.org/ANAHanedaAd2014.mp4
“The International is personal” Japan-Australia Relations (II)
This book tells the story of Michi, one of 650 Japanese war brides who arrived in Australia in the early 1950s. The women met Australian servicemen in post-war Japan and decided to migrate to Australia as wives and fiancées to start a new life. In 1953, when Michi reached Sydney Harbour by boat with her two Japanese-born children, she knew only one person in Australia: her husband. She did not know any English so she quickly learned her first English phrase, "I like Australia", in the car on the way from the harbour to meet her Australian family. In the last fifty years, she brought up seven children while the family moved from one part of Australia to another. Now, in her eighties, she leads a peaceful life in Adelaide, but remains active in many ways. Her voice is full of life and she looks and sounds much younger than her age. 74人未読!!!
Australian troops part of BCOF (British Commonwealth Occupation Forces) 1947: 12,000 Australians in Japan 呉市
Anti-Fraternisation Policy(非交際対策)Personal Contacts with the Japanese banned
Australian soldiers were not allowed to enter… • Private houses, apartments, hotels • Trains, trams, buses, taxis • Restaurants, cafes, bars • Cinemas, dance halls, barbers, banks, banks, brothels • Beaches, pools, streams 立ち入り禁止区域!
“while relatives remain of the men who suffered at the hands of the Japanese, it would be the grossest act of public indecency to permit a Japanese of either sex to pollute (汚染) Australian or Australian-controlled shores” Arthur Calwell, Minister of Immigration (1948)
Fraternisation… • 10-20,000 Japanese employed by BCOF • Lived and worked closely together • Prostitution flourished • Relationships inevitable
Pidgin Japanese (片言日本語) • Moose • Hubba-hubba • Onriwan • Pampangaaru
Pidgin Japanese (片言日本語) Young J. girl Hurry Mistress/Lover Prostitute • Moose • Hubba-hubba • Onriwan • Pampangaaru
パンパン・ガール (II) 1) アメリカ人の仕種から来た 左の拳を丸めて穴を作って、その上をふたをするように、右手の手のひらでつたたく、これが。。。あれしよう。。。っていう意味。たたくときパンパンって昔がすることから、娼婦のことパンパンって言う (小学館文庫) 食べ物 娼婦はパンを食べるのでパンパンという。。。 OR cost=2 pieces of bread?!? “Panpan: Streetwalking in Occupied Japan” – academic paper on HP…
“I had poison and a suicide letter. He didn’t know. I kept that deep in my drawer and when the time comes I will destroy myself because I disgraced my parents, sister you know. And after he go, what the people say…like Madam Butterfly.” Teruko Blair
‘War Brides’ • Refused entry until 1952 • Cherry Parker (Sakuramoto Nobuko) first to arrive with 2 kids in June 1952 • 1952-57: 650 arrived • Temporary 5-year visa
Brides as cultural ambassadors stimulating immigration reform「冷え切った日豪関係を雪解け期に導いた、貴重な存在」 1956/7 Change in Citizenship Law • Non-Europeans could become citizens 1958 Revised Migration Act • Dictation test abolished • Race no longer mentioned Most war brides naturalised (帰化)
Reaction to ‘War-Brides’ ‘The decision [to accept Japanese war brides] is shameful and disgraceful…the government has forgotten the feelings of mothers, wives, and sisters of the men butchered by the Japanese’ Arthur Calwell, Melbourne Herald April 2 1952