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This program encourages personal and professional growth, transnational school cooperation, and promotes European culture. It enhances English language skills, healthy lifestyle awareness, and sports participation.

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  2. Contract aprobat de: Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale ( ANPCDEFP). Adresa: Calea Serban Voda nr. 133, et.3, sector 4, cod postal 040205, Bucuresti www.anpcdefp.ro; www.llp-ro.ro Eat smart, work more ,be healty!

  3. BENEFICIILE STAGIULUI DE FORMARE • Dezoltare personala si profesionala; • Incurajarea cooperarii transnationale dintre scoli; • Promovarea imaginii scolii si a UE; • Cunoasterea diversitatii traditiilor culturale europene ; • Imbogatirea experientei de comunicare intr-o limba europeana • PROGRAMUL PROIECTULUI : Eat smart,work more ,be healty!


  5. The objectives of our project are: -to prevent school abandon ;- to motivate students to learn foreign languages- to offer to our students a possibility to learn English language through active participation in face- to- face tasks creating posters and making Presentations- to improve students’ knowledge about European culture- to make learners understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle , encouraging them to practise various sports and games- to provide students the possibility to exchange opinions with their collegues from other European countries - to offer learners opportunities to explore something ,new and challenging- to give students and teachers a chance to travel abroad and learn more about different European cultures and traditions

  6. rising students’ understanding of the importance of a correct diet and physical activity in the prevention of illnesses are underlined:- Sport and its role in everyday lives- The types of sport in various European countries- School sports competitions and their role in promotion of a healthy lifestyle-School trips as funny and valuable experiences-Traditional cuisine The impact of diet on health

  7. Our project mainly focuses on students' implication and we intend to integrate it into schools' curricula. It will be carried out in cooperation with the following subjects: Sport (Physical Education): all the sport activities mentioned in the project ( scouting tests, football matches, tournaments ,competitions); Health education: activities concerning healthy food (food pyramid, healthy meals, nutrition values of products), active leisure pursuits, fighting with bad habits, environmental issues; Language (English): translation and production of own texts (writing about famous sportsmen; recipes, articles for the newspaper about news from European events, etc.); writing and receiving letters and postcards to teenagers from other countries; Art: creating art works bound up with the project such as: project mascot, invitations, posters ("Food pyramid", "Say no to junk food"), illustrations for the magazine and book with recipes; Computer Science: using ICT area such as text and photo layout, web design (in project-related activities, like creating a newspaper, Power Point presentations); writing e-mails to colleagues from other schools; Mathematics: collecting data and creating charts, statistics, comparisons between schools' results in competitions and fitness tests; calculating calories in food, etc. INTEGRATION INTO ONGOING ACTIVITIES

  8. RESULTS: • Our project will have as results the following products: • - Comenius Corners presenting the school communities updated on the project • - ,, News from Europe" a magazine created by students • - Power point presentations "Our famous sportsmen;I am a star ,too! '' • - DVDs and CDs documenting school sports competitions • - posters presenting " project:Our national food pyramid " • e-mails, letters and photos shared by students from participating schools. • September • create the documentation of the project made by all participating schools(photos, articles, presentations)and upload them on e-Twinning space to be well known

  9. Posters about good eating habits, doing sports,being healthy November Comenius Exhibition" designed by all of the participating schools (photos, posters and other proves of the project-related activities). RESULTS:October Sport competition for students CDs or DVDs with the videos taken during the first "School competition“ Preparing cooking contest for homemade healthy meals made by students and their parents DECEMBER The illustrated magazine " News from Europe" -the first issue (photos, articles) Writing articles about favourite sport stories and characters by students. JANUARY Sending photos taken during the contest by e-mail. collecting information about national sports events Traditional recipes and pictures of the homemade healthy meals

  10. IMPACT First beneficiaries will be children and their teachers directly involved in the project. We expect that they will: - become better their communication skills on national and international levels and their knowledge of English language - be definitely more motivated to learn foreign languages - improve their knowledge of other European countries and their educational systems - gain experience, leadership skills and build self-confidence - learn more about a healthy lifestyle, possibly change their attitude towards sport - develop tolerance and respect for other people, their traditions and culture

  11. PROJECT MAIN FOCUS: Our project permits teachers and students to discover the strength of working together, learning from each other and, moreover, provides all participants the possibility of exchanging experiences. The purpose of sharing new views is to produce enthusiasm and make the learning-teaching process an enjoyable experience for all. The contribution of schools from five different countries will motivate the participanting students in the project to continue learning in order to improve their language and ICT skills, because most of the communication between students and teachers will be based upon modern technologies (e-mails, video conferences, chat rooms). It will have an extra benefit using a foreign language in a real context, away of the limits imposed by a text book.

  12. EVALUATION: The entire project will be monitored as the main duty of the coordinating school. The whole project team in all schools will be responsible for ensuring that the progress of the project is not endangered at any time. They will regularly report via e-mail to the coordinating school (every participating institution will prepare reports that will contain the records of experience, a short description of obtained results and influences on students, institution). Teachers will meet online using communicators such us Skype or Windows Messenger at the end of each month and discuss the progress and evaluate achievements. The presentation of final products to the school assembly and placing them on the schools' magazines,web pages will be another means of evaluating the quality of the project. During the school visits (mobilities), teachers will organise "work sessions" and talk about their impressions and experiences from carrying out the project. On their return, they will make the written evaluation of the visit and share it with partners. Students, parents and other teachers from all participating schools will be encouraged to take an active role in documentation and evaluation of the results achieved by the activities involved in the project. The main way of evaluation is observation if the expected results are obtained. As our project is focused on pupils and their development, at the end of each project year, we are going to prepare a quiz for them. Similar questionnaire will be prepared for the participating teachers.

  13. The main purpose of the project is to raise the European cooperation and a healthy lifestyle among students, but also among their families, the local communities and to the wider lifelong learning community. We want to promote our work in different shapes and sizes: 1. Among the participating institutions: - distributing reports (every participating institution will prepare reports-evaluations that will contain the records of experience, a short description of achieved results and influences on students, institution activities; such reports will be e-mailed to all participating institutions); - publishing a book, 4 issues of a magazine and a photo album (at the end of the project each participating institution will have a compendium of project experiences and results in all participating organizations); - setting "Comenius Exhibition" at schools to display pictures of the competitions, the work of the students participating in the project and the received work of the partner schools. 2. To other institutions in the local community: - involving the press at local level (articles in local newspapers or magazines,television); - providing information about the project at other schools of the county, education counselors, managers, representatives of local municipalities - distributing a published magazine, posters, a newspaper among other schools ; - organizing sports competitions and a cooking contest with other schools; - organizing a project presentation event with a video conference in the region. 3. To the wider lifelong learning community: - through articles on a national LLP Comenius web page; - providing information about project experiences, results, end products at national meetings of educators, events organized by national agencies. DISEMINATION AND THE USE OF RESULTS;

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