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This project aims to improve the quality of medical services for female infertility by promoting cross-border cooperation between the Municipal Emergency Hospital Timișoara and the University of Szeged. The project includes training programs, workshops, and the purchase of advanced medical equipment.
ACTIFActive cross border cooperation in the treatment of female infertility Leader Partnerhip: Municipal Emergency Hospital Timișoara, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Partener: University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cross border cooperation program Ungaria – România 2007 - 2013 • Priority 2: „Strengthen social and economic cohesion of the border area” • Major Area of intervention: „2.4 Protect health and prevent common threats” • Action:„2.4.2 Common institutional development, coordination, training„
Project duration is 12 months(01.02.2012 – 31.01.2013) • Total project value is EUR 201.990,33 • Municipal Emergency Hospital Timisoara benefits from a total budget (ERDF 85% + co-financing from the state budget 13%+ co-financing hospital 2%) of EUR 102.168,68 • University of Szeged, benefits from a total budget (ERDF and co-financing from the state budget) of EUR 99.821,65 Euro
Project implementation team ACTIF Management team Dr. Oprea Maria-Olimpia Project manager Dr. Novák TiborAssistant manager Ec. Voiculescu Viorica Financial manager Dr. Zoltán Pál Financial assistant
Project implementation team ACTIF Dr. Olaru Constantin Training and communication administrator Dr. Muntean Laura Monitoring administrator Dr. Pásztor NorbertReporting administrator Goșa Elisabeta Beatrice Acquisitions administrator
Project implementation team ACTIF Gynecologic Endoscopy expert Conf. Dr. Daru József Endoscopy expert Conf. Dr. Németh Gábor Endoscopy expert Conf. Dr. Molnár-G. Béla Endoscopy expert Conf. Dr.Grigoraș Dorin Endoscopy expert Dr. Chiriac Daniela șef lucr. Endoscopy expert Dr. Crișan Doru Ciprian șef lucr. Endoscopy expert
Project objectives • Program objective is „close proximity to people, communities and economic agents in the border area to facilitate the joint development of the cooperation area, based on the key strengths of the border region” • General objective of the project is the joint development of human resources in hospitals of Obstetrics and Gynecology from Timișoara and Szeged, exchanges of experiences and information in endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of infertility
Specific objectives 1. Increase the qualityof medical services provided by medical staff training and reducing disparities in providing these services between the two regions; in the project will be held4 workshops in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and University of Szeged, with the participation of six experts in endoscopy, three from each hospital in Timișoara and Szged; will be trained 40 specialized doctors obstetrics and gynecology, 20 women will be treated for infertility by endoscopic interventions conducted by mixed teams of doctors, experts in endoscopy, Romanian and Hungarian
Specific objectives 2. Increased accessibility to new services provided to patients due to medical staff development skills to use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of female infertility and advanced medical equipment to equip two hospitals in Timișoara and Szeged
Specific objectives 3. Create a common web platform (which will be promoted the project, will be provided useful information for beneficiaries – doctors and patients)
ACTIF project activities • Preparation of the project • Management activity • Communication activity • Purchase equipment and products proposed by the project and other categories of services contracted • Conduct training programs (4 workshops)
Direct beneficiaries • At least 20 patients to be treated for infertility by a Romanian Hungarian team of medical experts in gynecologic endoscopy • The two hospitals of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Timișoara and Szeged which by the project will be provided with advanced equipment and may provide new quality medical services • 40 specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 20 doctors from Timișoara and 20 doctors from Szeged which will benefit from a training program
Indirect beneficiaries • Patients in the two counties, which will facilitate their access to quality health services • Population in the two counties, as increasing the quality of medical care will lead to improved health and quality of life, with impact on reducing hospitalization period and costs
Medical and IT equipment purchased through the project • Municipal Emergency Hospital Timișoara acquired medical and IT equipment totaling EUR 73.018,38: • Resectoscope • Operator and diagnostic hysteroscope • Morcelator and laparoscopy accesories • Ligasure • Notebook computer and multifunction printer
Medical and IT equipment purchased through the project • University of Szeged acquired medical and IT equipment totaling EUR 78.704,00: • Laparoscopy accesories set • Histeroscopy accesories set • Notebook computer (2), softwer, remote control, mice • Multifunction printer
Results: Acquisition of tools, equipment, services planned Making renovation works to the operating room
Results Opening Conference Timișoara, 24.02.2012 12 meetings of the project team 4 workshops: Timișoara 22-23.09.2012, 07-08.12.2013 Szeged 12-13.10.2012, 09-10.11.2012 Endoscopic interventions performed by teams of Romanian and Hungarian doctors (20 planned) 96 doctors participating in the 4 joint workshops (40 planned)
Results Writing website in three languages (Hungarian, Romanian, Englishwww.actifhuro.ro) Three press conferences (Timișoara 2, Szeged 1) 500 brochures for patients and 500 flyersprepared and distributed Location visibility items (30 pieces)
Results: Increasing the number of endoscopic interventions (50%) Therefore ehorter period until intervention and shorter length of hospital stay The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union. www.hungary-romania-cbc.eu, www.huro-cbc.eu
Conclusions • Project implementation will result in more efficient medical care due to reduced hospitalization period by using endoscopy as a method of diagnostic and treatment • Is necessary to increase training for medical staff to deal with both new technologies and new trends in health care that minimize the legth of stay and improve quality of care
Thanks: Steering Committee of the Municipal Emergency Hospital Timișoara Financial Office Procurement and Contracts Service Accounting Service Human Resources Service Legal Service Supply and transport Service Secretariat Municipal Emergency Hospital Timișoara Technical Service IT department Administrative Service
Thank you for your attention! Köszönjük szépen a megtisztelő figyelmet! Dr. Oprea Olimpia Dr. Novák Tibor The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union. ww.hungary-romania-cbc.eu, www.huro-cbc.eu