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Do Now. What are your goals for reading this semester? At the end of school in June, what do you want to look back on this semester and be really proud of?. Turn & Talk. Turn & Talk is a great way to share our ideas with each other. To Turn & Talk follow these steps:
Do Now • What are your goals for reading this semester? • At the end of school in June, what do you want to look back on this semester and be really proud of?
Turn & Talk • Turn & Talk is a great way to share our ideas with each other. To Turn & Talk follow these steps: 1. Physically Turn to your partner 2. Wait for Mrs. Negrete to say “go.” 3. Partner #1 shares. Partner #2 listens. 4. Partner #2 shares. Partner #1 listens. 5. Wait for Mr. Gonzalez to ask you to share.
Let’s Try It! • ALWAYS Wait for me to say GO! Turn and Talk with your partner about the following quote: “In order to succeed in school and life, you need to always do your best.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer to your partner. Wait for me to call on you to share.
Expectations Help us Do our Best Write these down: (1R) Expectations 1. Show you are ready: mouth closed, ears open. 2. Follow directions immediately. 3. Set a good example. 4. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher No teasing, NO bullying, no hitting. 5. Try your best.
Review of Consequences • Verbal Warning • Behavior Reflection • Immediate Phone Call Home/Detention • Parent Conference/Office Referral
But, Mrs. Negrete, what do they mean???? First Consequence: VERBAL WARNING: “Right now, you are not doing your very best. I’m letting you know that I expect you to do better, because I care about you and your learning.”
SECOND Consequence: BEHAVIOR REFLECTION “I’ve told you that I care about you and your learning and that to succeed we need to follow expectations. You need to show me that you care about yourself and your learning by reflecting on your behavior in writing.”
THIRD CONSEQUENCE/PHONE CALL HOME/DETENTION “Your choices show me that we need to call your guardian to tell them that you are choosing to not do your best. I also need you stay after class so you can tell me what is going on that is making you choose to not do your best.”
Fourth Consequence: Parent Conference/Office Referral “Not everyone gets a chance to go to school and I need you to speak to Ms. Vallejo or Ms. Flores about why you deserve to be here.”
Examples of Breaking Expectations • Each Slide, will have a two person scenario. • Two of you will act out the scenario. The other two will watch and make comments. The two who are watching have to explain how the actors are breaking expectations and not doing their best. • Then the pairs will switch. • I may call on you to act your skit in front of the class, so be prepared!
Scenario #1 Mrs. Negrete is teaching a lesson. Student #1: (silently writing down notes) Student #2: “Hey, did you see the new one direction video? I think it’s their best one. I can’t wait to watch it when I get home. They sing so good!” Student #1: “Yeah I’ll go watch it when I get home. Thanks for the suggestion. How did you hear about it. Student #2: “You should also watch the Gangnam Style video! How is this an example of breaking an expectation? How does the student’s behavior take away from their learning? What type of consequence would one or both of these students get?
Scenario #2 Class has just started and Mrs. Negretehas started you off on completing the Do Now: Student #1: (does not have notebook out) begins to laugh and dance in his/her seat. Student #2: (playing with his/her pencil) “I need a pencil! Mrs. Negrete, I need a pencil!!! Student #1: “Here I have a pencil!” Student #2: “Thanks, does anyone have a sharpener?!!!” How is this an example of breaking an expectation? How does the student’s behavior take away from their learning?
Scenario #3 Mrs. Negrete: has just said to two students who had been talking during a silent activity: “This is your verbal warning, you are talking when I asked you to be silent. Student #1: But I wasn’t even talking?! Student #2: (stays silent, returns to his/her work) Student #1: That’s not fair! I wasn’t even talking!!! Student #2: (continues to do work) Which student is being disrespectful? Which student is being respectful? How do you know?
Scenario #4 Mrs. Negreteis leading the class in a reading of a story about basketball Student #1: Oh yeah, slam dunk! Basketball is the best sport ever! Student #2: That’s not true, soccer is better! Student #1: “Nobody is talking to you.” Student #2: “I wasn’t talking to you either!” In what way are both of these students being disrespectful? How should they be behaving during the reading of the story?
Standard Procedures These happen everyday. These never change, so you always do them the same way. Entering the Classroom Waiting to be dismissed Taking Exit Slips/Quizzes/Tests Note taking Reading Program
Arrival Write these down (1R) Entering: • Wait in line outside • Do not knock on the door/play with the door knob • Take your seat. Take out your notebook. Begin the Do Now. If you are not in your seat by the time the bell rings, you are tardy. Sad face, that means that you’re going to have detention. Double sad face.
Dismissal Waiting to be dismissed: • Wait for Mrs. Negreteto say “go.” • Put your things away. • Clean your desk (throw away trash, eraser marks). On your way out.
Exit Slips/Quizzes/Tests During a test: • Work silently. • Face forward. • Do not talk to your partner. • I will assume you are cheating if you’re talking (doesn’t matter what you’re talking about). • I will take away your test if you talk or distract other. You will receive a zero on that test and will have to take the test on your own time. Or, if you are acting very disrespectful, you may not be allowed to take the test over. You will have to take a different test.
Taking Notes • Write quickly, but neatly. • Write down questions in your notebook first. • Raise a silent hand if you have a question. • If you did not get all the notes down, ask a partner quietly throughout the lesson. Get the notes from Mrs. Negreteafter school or at a different time. • All notes go on the right side of your notebook.
Reading Program • Librarians will pass out books • Take out your book and fill out the reading log. • Listen respectfully when Mrs. Negretepresents the mini lesson. • Read your book when Mrs. Negrete says “go.” • If you are done early, write a summary of your book, show it to Mrs. Negrete. If Mrs. Negreteapproves, go get a new book. Write: “Of all these expectations/consequences/procedures, which will be the hardest for you, and why? Which will be the easiest? Why?
RESPECT Graffiti Walk There are posters around the room and I need your help to answer the questions on the poster! Instructions: • In your table groups you will go to each poster. Bring a pencil! • Neatly answer the questions. You can discuss with your teammates. • Move to the next poster when Mrs. Negretegives you the signal.
Partner Activity What does RESPECT look like? There’s a blank sheet of paper in front of you. Copy down the word RESPECT like this: R E S P E C T
Independent Reading • Let’s Read!