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This presentation provides an overview of the Department of Environmental Affairs' achievements and challenges for the year 2010/11. It includes information on the department's mandate, vision, values, public entities, and programmes.
Outline of the Presentation Departmental Mandate & Vision Departmental Values DEA Public Entities DEA Programmes Summary of Achievements and Challenges (Per programme) 2 2
The mandate of the Department is underpinned by the Constitution and all other relevant legislation and policies Section 24 (b) of the Constitution: All South Africans have a Constitutional right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being, and to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations. Departmental Mandate & Vision 3 3 Our Vision : A prosperous and equitable society living in harmony with our natural resources.
To become a truly People-centered organisation that responds to the needs of all South Africans. To achieve the highest levels of Integrity premised on professionalism, quality, service excellence, honesty, transparency, trust. To enhance organizational Performance through productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, innovation and continuous improvements. To ensure the Sustainability of the organisation and its sectors through amongst others maximised impact, return on investment, continuity and knowledge management Departmental Values 4 4
South African National Parks (SANParks) South African Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) iSimangaliso Wetland Park South African Weather Service (SAWS) Departmental Public Entities 5
PROGRAMME 1 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Achieved 14.6% vacancy rate (target: 16%) • 10 turnover rate (t:10%) • 98% website uptime (t: 95%) • 62% procurement on BEE enterprises (t:58%) • 99.8% call centre requests processed in time (t:95%) • 91% of public/stakeholder/media queries dealt with within timeframe (t:85%) • 75% share on media voice (t:55%) • Unqualified audit report • 99.9% expenditure of DEA MTEF budget (t - 98%)
PROGRAMME 1 : KEY CHALLENGES • Challenges with regarding to meeting the 2% target of persons with disabilities. Improved partnerships with recruitment agencies will build to assist in this. • Construction of the new DEA building delayed due to outstanding issues with bidder. Issues have since been resolved and work will be prioritized in 2011/12. • Delays in responding to parliamentary questions which requires inputs form outside stakeholders and in finalizing Presidential hotline queries which require extensive investigations . The Department will continuously review and improve internal processes and turnaround time.
PROGRAMME 2 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Finalized 2 National Environmental Management Frameworks (EMFs) and facilitated Minister’s approval on 6 Provincial EMFs (target : 4) • 87% of Environmental Quality and Protection (EQP) related complaints/incidents were dealt with and finalized (t: 65%) • Conducted 16 sector based strategic baseline compliance inspections ( t: 12) • 62 compliance inspections conducted on Environmental Authorization and Waste Licenses (t: 20)
PROGRAMME 2 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Undertook 62 reactive administrative enforcement interventions (target:32) • 50 Environmental Management Inspectors attended specialized training courses/capacity building interventions as targeted. • 244 justice officials were trained in Environmental Law (67 Magistrates/177 prosecutors) (t: 120) • 42 ambient air monitoring stations reporting to the SA Air Quality Information System( SAAIQS) (t: 30)
PROGRAMME 2 : KEY CHALLENGES • Human resources capacity challenges in processing Environmental Assessment applications within legal timeframes. Capacity constraints being addressed. • Delays in stakeholder consultation process on development of Environmental Assessment procedural and technical guidelines. Work to be prioritized in 2011/12. • Insufficient time in finalizing the 3rd South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) report due to the timing (March 2011) of the third voyage. 3rd Report finalized in the 1st quarter of 2011/12 • Challenges in rolling out the Compliance & Enforcement Info. Management system in Provinces. System reviewed to change focus and deal with implementation challenges
PROGRAMME 3 : KEY ACHIVEMENTS • 100% implementation of Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) decisions (target:100%) • A tender has been awarded as planned and construction on the new polar vessel to replace the old SA Agulhas is at an advanced stage. The new state of the art vessel has been named the SA Agulhas II. • 100% completion of the Marion Island base (t-90%) • Undertook 3 expeditions (Marion/Gough/SANAE) as planned.
PROGRAMME 3 : KEY CHALLENGES • Finalization of the National Plan of Action (NPOA) for sharks could not be achieved. Process led by and depended on Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). An Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be signed with DAFF to address issues of cooperation. • The National Oceans Strategy could not be finalized due to outstanding stakeholder consultation process. Consultation process to continued in 2011/12. • Delays in finalizing feasibility research report on establishment of tiger and sharks with an eco-access perspective. The work will be prioritized in 2011/12
PROGRAMME 4 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Durban Convention Center secured as host venue for the Conferences of the Parties (COP17)( as targeted) • Achieved a success rate of 58% of international Climate Change agreements prepared and negotiated (t:58%) • Conducted 9 Provincial workshops on the National Climate Change Response Green paper. Comments and response database developed to inform the White Paper drafting process • Developed 4 sector adaptation plans (Biodiversity/Water/Agriculture/Forestry) ( t:4%)
PROGRAMME 5 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Implemented 20% of CITES (Convention on Inter. Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora) provisions as planned • Carried out implementation of National Intervention on TOPS (Threatened or Protected Species)in 7 Provinces (t:implement in 2 Provinces) • Assessed 100% (44/44) of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) applications (target:100%) • Assessed 100% (11/11) of Bioprospecting, Access and Benefit-Sharing BABS applications (t:90%) • Rehabilitated 24 939 ha of land & 94 wetlands (t:800ha & 75) • Developed a desertification/drylands research programme • Developed framework for Biodiversity Climate Change response strategy as planned.
PROGRAMME 5 : KEY CHALLENGES • Guidelines for negotiating benefit sharing could not be finalized due to lack of time and the complexity of agreements. Approval of the draft guide lines to be fast tracked in 2011/12/ • Implementation of the Biodiversity Research Programme delayed as part of the process is within the control of Dept of Science & Tech. Engagements are being done with Dept. of Science and Technology (DST). • 8% target of Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) projects financed by investors not met as this depend on participation of private sector/investors. Will continue with investment promotions and consider other non conventional methods.
PROGRAMME 6 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Created a total of 18 493 new work opportunities though Environmental Projects of the Extended Public Work Programme (EPWP) (target: 20 182) • Created 35 784 accredited person training days (t: 33 637) • Used 860 Small, Micro-Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) as part of DEA commitment to empower emerging businesses (t:250) • 459 youth benefited from the DEA component of the National Youth Service (t:400) • Conducted 9 Provincial Environmental Education and Awareness workshops, & trained 40 teachers in 3 Provinces as part of DEA’s Environmental Education & Awareness initiatives (t: 9 workshops & 30 teachers)
PROGRAMME 6 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Recruited 50 learners to the Environmental Educators, Training & Dev. Practice (EETDP) learnership , 40 of which completed the programme (target:50 learners) • Finalized the carbon footprint report (as targeted) • Continued playing a leading role in international multilateral and bilateral engagements. • Achieved a 60% success rate in negotiations on SA positions on chemicals , sustainable development and trade (t: 58%)
PROGRAMME 6 : KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Achieved a 70% average success rate in negotiations on SA positions on African and bi-lateral South-South , South-North and international environmental governance (target:63%). • Raised R400M (US$57.9M)in grants and R700M(US$101M) in concessional loans for implementation of environment and sustainable development programmes in SA and across the continent (t: US$20-25 Million) • 95% of the bilateral and multilateral portfolio is managed and reported on (t:95%)
PROGRAMME 6 : KEY CHALLENGES • Approval and implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) strategy delayed as there was a need to conduct an international benchmark. The strategy will be finalised in 2011/12. • Implementation of the public education and awareness annual plan delayed due to time spend on revision/alignment of Climate Change key messages • Target of mapping of all national, provincial, & local reserves not met due to delays in consultation processes. • The above outstanding work will be prioritized and finalised in 2011/12.