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ESE 101. Earth’s Atmosphere. 9 units (3-0-6); first term. Composition of the atmosphere. Radiative transfer and the greenhouse effect. Scattering and absorption by gases, clouds, and aerosols. Feedbacks due to water vapor, clouds, ice, and vegetation. Transports of energy and momentum and their effects on the surface climate. Chemical reactions in the atmosphere affecting atmospheric ozone and air quality. Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-2:30, 162 South Mudd Instructor: Andy Ingersoll (api@gps.caltech.edu, 150A South Mudd, ext. 6167) T.A.: Cheng Li (cli@gps.caltech.edu). Weekly review TBD Textbook: Dennis L. Hartmann's Global Physical Climatology (Academic Press, 1994). Homework: Due at the beginning of class on Thursdays, starting October 10. You may talk with whomever you want, but you must write up the solutions by yourself. Some of the homework will encourage you to use mathematical software like Mathematica, Matlab, IDL/ENVI, Maple, or whatever programming language you prefer. I encourage you to learn the software, but if you must rely on classmates, that’s OK. Exams: There will be two 15-minute oral exams - mid-term and final - based on material in the book. Oral exams emphasize qualitative understanding of the big issues, in contrast to written exams and homework, which are more quantitative and focused. Grading will be 30% MT, 30% final, 30% homework, and 10% attendance/class participation, but I would like to see effort on all parts of the course. Week of Hwk Reading Topics (mostly from Hartmann) due (chapter no.) Oct 1 ---- 1, 2 Climate system, global energy balance Oct 8 #1 3, App. C Radiative transfer, greenhouse effect Oct 15 #2 3, (9) Anthropogenic forcing, feedback Oct 22 #3 4 Planetary boundary layer, surface exchange Oct 29 MT exam 5, App. B Latent heat, moist convection Nov 5 #4 6 Rotation, equations of motion, transports Nov 12 #5 6, 10 Atmospheric general circulation Nov 19 #6 11,12 Numerical modeling, climate prediction Nov 26 #7 various Ozone, chemical tracers of the motion Dec 3 #8 7, 8 Oceans and climate, paleoclimate Dec 11-13 --- Final exam
Chapters 1-3 from “Global Physical Climatology” by Dennis L. Hartmann (Academic Press, 1994) Some figures from “Planetary Sciences” by Imke de Pater and Jack Lissauer (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
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