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KEY CONCEPT Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.

KEY CONCEPT Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence. 1.1 Review Properties of Life. Biology - the study of life Bio = life , logy = study of Remember the Properties of Life acronym MR.GOCH !. etabolism. eproduction. rowth. rganization. ells.

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KEY CONCEPT Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.

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  1. KEY CONCEPTScience is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.

  2. 1.1 Review Properties of Life • Biology - the study of life Bio = life, logy = studyof Remember the Properties of Life acronym MR.GOCH !

  3. etabolism eproduction rowth rganization ells omeostasis

  4. Like all science, biology is a process of inquiry. • Scientists make careful and systematic observations. • Scientists record observations as data. • Scientists form a hypothesis as a possible answer to a     question. • Scientists test their hypotheses and analyze their data.

  5. Scientific Thinking leads from Questions to… more Questions? • Queen Question • Rita Research • Had Hypothesis • Partied Plan • Extensively Experiment • During Data • Rock Results • Concerts Conclusions Recognize these guys?

  6. Biologists use experiments to test hypotheses. • Observational studies allow scientists to describe a phenomenon.

  7. Experiments allow scientists to determine what causes a phenomenon. • Scientists are learning at an unprecedented rate thanks to new tools and technologies. Timeline

  8. Experimental studies allow scientists to determine what causes a phenomenon. • Independent variables are manipulated. • Dependent variables are observed and measured. • Constants are conditions that are kept the same.

  9. A hypothesis is a defined (specific) if-then statement that makes an educated guess about the outcome of an experiment . A theory explains a wide range of observations. • explain a wide range of observations and experimental results. • supported by a wide range of scientific evidence. • can change based on new evidence.

  10. stoma stoma stoma Scientific Tools:Imaging technologies provide new views of life. • transmission electron microscopes (TEM) • A microscope provides an enlarged image of an object. • light microscopes (LM) • scanning electron microscopes (SEM)

  11. Imaging technology is used in medicine. • functional MRI (fMRI) • X-ray images • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

  12. Complex systems are modeled on computers. Normal heartbeat • Computer models are used to study systems that cannot be studied directly. • heart attacks • effect of medicines on the human body • movement of water molecules into and out of a cell • spread of a disease through a population Heart attack • Computer models are used when experiments are not safe, ethical, or practical.

  13. The tools of molecular genetics give rise to new biological studies. • Through our study of DNA, we can study genetics on a molecular level. • molecular genetics • genomics

  14. brain lungs heart liver kidneys • Knowledge of biology helps you understand your health. • food allergies • cancer incidence on the rise, new treatments needed • potential effects of obesity • effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

  15. There are still many questions to answer in biology. • How are memories stored in the brain?

  16. capsid nucleic acid lipid envelop surface proteins • There are still many questions to answer in biology. • What causes various forms of cancer? • How do viruses mutate? • Does life exist on planets other than Earth?

  17. Biologists-Preserve our Environment • Problem: There are more than 6 billion people on Earth. These people need land and resources. Rainforests are being destroyed at a rate of one acre per second. Animals are becoming extinct. • Solution: Reduce, reuse, recycle, and conserve resources. Raise awareness for and track species endangered by human activity Careers in Biology Wildlife Conservationist Evolutionary Biologist Ecologist Environmental Consultant Water Quality specialist

  18. Biologists-Improve the Food Supply • Problem: Some foods that are staples for people in poor countries do not have enough vitamins to sustain a balanced diet. Weeds, pests, and fungus are ruining crops. • Solution: Genetically engineered crops can be grown to help feed the world population. Careers in Biology – Nutritionist / Food Science Pathologist / Vector research Genetic Engineering Mycologist, Entemologist

  19. Genome - The complete set of genetic material contained in an individual’s cells. Problem: What genes do humans have? What traits do those genes express? Solution: The entire human genome was mapped in June 2004. We still aren’t sure how all the pieces work - individually OR together! Biologists -Explore the Human Genome

  20. Gene Therapy Spotlight on Biology Careers Geneticist Gene Therapist Genetic Counselor • Gene manipulations- replacements, splices, blocks Complex techniques of treating damaged genes (or inhibitors) with new or normal ones in hopes of correcting problems. • Gene therapy is still in early research and development.

  21. Biologists-Fight Disease • Problem: AIDS is a world-wide epidemic disease caused by HIV. • AIDS symptoms can be treated but NO vaccine and few effective treatments--the virus mutates as it passes from person to person. • Scientists are working toward a treatment that will help to halt the AIDS epidemic.

  22. Combat Cancer • Cancer is a defect in cells that results in uncontrolled cell division. There are many types - as many as there are types of cells! • Some triggers can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle. • Current treatments are radiation or chemotherapy

  23. West Nile Avian flu MRSA / VRE Etc! Scientists must learn all they can about the disease before they can develop treatments. New Diseases/Old Adversaries Careers in Biology: Epidemiologist Virologist Microbiologist Pharmaceuticals Immunologist Medical Field

  24. On Your Own • Read Biozine- Careers • Fill out the Framework

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