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Report on the CILT-2000 conference in Washington DC: Technology, Equity, and K-14 Learning “Bridging the digital divide”. SLL logo goes here. Reporters. Carolyn Gale ( cgale@ stanford.edu ) SLL (Stanford Learning Lab).
Report on the CILT-2000 conference in Washington DC:Technology, Equity, and K-14 Learning“Bridging the digital divide” SLL logo goes here
Reporters Carolyn Gale (cgale@stanford.edu)SLL (Stanford Learning Lab) Ambjorn Naeve (amb@nada.kth.se)Centre for user-oriented IT Design Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)Stockholm, Sweden website: www.cilt.org/cilt2000
About the Conference • CILT's annual conference is a collaborative forum for leaders in learning technology research, K-14 education, industry, and policy. • The unique format of this conference features speakers and workshops designed to foster community and innovation and to advance the learning technology field. • The conference tried to take advantage of the proximity of the policy-making community, to address a number of critical policy issues.
Organizing Committee Stanford Research Institute University California Berkely Vanderbilt University Concord Consortium Marcia Linn John Bransford Bob Tinker Roy Pea Barbara Means Synergy (postdocs) Theme Teams Visualization & Modeling Assessment for Learning Ubiquitous Computing Community Tools Marcia Linn John Bransford Bob Tinker Roy Pea Nancy Songer Jeremy Roschelle
October 27 and 28, 2000CILT Schedule • The conference participants will convene in Theme Team workshops to share important work to date, build a common vision of the current "state of the art," and identify critical issues for the field to tackle. • These sessions will continue with in-depth evaluation of policy issues related to equity within the theme, and specific opportunities to plan funded collaborative projects in areas of common interest.
Interactive panelRethinking the "Digital Divide" • Many recent studies document growing inequities in access to technical resources and the opportunities they represent. • In this session, panelists will offer contrasting views of the challenges that underlie these phenomena and — with the help of conference participants — evaluate policy levers that may convert challenge to opportunity.
PanelLegislative Initiatives in Technology and Equity • How are federal and state governments responding to issues of technology and equity? • In this discussion of new and emerging legislation and policy initiatives, a panel of representatives from the Hill, public interest groups, and state governments will offer important insights into the dynamics of learning technology policy.
KeynoteRoberta Katz CEO of Article III, Inc. and recent TechNet leader,high tech CEO, lawyer, and cultural anthropologist. • The New economy is the main driver of educational reform (the needs of the “knowledge society”). • Global competition is the main force. US students are not doing well enough (in relation to e.g. Japanese students).
Keynote (cont.)Roberta Katz • Silicon Valley CEO’s are important role models for success. They often did not do well in traditional school and have strong ideas of what needs to change. • Industry is willing to help, but realizes that it lacks the pedagogical expertise. • Ongoing dialogue between industry and educators is crucial. • Schools are not companies, but …..
Special Session:Jan Hawkins Tribute • Emphasized a fun, hands-on approach to designing technology for kids. • Always listened to people’s stories, something we don’t do enough.
Breakout groups • Visualization and Modeling • Ubiquitous Computing • Assessments for Learning • Community Tools • Synergy/Professional Development
Critical Friend: Allan CollinsConference Synthesis • Any intense learning experience should end with time to reflect on what was learned. • Allan Collins (North Western University) will help close the conference by facilitating and synthesizing observations of where we have been, what we learned, and where we agree to go together—from here.
Alan Collins’ summaryAssessment • This is the sine qua non to address. • The standards movement makes adventurous teaching and learning impossible in schools, except in a few pockets. • Basic skills have captured the standards and accountability movement, because that is what we have the technology to test.
Alan Collins (cont.)Assessment • All the fine tools and systems designed for schools will go down the drain, as long as the current tests are in place. • But you cannot replace them with nothing. You need something better. • You need something equally objective that measures students' ability to solve complex problems, create designs and models, etc., in short: to do adventurous thinking.
Alan Collins (cont.)Assessment • It will take collaboration with real assessment folks, lots of money, and a concerted effort to develop tests that truly reflect what students need to learn for the 21st century. • I think this should be the priority for this community.
Alan Collins’ summaryProfessional Development • The kinds of changes required in schools to teach the adventurous thinking that this community wants are enormous. •To make such radical change in teaching takes at least 4 elements: • Visible models of adventurous teaching. • Principles underlying the models. • Guided practice. • Reflective community.
Alan Collins (cont.)Professional Development • Video cases are really importantwith commentaries to help teachers understand the underlying principles. • By studying videos, we can begin to develop a theory and a language for describing teaching. • It looks like the kind of technology-based professional development program is now coming together (Indiana math program, et al.)
Alan Collins’ summary:Ubiquitous Computing • There are many constraints that a computer designed for educational needs has to meet. • It has to be tough, light weight, small, cheap, owned by kids, wirelessly connectable, have long life batteries, etc. • There is a lot of brainpower working on these issues, but we still are not there. • I think it will happen within the next decade.
Alan Collins’ summary:Equity • Transitions are difficult • As we went from an agricultural society to an industrial society, cultural patterns of interaction were broken. Crime and disease flourished. • We are going through a transition of similar magnitude (from an industrial society to a knowledge society).
Alan Collins (cont.) Equity • The digital revolution exacerbates inequalities in the near term. • In the long term it may ameliorate many of the inequalities. • We must work to ameliorate the equity problems, knowing we will only have partial success in the near term.
Alan Collins (cont.) Equity • Probably the best strategies focus on communities rather than schools. • Such as Community Tech Centers, Computer Clubhouses, Tech Corps, Computers for Youth, etc. • More difficult to address equity issues around minorities in the schools, because the kids are so turned offand the structures so rigid.
PresentationsModeling & Visualizations • Making Thinking Visible: Promoting Students' Model-building/Collaborative Discourse in WISE. • SimCalc: Democratizing access to the mathematics of change. • Science inquiry in explorable virtual environments. • CyberMath: A Shared Virtual 3D-environment for Mathematics Exploration. • Participatory Simulations: Connecting Learner Experience to Computational Simulations.
The SimCalc ProjectJim Kaput and Jeremy Roschelle (http://tango.mth.umassd.edu) • The Mathematics of Change is centrally important to living and working in a rapidly evolving democratic society. • Problems involving rates, accumulation, approximations, and limits appear in everyday situations involving money, motion - virtually any situation where varying quantities appear.
SimCalc:Mission • The SimCalc Project aims to democratize access to the Mathematics of Change by combining advanced simulation technology with innovative curriculum that begins in the early grades. • Our mission is to enable ALL students to develop full understanding and practical skill with fundamental concepts of the mathematics of change in meaningful contexts, through a combination of advanced technology and curriculum reform.
SimCalc:Technology & Team • Technology Interactive tools for visualizing, transforming and simulating mathematical objects will enable every student to achieve deep conceptual understanding. • Team SimCalc is a diverse, committed team of educators, developers, and researchers at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, TERC, Rutgers-Newark, San Diego State University. Univ. of Texas-Austin and Syracuse University.
Science inquiry in explorable virtual environments Chris Dede Harward University website: http://www.virtual.gmu.edu
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Addessed issues • How to use modeling & visualization (MV) with a generation already adept at interacting with compelling, but mindless multisensory forms of entertainment? • How to develop an understanding of MV in teachers and the general public, who see learning about science and math more as communicating a fixed corpus of “truths” than as an evolutionary process of collective inquiry and interpretation?
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Challenges in collaborationfor Educational Researchers Partnering with: • mathematicians and scientists to designMV curricula for student learning. • teacher educators and teachers to adapt MV learning materials to a context of first generation content standards and flawed high stakes tests. • policymakers, parents, and communities to evolve learning distributed across space, time, and multiple media.
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Potential advantages Multisensory immersion: • skill development in authentic settings. • cognitive complexity into sensory processing. • bridging visual learners into abstract thinking, formal notation, and causality. Distributed simulation: • fantasy, challenge, curiosity, beauty, fun. • collaborative construction and social interaction. • reconceptualizing personal “authenticity”.
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:What are the MUVERs investigating? • The potential of MUVE-based museum-related “participatory historical situations” to aid motivation and learning in science. • How the design characteristics of these learning experiences affect students' motivation and educational outcomes. • The extent to which museum-related MUVEs can aid pupils' performance on conventional assessments related to national science standards.
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Case Study Project ScienceSpace: Using Immersive Virtual Worlds in Real World Classrooms
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Entering the Chemistry Lab
Science inquiry in explorable VR environments:Testing the water quality
CyberMath A shared 3D virtual reality environmentfor the interactive exploration of mathematics. Ambjorn Naeve & Gustav Taxén Royal Inst. of Technology Stockholm / Sweden website: cid.nada.kth.se/il
CyberMath Goals: The CyberMath system should allow: • teaching of both elementary, intermediate and advanced mathematics and geometry. • the teacher to teach in a direct manner. • teachers to present material that is hard to visualize using standard teaching tools. • students to work together in groups. • global sharing of resources. Means: • Making use of advanced VR technology.
PresentationsCommunity Tools • Communities of interpretation within the Telelearning Professional Development Schools. • The Internet Learning Forum: Fostering and sustaining knowledge networking to support a community of science and mathematics teachers. • Community and Collaboration: Internet Environments that Connect Classrooms. • The Shadow netWorkspace' Learning Systems Project. • Outward Bound: Preparing students for active investigations through rivers.
Presentations (cont.)Community Tools • Stone Soup:A Distributed Collaboratory Using Software Agents. • Issues in Development of an Online Education Teaching Certification. • Creating and sharing representations of scientific phenomena: Creating a video-based meta-exhibit to connect informal learning centers and schools. • Conceptual Browsing with Conzilla: a context/content based way to handle digital information.
Sasha Barab, (http://ilf.indiana.edu) The Internet Learning Forum • Aim: to support a virtual community of mathematics and science teachers, allowing them to share and improve pedagogical practices • Vision: of a community in which teachers can virtually visit each other's classrooms to observe and discuss approaches to teaching and to share artifacts. • Research goal: to understand the principles for fostering, sustaining, and scaling communities of practice in which the value to participants of sharing their practice outweighs the "costs" of participation. • Method: look at the variety of variables that impact the dynamics of the social networks through which teachers seek to improve and share their pedagogical practices.
Stone Soup:A Distributed CollaboratoryUsing Software Agents (Jennifer Robins) • A collaboratory is an online community where members share ideas and digital resources. • It is a type of digital library where community members build the collection. • a collaboratory has three advantages over a digital library: • The interests of the community determine the content of the collection. • The collection can be built faster by the collective actions of members. • The cost of the building and maintaining a collection is distributed among the community members.
• The central challenge in building a collaboratory is achieving a critical mass of participating members. • Critical mass is defined as threshold of individual actions that must be reached in order to produce a public good. • For the collaboratory to become a public good it must reach a state where its value increases with use while the cost of its operation does not. • In order to accomplish this, two strategies are proposed: • Encourage pro-social behaviors within the collaboratory community. • Add value to the collaboratory every time members use it. • These strategies are currently being implemented on the Inquiry Page, a collaboratory for K12 teachers. http://inquiry.uiuc.edu.
Conceptual Browsing with Conzilla A context/content based way to handle digital information Ambjorn Naeve Royal Inst. of Technology Stockholm / Sweden website: cid.nada.kth.se/il
Conzilla:Design principles for Concept Browsers • separate context(= relationships) from content. • describe each context in terms of a concept map. • assign an appropriate set of components as the content of a concept or a conceptual relationship. • label the components with a standardized data description (metadata) scheme (IMS-IEEE). • filter the components through different aspects. • transform a content component which is a map into a context by contextualizing it.
Context Content Mathematics Surf Geometry View Info Algebra Analysis Combinatorics Conzilla:Conceptual browsing:Surfing the context
Context Content Geometry Algebraic What How Differential Surf Where V iew When Projective Info Who Conzilla:Conceptual Browsing: Viewing the content