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GCC Budget 2007/08 Children & Young People Agenda 19.00 Welcome and Introductions (by Chair) 19.10 Budget Presentation 19.50 Open Forum 20.50 Closing Remarks (by Chair) 21.00 Close. Overall Funding Context Council Priorities Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 Dedicated Schools Grant 2007/08
GCC Budget 2007/08Children & Young People Agenda 19.00 Welcome and Introductions (by Chair) 19.10 Budget Presentation 19.50 Open Forum 20.50 Closing Remarks (by Chair) 21.00 Close
Overall Funding Context Council Priorities Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 Dedicated Schools Grant 2007/08 Impact on Budgets Funding Outlook Schools’ Financial Management Consultation Discussion Items Budget Presentation
SchoolsOther Services Government Formula Grant x Council Tax x Dedicated Schools Grant x Other Government Grants Local Fees/Charges Constraints on funding influence decision making (choices, priorities, investment, disinvestment) Overall Funding Context #1
Proposals made in the context of DSG funding regime and 2nd year of 2-year funding settlement Govt’s Council Tax Capping Regime continues Local Council Tax rise lower than 06/07 Not meeting all service needs, BUT Focus on priorities Disinvest to reinvest (some major service reshaping) Overall Funding Context #2
Supporting communities Ensuring every child thrives and vulnerable people and reaches their potential Making transport work Managing our Making our environment communities safer and economy Driving Excellence (and maintaining low council tax) Council Priorities
Every Child and Young Person thrives and reaches their potential
Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 #1 Service Analysis £M% Children & Young People 61.6 +3.3 Community & Adult Care 114.1 +4.2 Environment 49.0 +4.7 CESU 21.8 +2.4 Business Management 20.0 +0.5 Corporate and Technical Budgets 37.5 -1.5 Additional Police Officers 0.9 +148.0 Proposed Budget 2007/08 308.7+3.1
CYP Budget£M Base Budget 2006/07 59.7 Inflation 1.8 Increased Spending 2.8 Efficiencies / Other Savings -2.7 Budget 2007/08 61.6 +3.3% DSG (Schools) Budget 294.2 +5.1% Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 #2
Increased Spending / Investments on CYP Budget £M Transport +1.5 Legal fees +0.3 In-house Social Care provision +0.4 CYPwD / enhanced OT +0.2 Youth Housing Support Workers +0.1 VCS Grants +0.1 Other +0.2 Total +2.8 Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 #4
Efficiencies / Other Savings on CYP Budget £M Agency Care Placements -1.0 School Pensions -0.7 Advisers staff reorganisation -0.2 Youth Housing Support contract -0.1 VCS Grants -0.1 Efficiencies -0.4 Other -0.2 Total -2.7 Proposed GCC Budget 2007/08 #5
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG): 07/08 Funding unit increase 6.4% (in line with average) Guaranteed Funding Unit (GFU) £3,573.84 / pupil Glos ranked 138th (previously 137th) out of 149 “Shrinking pot” On Jan 06 pupils, 07/08 DSG worth £17.9M On Jan 07 est., 07/08 DSG worth £14.2M (£280M to £294M) i.e. pupil reduction worth £3.7M Final 07/08 DSG = 07/08 GFU x Jan ’07 pupils DSG Budget 2007/08 #1
£M 2007/08 DSG Increase (estimated) 14.2 +5.1% Proposed Allocation Schools Commitments (estimated) +11.3 Other Commitments (estimated) +0.2 Balance for New Investment (estimated) +2.7 DSG Budget 2007/08 #2
SchoolsOtherTotal £M£M£M MFGs / Govt. priorities +9.7 Demographic reductions in schools -2.0 Headroom 2006/07 +1.2 Statementing / rates / threshold etc +0.9 Inflation / LG Super +0.9 Overs(+)/Unders(-) 2006/07 +1.5 -0.7 Total +11.3 +0.2 +11.5 Balance for New Investment (including headroom) +2.7 butPost-16 funding mismatch (MFG cost > LSC funding) DSG Budget 2007/08 #3
£000 NEG –334 CC / EY +334 0 Recoupment saving –150 Special Schools +150 0 Carbon Emissions (Invest-to-Save Fund) +150 Race Equality & Diversity Service +227 Targeted School Improvement +100 School Attendance +100 Maintenance of School Buildings +500 Children & Young People with Disabilities +250 Development of SEN Provision in Gloucestershire +450 Potential over-estimate of DSG (pupil numbers) +90 Other +75 + Schools’ Headroom DSG Budget2007/08 #4
Headroom: Overall resource dependent upon agreed priorities for new investment Schools Forum agreed to share any headroom pro-rata to overall budgets (Prim 47%, Sec 47%, Spec 6%) Distribution to individual schools using needs-led formulae Greater number of schools receive a share each year, so average sum per school reduces Any headroom built into next year’s budget permanently DSG Budget2007/08 #5
DSG Budget2007/08 #6 • SSG increase by Chancellor: • Prim £6.6M to £7.9M +18.7% (£12k + £114/pupil) • Sec £5.0M to £5.7M +14.5% (£12k + £121/pupil) • Spec £0.4M to £0.5M + 9.5% (£29k + £114 / pupil) • Threshold Grant probable (3-year?) phasing of • “snapshot” formulaic w.e.f. 2008/09
Impact on Schools’ Budgets • MFGs funding stability • Govt. priorities targeted funding • Full NLF delay locks in inequities • Falling pupils (Prim.) adds pressures • Local priorities agreed by Schools’ Forum • - NLF distribution • - New investment in 07/08 • “Headroom” relieves pressure (some schools) • Balances “haves” and “have nots”
Impact on Local Authority Budgets • Keep Council Tax low many cash limited budgets • Significant cost pressures (inflation,Transport “super inflation”, LG Super) • Limited growth (but targeted to priorities) • Efficiency savings / budget cuts • Minimal –ve impact upon services wherever possible
Overall funding levels end to ‘generous’ funding era CSR 2008 (2008/09 - 2010/11) in 2007 predictability Ministerial commitment to “to listen” to ff4gs campaign and discuss national funding More funding for Glos? Who knows? Resource allocations to LAs? potential turbulence MFG continuation? definitely but likely decrease Pupil numbers shrinking DSG (in real terms) Funding Outlook 2008/09 (National) ?
Continuation of low Council Tax rises limited budgets! Efficiencies ever more difficult to achieve service cuts? Increased demands/commitments Increased expectations? Further review 2008/09 of Primary/Secondary Schools’ NLF (WFR, TLRs, ICT, 14-19 threshold) Special Schools’ NLF draft model out for consultation (implement in part wef 2008/09) Funding Outlook (Local)
DfES expectations VfM and FMSiS compliance FMSiS - Secondary schools expected to comply Mar 07 - Prim/Spec compliance between Mar 08 & Mar 10 Governor’s Budget Plans - used to identify schools “causing concern”, potential staffing reductions (impact on pensions) - sound financial planning (claw-back of balances) - timely return necessary schools’ co-operation essential Schools’ Financial Management
Consultation – Next Steps • Information sharing meeting 10 Jan • Schools’ Forum sub-group 12 Jan • Schools’ Forum 16 Jan • CYP Scrutiny 17 Jan • Budget consultation responses (by) 19 Jan • Final budget to Cabinet 7 Feb • Formal Council budget-setting 21 Feb • Schools’ Forum (“last-minute issues”) 6 Mar • Then final budgets issued to schools
Specific Issues for Discussion • Overall County Council budget proposals • Proposed new investment from DSG • Any other issues of concern • Questions?
Council Tax Budget Proposals:http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=14668Comments to County Council’s Consultation Team:http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=141Dedicated Schools Grant Budget Proposals:http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=8639Comments to your Schools’ Forum governor representative