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Energizing the Generations: Finding the Leaders

Energizing the Generations: Finding the Leaders. Katrina Bickerstaff BSN RN CPAN CAPA Armi Holcomb BSN RN CPAN NAPANc 15 th Annual Conference June 9-11,2017 Vancouver, BC. Objectives. List the values of leadership Describe the assets of an inspirational leader

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Energizing the Generations: Finding the Leaders

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  1. Energizing the Generations: Finding the Leaders Katrina Bickerstaff BSN RN CPAN CAPA Armi Holcomb BSN RN CPAN NAPANc 15th Annual Conference June 9-11,2017 Vancouver, BC

  2. Objectives List the values of leadership Describe the assets of an inspirational leader Identify the importance of leadership on nursing retention

  3. What is Leadership? • Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company • Leadership has nothing to do with titles • Leadership has nothing to do with personal attributes • Leadership isn’t management

  4. So What is Leadership? DEFINITION: Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal What Is Leadership?. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/04/09/what-is-leadership/2/#32f61a1de825.

  5. Why Do We Need Leaders • Leadership is an attitude • Leaders encourages us to realize our real potential • Leaders make us confident • Leaders invoke the sense of responsibilities • Leaders love their subordinates grow

  6. Leadership Values

  7. Leadership Values • Optimistic • Broad minded • Caring • Competent • Courageous • Innovative • Forward looking • Decisive • Dependable • Supportive • Determined • Loyal • imaginative • Trustworthy, • Willing to accept responsibility • Able to communicate effectively • Integrity • Inspiring • Teamwork/collaboration • Diversity • Self controlled • Independent

  8. http://theleadershiptrainingworkshop.com/2016/05/important-characteristics-of-admired-leaders/http://theleadershiptrainingworkshop.com/2016/05/important-characteristics-of-admired-leaders/

  9. Lessons from the GeeseImportance of Achieving GoalsImportance of TeamworkImportance of SharingImportance of Empathy and SharingImportance of Encouragement

  10. Are You a Leader or a Follower • John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States, defined leadership as: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

  11. Effective and Inspirational Nursing Leadership • Dream • Learn • Do • Become

  12. The Inspirational Leader • Having the right perspective • Constructive feedback • Possess the right spirit • Setting goals • Delegation of responsibilities • Creating an enjoyable atmosphere

  13. Characteristics of a Successful Leadership Style • Choose to lead • Be the person others choose to follow • Provide vision for the future • Provide inspiration • Make other people feel important and appreciated • Live your values • Behave ethically • Set the pace through your expectations and example • Establish an environment of continuous improvement • Provide opportunities for people to grow • Care and act with compassion

  14. Professional Practice of a Leader • Attitude • Appropriate Dialogue • Professional Dress

  15. Managing Generational Attitudes Towards Leadership Values, Attitudes, Beliefs and Behaviors Patterns are learned • parents • teachers • peers • society

  16. Managing Generational Attitudes Towards Leadership • The heart of the challenge are the very differences of the generations • These differences impact how we manage and lead • How we interact with each other everyday

  17. Four Makes a Party Right? • Pew Research Center (May 2015) • US Labor Force showing how Millennials have surpassed Generation X as the largest generation working in America • First time in history • Four generations working alongside each other • Silent Generation, • Baby Boomers, • Generation X • Millennial

  18. So What is the Big Deal?

  19. Major events and “Culture Icons”

  20. Communications, Feedback and Rewards

  21. Five Techniques For Managing Generational Differences Focus on goals and set clear expectations • Each generation approaches their work differently, each providing strengths the other do not posses Mentoring and Inclusion • Encourage each generation to mentor the other Break the bonds of tradition. • If there is a better way to do something, take the suggestion

  22. Five Techniques For Managing Generational Differences Show employees the future • Tell them where the organization is going, how they fit in, and how to prepare. Encourage balance • Employees of all ages place a high value on balancing their work and personal lives

  23. Professional Practice Mentoring • Be available • Promote • Embrace with enthusiasm • Engage students • Be that “go to” person • Easily approachable • Share knowledge Autonomy • Take responsibility for practice • Anticipate • Be proactive • Advocate • Collaborate easily with all

  24. Professional Leadership Qualities: • Lead by example • Engage peers • Promote professional behavior • Promote involvement in specialty • Model the way

  25. In Conclusion Leadership is more about vision than precision • more about relationships than results • more about processes than structures • more about taking risks than security • more about cooperating than winning • more about effectiveness than efficiency • more about setting examples than getting quick results • more about long-term learning than short-term conclusions • more about asking the right questions than giving the right answers

  26. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/t/tompeters382508.htmlhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/t/tompeters382508.html

  27. Questions?

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