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Unit 1: The Gilded Age Industrialization. Have you ever used any of these products? What company created these products? Who was the man behind the creation of these products?. Apple Inc. . Steve Jobs CEO 1976: Started Apple at 21 years old
Have you ever used any of these products? What company created these products? Who was the man behind the creation of these products?
Apple Inc. • Steve Jobs • CEO • 1976: Started Apple at 21 years old • Entrepreneur: person who organizes and operates a business • Monopoly: one company controls the production and sale of a product or service
Gilded Age Entrepreneurs • John D. Rockefeller • Andrew Carnegie • Cornelius Vanderbilt • J.P. Morgan • George Westinghouse • George Pullman
How did these men build their businesses? • Industrialization: growth of industry due to availability of natural resources, use of electricity and petroleum, new inventions and improved communication and transportation • Transcontinental Railroad • Availability of cheap labor • Free Enterprise • Monopolies • Laissez Faire Capitalism • Trusts: competing companies consolidate into one
What is Laissez Faire Capitalism? • Laissez Faire capitalism is when the government is not regulating big business. During the Gilded Age, the government practiced Laissez Faire capitalism and this led to rise of big business ( trusts ) • Industrialization took place between 1870 and 1900. • This time period is also called the Gilded Age because on the surface the US was doing great but if one looked below the surface, there was a lot of problems like poverty, bad working conditions and child labor
John D. Rockefeller • Industry: Oil • Company: Standard Oil Trust • Refined oil from the ground into useful products • By 1879, Standard Oil controlled 90% of oil refining in the United States
Andrew Carnegie • Industry: Steel • Company: Carnegie Steel • Poor Scottish immigrant • Paid his workers low wages, forced them to work 12 hour days and prohibited labor unions • Philanthropist: $350 million to build libraries and fund universities
Cornelius Vanderbilt • Industry: Railroads and Steam Ships • One of America’s first millionaires • Grew up poor • Operated a fleet of 100 steam ships • Purchased railroads in New York and offered low fares and improved service
J.P. Morgan • Industry: Banking • Company: JP Morgan and Co. • Son of a banker • Created monopolies in the steel and railroad industries
George Westinghouse • Industry: Electrical • Company: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. • Served in the Union Army • Patented several devices for use by the railroads
George Pullman • Industry: Railroads • Company: Pullman Palace Car Co. • Invented the sleeping car • Built the town of Pullman to house his employees
Captains of Industry OR Robber Barons? • These entrepreneurs were viewed as • Captains of Industry: Entrepreneurs who created the modern industrial economy. Inventive leaders who were charitable and hard working. OR… • Robber Barons: Entrepreneurs who were self-centered, destroyed competition and mistreated their workers. • Example: Steve Jobs
TODAY • In groups, you will determine if these men were… • Captains of Industry • Robber Barons