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Passcert has released the up-to-date JNCIP-SEC Certification JN0-635 Dumps, which are useful and valuable for you to prepare the exam well and get the certification without any effort.
JN0-635 Dumps JN0-635 Dumps Security, Professional Security, Professional https://www.passcert.com/ https://www.passcert.com/JN0-635 JN0-635.html .html
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 1 Your company wants to scale to 200 branches across the globe. Dynamic routing over the VPNs is required and you want Your company wants to scale to 200 branches across the globe. Dynamic routing over the VPNs is required and you want to minimize the chance of compromising the keys. Which type of VPN implementation should you use? to minimize the chance of compromising the keys. Which type of VPN implementation should you use? A. A. policy-based VPN with preshared key authentication policy-based VPN with preshared key authentication B. B. route-based VPN with preshared key authentication route-based VPN with preshared key authentication C. C. policy-based VPN with certificate-based authentication policy-based VPN with certificate-based authentication D. D. route-based VPN with certificate-based authentication route-based VPN with certificate-based authentication Answer: Answer: D D 2
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 2 You installed the IPS license on the SRX Series device and need to download the IPS signature database. You installed the IPS license on the SRX Series device and need to download the IPS signature database. What must you do? What must you do? A. A. Run the request security idp security-package install command; the signature database will be Run the request security idp security-package install command; the signature database will be downloaded from Juniper Networks and installed. downloaded from Juniper Networks and installed. B. B. Run the request security idp security-package download command followed by the request security idp Run the request security idp security-package download command followed by the request security idp security-package install command. security-package install command. C. C. Run the request security idp security-package download command; the signature database will be Run the request security idp security-package download command; the signature database will be downloaded from Juniper Networks and installed. downloaded from Juniper Networks and installed. D. D. Download the signature database from Juniper Networks and run the request security idp security- Download the signature database from Juniper Networks and run the request security idp security- package download <IP address> to use TFTP to transfer the file from your laptop and install it on the SRX package download <IP address> to use TFTP to transfer the file from your laptop and install it on the SRX Series device. Series device. Answer: Answer: B B 3
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 3 A large company with different partners wants to establish a VPN among the various sites using certificates. A large company with different partners wants to establish a VPN among the various sites using certificates. One partner receives a certificate from a different CA server than does corporate headquarters. One partner receives a certificate from a different CA server than does corporate headquarters. Which type of certificate format is used on the SRX Series device to establish this VPN? Which type of certificate format is used on the SRX Series device to establish this VPN? A. A. PKCS10 PKCS10 B. B. PKCS7 PKCS7 C. C. PKCSS PKCSS D. D. PKCS12 PKCS12 Answer: B Answer: B 4
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 4 You want to configure system security resources for logical systems on SRX devices. Which statement is You want to configure system security resources for logical systems on SRX devices. Which statement is true regarding the system behavior of security profiles? true regarding the system behavior of security profiles? A. A. They are defined by user administrators within an LSYS. They are defined by user administrators within an LSYS. B B Up to 512 profiles can be configured. Up to 512 profiles can be configured. C. C. One security profile can be applied to multiple LSYSs. One security profile can be applied to multiple LSYSs. D. D. Configured limitations of type maximum guarantees system resources. Configured limitations of type maximum guarantees system resources. Answer: Answer: C C 5
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 5 You have configured DNS doctoring on your SRX device to allow your internal Web server You have configured DNS doctoring on your SRX device to allow your internal Web server traffic to respond to www.targethost.com. You now want to verify proper DNS doctoring traffic to respond to www.targethost.com. You now want to verify proper DNS doctoring behavior. Which action allows you to perform this task? behavior. Which action allows you to perform this task? A. A. Initiate a ping from an internal host to www.targethost.com. Initiate a ping from an internal host to www.targethost.com. B. B. Initiate a ping from an external host to www.targethost.com. Initiate a ping from an external host to www.targethost.com. C. C. Initiate a ping from the internal Web server to an external host. Initiate a ping from the internal Web server to an external host. D. D. Verify that the DNS ALG is enabled. Verify that the DNS ALG is enabled. Answer: Answer: B B 6
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 6 A security administrator wants to establish a certificate-based VPN between SRXA and SRXB. SRXA A security administrator wants to establish a certificate-based VPN between SRXA and SRXB. SRXA receives a certificate from certificate authority CA-A and SRXB receives a certificate from certificate receives a certificate from certificate authority CA-A and SRXB receives a certificate from certificate authority CA-B. authority CA-B. Which type of certificates are needed on SRXA to establish the VPN tunnel? Which type of certificates are needed on SRXA to establish the VPN tunnel? A. A. SRXA's local certificate, and SRXA's CA certificate issued by CA-A SRXA's local certificate, and SRXA's CA certificate issued by CA-A B. B. SRXA's local certificate, and SRXB's CA certificate issued by CA-B SRXA's local certificate, and SRXB's CA certificate issued by CA-B C. C. SRXA's local certificate, and SRXB's local certificate SRXA's local certificate, and SRXB's local certificate D. D. SRXB's local certificate, SRXA's CA certificate issued by CA-A, and SRXB's CA certificate issued by SRXB's local certificate, SRXA's CA certificate issued by CA-A, and SRXB's CA certificate issued by CA-B CA-B Answer: Answer: B B 7
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 7 You want to add the IDP attack database to your SRX device. Which two tasks are required to complete this goal? You want to add the IDP attack database to your SRX device. Which two tasks are required to complete this goal? (Choose two.) (Choose two.) A. A. Download the IDP security package. Download the IDP security package. B. B. Download the IDP sensor database. Download the IDP sensor database. C. C. Install the IDP sensor database. Install the IDP sensor database. D. D. Install the IDP security package. Install the IDP security package. Answer: Answer: AD AD 8
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 8 You are asked to separate several remote branch locations by attaching them to separate SRX You are asked to separate several remote branch locations by attaching them to separate SRX Series devices. You have only one SRX Series device and must accomplish this objective Series devices. You have only one SRX Series device and must accomplish this objective virtually. virtually. You are required to have separate routing tables, and each interface must be in different logical You are required to have separate routing tables, and each interface must be in different logical devices. Which type of routing-instance must you use to accomplish this objective? devices. Which type of routing-instance must you use to accomplish this objective? A. A. virtual-router virtual-router B. B. non-forwarding non-forwarding C. C. policy-based policy-based D. D. forwarding forwarding Answer: Answer: A A 9
Download Passcert valid JN0-635 exam dumps to pass your JN0-635 exam successfully Question 9 Your enterprise requires a remote access solution and wants the installation of the VPN client software to Your enterprise requires a remote access solution and wants the installation of the VPN client software to be automated and linked to users as they log in to the VPN server. Which client VPN feature meets this be automated and linked to users as they log in to the VPN server. Which client VPN feature meets this requirement? requirement? A. A. Purchase SSL VPN feature licenses and add them to the SRX Series device Purchase SSL VPN feature licenses and add them to the SRX Series device B. B. Install the Junos Pulse client on the Windows devices at login Install the Junos Pulse client on the Windows devices at login C. C. Deploy the group VPN SRX Series device feature 1 Deploy the group VPN SRX Series device feature 1 D. D. Deploy the dynamic VPN on the SRX Series device Deploy the dynamic VPN on the SRX Series device Answer: Answer: D D 10
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