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Outline. Current scenario Initiatives around the world Motivation The Mare-Fi project Conclusions. 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto. Satellite. Current scenario. high monthly fees narrowband narrow band half-duplex voice comms. Celullar. HF/VHF radio. broadband near shore only.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Outline • Currentscenario • Initiativesaroundtheworld • Motivation • TheMare-Fiproject • Conclusions 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  2. Satellite Currentscenario • highmonthlyfees • narrowband • narrowband • half-duplex voicecomms • Celullar • HF/VHF radio • broadband • nearshoreonly 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  3. Initiativesaroundtheworldsince 2008 mostsimulation-oriented allbasedonexpensiveand no universal technology 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  4. Motivation Wi-Filand-seacommunicationsnotyetexploited Wi-Fioverlicenseexemptbands higherTxpower, longer ranges Wi-Fiisuniversalandaffordable Wi-Fifreelyavailableonland 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  5. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Objectives StudyWi-Fi performance for land–seaandsea–seacommunicationsusinglicenseexemptbands ExtendfreeWi-Fionland to theseausingcommunitynetworksoffishingboats DevelopWi-Ficommunicationsolutionsadapted to seaenvironment 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  6. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Roadmap Firstphase • deploylandstationandseanodes (fishingboats) • studyland-seaandsea-seaWi-Ficommunications performance Secondphase • extend Porto Digital freeWi-Fiup to 5 nm usingfishingboats as relays (JANUS technology) • developWi-Ficommssolutionsadapted to seaenvironment 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  7. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications 700 MHz Pilot: landstation 5.8 GHz

  8. 700 MHz TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Pilot: seanodes 5.8 GHz < 200 € 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  9. 700 MHz TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Pilot: seanodes 700 MHz 5.8 GHz < 200 €

  10. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Land-seaWi-Ficommsresults 6 km 5 Mbit/s 9 km 13 km 1.5 Mbit/s 50 kbit/s

  11. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications FirsttimeeverWi-Firesults are reported for long rangeland–seacommunications 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  12. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Economicalimpact • pioneer digital servicesatsea e.g., Wi-Fi Internet access for vesselsapproachingharbors • savemoneyspentoncelullar/satellitecomms • boostfishermeneconomicalactivity • developedmaritimecommsolutionshaveexportationpotential 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  13. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Social impact • contribute to digital inclusion • bringbroadband to newusersandgeographicalareas • usersatseacloser to familyandco-workers alignedwith EU Digital Agenda 2020 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  14. TheMare-FiprojectWi-Fi for land-seacommunications Scientificimpact • augmentscientificknowledgeonWi-Fimaritimecomms • contribute to maritimecommunications standards • conferenceandjournalpublications 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  15. Acknowledgments

  16. Thankyou! 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

  17. Contact Rui Campos INESC Porto Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378 4200-465 Porto, Portugal E-mail: rcampos@inescporto.pt 3rd Fórum do Mar, Porto

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