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Science. Jeopardy. Howdy and welcome to our game show!! Our contestants will be given questions , and their job is to come up with the answers. Always click the buttons to get around in the show. When you are ready for Final Jeopardy, click on any Category Heading. Meet the Contestants.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science Jeopardy

  2. Howdy and welcome to our game show!! Our contestants will be given questions, and their job is to come up with the answers.

  3. Always click the buttons to get around in the show. When you are ready for Final Jeopardy, click on any Category Heading. Meet the Contestants

  4. Geniuses Smarties Know-it-Alls Let’s Play!

  5. Matter Potpourri Hot & Cold Mixtures & Solutions Vocabulary Practice Using Tools 1 10 Points 6 10 Points 11 10 Points 16 10 Points 21 10 Points 2 20 Points 7 20 Points 12 20 Points 17 20 Points 22 20 Points 3 30 Points 8 30 Points 13 30 Points 18 30 Points 23 30 Points 4 40 Points 9 40 Points 14 40 Points 19 40 Points 24 40 Points 5 50 Points 10 50 Points 15 50 Points 20 50 Points 25 50 Points

  6. 1. What are the three states of matter?

  7. 1. Solid, liquid, and gas Categories

  8. 2. If a crayon is placed between the two wires in the circuit below, the bulb will not glow. This happens because the crayon is a/an .

  9. 2. insulator Categories

  10. 3. A metal can and a plastic bottle both contain juices that are the same temperature. If left on the table, the juice in the metal container will get warm faster, because metal is a good of thermal energy.

  11. 3. conductor Categories

  12. 4. Which of the objects pictured below have a relative density less than that of water? How do you know?

  13. 4. Clay boat, plastic duck and plastic glass; they float Categories

  14. 5. Solubility is the ability of one ingredient to dissolve in another ingredient. What common substance has the following physical properties? • Solid • White crystals • Tastes sweet • Is soluble in water

  15. 5. Sugar Categories

  16. 6. What is the freezing point of water on the Celsius scale?

  17. 6. 0°C Categories

  18. 7. What is the melting point of frozen water (ice) on the Celsius scale?

  19. 7. 0°C Categories

  20. 8. What is the boiling point of water on the Celsius scale?

  21. 8. 100°C Categories

  22. 9. When water freezes, it changes from a to a .

  23. 9. liquid to a solid Categories

  24. 10. Which constant point of water is shown on the thermometer?

  25. 10. Boiling point Categories

  26. 11. A student mixes some flour and sugar together in a bowl. Explain why this is a mixture but NOT a solution.

  27. 11. Something must dissolve in order to have a solution, the two ingredients just mix together. Categories

  28. 12. A student has five samples of matter: salt, gravel, wood chips, sugar, and iron filings. Which two samples would mix with water to form solutions?

  29. 12. The salt and the sugar would dissolve in water to form solutions. Categories

  30. 13. Sugar is added to a glass of water and stirred. What happened to the sugar?

  31. 13. The sugar dissolved. Categories

  32. 14. What conclusion can you draw from the graph below?

  33. 14. More salt will dissolve in hot water than in cold water. Categories

  34. 15. Which physical properties make it easy to separate a mixture of sand and paper clips?

  35. 15. Paper clips are attracted to a magnet, but sand is not. Categories

  36. What is a combination of two or more ingredients that do not mix together to form a new substance called?

  37. 16. A mixture Categories

  38. 17. What does one ingredient do when it breaks into small parts and spreads out evenly in another ingredient?

  39. 17. dissolves Categories

  40. 18. What is the name of a special mixture in which one ingredient dissolves in another?

  41. 18. Solution Categories

  42. 19. Different substances can combine to form mixtures and solutions. What is another word for these substances?

  43. 19. Ingredients Categories

  44. 20. What is a characteristic of matter that can be observed, measured or changed without changing the matter itself called?

  45. 20. A physical property Categories

  46. 21. What tool would be used to measure the volume of a liquid?

  47. 21. Beaker or graduated cylinder Categories

  48. 22. What tool would be used to measure the mass of matter?

  49. 22. Balance (triple beam, pan etc.) or a spring scale Categories

  50. 23. What tool could be used to separate a mixture of aluminum and iron nails?

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