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Understanding ARM Instruction Set Programming

Learn about ARM architecture, instruction set, assembly language programming, addressing modes, and data operations. Explore examples and ARM processor series. Enhance your knowledge to write efficient ARM code.

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Understanding ARM Instruction Set Programming

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  1. ARM Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming Jianjian SONG Software Institute, Nanjing University

  2. Content • ARM Architecture Introduction • ARM Instruction Set • ARM Assembly Language Programming

  3. 2. ARM Architecture Introduction • ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) • 既可以认为是一个公司的名字,也可以认为是一类微处理器的通称,还可以认为是一种技术的名字。 • ARM公司是一家设计公司,是IP (Intellectual Property)供应商,靠转让设计许可证由合作伙伴生产各具特色的芯片。 • http://www.arm.com

  4. ARM的特点 • ARM具有RISC体系的一般特点: • 大量寄存器 • 绝大多数操作都在寄存器中进行,通过Load/Store的在内存和寄存器间传递数据。 • 寻址方式简单 • 采用固定长度的指令格式 • 此外, • 小体积、低功耗、低成本、高性能 • 16位/32位双指令集 • 全球众多合作伙伴

  5. ARM体系结构的扩充 • Thumb (Tvariant): • 16位指令集,用以改善指令密度; • Long Multiplication (M variant): • 增加两条用于长乘法操作的指令; • DSP (Evariant): • 用于DSP应用的算术运算指令集; • Jazeller (J variant): • 允许直接执行Java字节码 什么是指令密度? 执行同等操作序列的前提下,单位内存空间所容纳的机器指令数。

  6. ARM处理器系列 • ARM7系列 • ARM9系列 • ARM9E系列 • ARM10系列 • SecureCore系列 • Intel StrongARM • Intel XScale

  7. 3. ARM Instruction Set • Assembly language • ARM programming model • ARM memory organization • ARM data operations • ARM flow of control

  8. Assembly language • What is assembly language and why assembly language? • One-to-one with instructions (more or less). • Basic features: • One instruction per line. • Labels provide names for addresses (usually in first column). • Instructions often start in later columns. • Columns run to end of line.

  9. ARM assembly language example label1 ADR r4,c LDR r0,[r4] ; a comment ADR r4,d LDR r1,[r4] SUB r0,r0,r1 ; comment

  10. 31 28 27 26 25 24 21 20 19 16 15 12 11 0 cond 00 X opcode S Rn Rd Shifter-operand ARM指令的一般编码格式 opcode: 指令操作符编码 cond: 指令执行条件编码 S: 指令的操作是否影响CPSR的值 Rn: 包含第一个操作数的寄存器编码 Rd: 目标寄存器编码 Shifter_operand: 第二个操作数 符号表示: <opcode>{<cond>}{<S>} <Rd>, <Rn>, <shifter-operand>

  11. ARMAddressing Modes (preliminary) • 寄存器寻址 • 例:ADD R0 , R1 , R2 ; (R1)+(R2)→R0 • 立即数寻址 • 例:ADD R3 , R3 , #2 ; (R3)+2→R3 • 寄存器间接寻址 • 例:LDR R0 , [R3] ; ((R3))→R0 • 寄存器变址 • 例:LDR R0 , [R1, #4] ; ((R1)+4)→R0 • 相对寻址 • 例:B rel ; (PC)+offset→PC

  12. Pseudo-ops • Some assembler directives don’t correspond directly to instructions: • Define current address. • Reserve storage. • Constants.

  13. N Z C V ARM programming model r0 r8 r1 r9 0 31 r2 r10 CPSR r3 r11 r4 r12 r5 r13 r6 r14 r7 r15 (PC)

  14. ARM status bits • Every arithmetic, logical, or shifting operation sets CPSR bits: • N (negative), Z (zero), C (carry), V (overflow). • Examples: • -1 + 1 = 0: NZCV = 0110. • 231-1+1 = -231: NZCV = 0101.

  15. ARM data types • Word is 32 bits long. • Word can be divided into four 8-bit bytes. • ARM addresses can be 32 bits long. • Address refers to byte. • Address 4 starts at byte 4. • Can be configured at power-up as either little- or big-endian mode.

  16. Instructions Overview • Data instructions • Load/Store instructions • Move Instructions • Comparison instructions • Branch instructions

  17. ARM data instructions • Basic format: ADD r0,r1,r2 • Computes r1+r2, stores in r0. • Immediate operand: ADD r0,r1,#2 • Computes r1+2, stores in r0.

  18. ADD, ADC : add (w. carry) SUB, SBC : subtract (w. carry) RSB, RSC : reverse subtract (w. carry) MUL, MLA : multiply (and accumulate) AND, ORR, EOR BIC : bit clear LSL, LSR : logical shift left/right ASL, ASR : arithmetic shift left/right ROR : rotate right RRX : rotate right extended with C ARM data instructions

  19. Data operation varieties • Logical shift: • fills with zeroes. • Arithmetic shift: • fills with zeroes or ones. • RRX performs 33-bit rotate, including C bit from CPSR above sign bit.

  20. ARM load/store instructions • LDR, LDRH, LDRB : load (half-word, byte) • STR, STRH, STRB : store (half-word, byte) • Addressing modes: • register indirect : LDR r0,[r1] • with second register : LDR r0,[r1,-r2] • with constant : LDR r0,[r1,#4]

  21. ARM ADR pseudo-op • Cannot refer to an address directly in an instruction. • Generate value by performing arithmetic on PC. • ADR pseudo-op generates instruction required to calculate address: ADR r1,FOO

  22. 伪指令 • ADR • ADR{cond} register, expr • 将基于PC的地址值或基于寄存器的地址值读取到寄存器中 • 汇编替换成一条指令 • ADRL • ADRL{cond} register, expr • ADRL伪指令比ADR读取更大的地址范围。 • 汇编替换为两条指令 • LDR • LDR{cond} register, =[expr | label_expr] • 将一个32位的常数或地址值读取到寄存器中 • NOP • 空操作,如MOV R0, R0

  23. ARM move instructions • MOV, MVN : move (negated) MOV r0, r1 ; r0 <- r1

  24. ARM comparison instructions • CMP : compare • CMN : negated compare • TST : bit-wise test • TEQ : bit-wise negated test • These instructions set only the NZCV bits of CPSR.

  25. ARM branch instructions • B: Branch • BL: Branch and Link

  26. Example: C assignments • C: x = (a + b) - c; • Assembler: ADR r4,a ; get address for a LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of a ADR r4,b ; get address for b, reusing r4 LDR r1,[r4] ; get value of b ADD r3,r0,r1 ; compute a+b ADR r4,c ; get address for c LDR r2,[r4] ; get value of c

  27. C assignment, cont’d. SUB r3,r3,r2 ; complete computation of x ADR r4,x ; get address for x STR r3,[r4] ; store value of x

  28. Example: C assignment • C: y = a*(b+c); • Assembler: ADR r4,b ; get address for b LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of b ADR r4,c ; get address for c LDR r1,[r4] ; get value of c ADD r2,r0,r1 ; compute partial result ADR r4,a ; get address for a LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of a

  29. C assignment, cont’d. MUL r2,r2,r0 ; compute final value for y ADR r4,y ; get address for y STR r2,[r4] ; store y

  30. Example: C assignment • C: z = (a << 2) | (b & 15); • Assembler: ADR r4,a ; get address for a LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of a MOV r0,r0,LSL 2 ; perform shift ADR r4,b ; get address for b LDR r1,[r4] ; get value of b AND r1,r1,#15 ; perform AND ORR r1,r0,r1 ; perform OR

  31. C assignment, cont’d. ADR r4,z ; get address for z STR r1,[r4] ; store value for z

  32. Additional addressing modes • Base-plus-offset addressing: LDR r0,[r1,#16] • Loads from location r1+16 • Auto-indexing increments base register: LDR r0,[r1,#16]! • Post-indexing fetches, then does offset: LDR r0,[r1],#16 • Loads r0 from r1, then adds 16 to r1.

  33. ARM flow of control • All operations can be performed conditionally, testing CPSR: • EQ, NE, CS, CC, MI, PL, VS, VC, HI, LS, GE, LT, GT, LE • Branch operation: B #100 • Can be performed conditionally.

  34. Example: if statement • C: if (a < b) { x = 5; y = c + d; } else x = c - d; • Assembler: ; compute and test condition ADR r4,a ; get address for a LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of a ADR r4,b ; get address for b LDR r1,[r4] ; get value for b CMP r0,r1 ; compare a < b BGE fblock ; if a >= b, branch to false block

  35. If statement, cont’d. ; true block MOV r0,#5 ; generate value for x ADR r4,x ; get address for x STR r0,[r4] ; store x ADR r4,c ; get address for c LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of c ADR r4,d ; get address for d LDR r1,[r4] ; get value of d ADD r0,r0,r1 ; compute y ADR r4,y ; get address for y STR r0,[r4] ; store y B after ; branch around false block

  36. If statement, cont’d. ; false block fblock ADR r4,c ; get address for c LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of c ADR r4,d ; get address for d LDR r1,[r4] ; get value for d SUB r0,r0,r1 ; compute a-b ADR r4,x ; get address for x STR r0,[r4] ; store value of x after ...

  37. Example: Conditional instruction implementation ; true block MOVLT r0,#5 ; generate value for x ADRLT r4,x ; get address for x STRLT r0,[r4] ; store x ADRLT r4,c ; get address for c LDRLT r0,[r4] ; get value of c ADRLT r4,d ; get address for d LDRLT r1,[r4] ; get value of d ADDLT r0,r0,r1 ; compute y ADRLT r4,y ; get address for y STRLT r0,[r4] ; store y

  38. Example: switch statement • C: switch (test) { case 0: … break; case 1: … } • Assembler: ADR r2,test ; get address for test LDR r0,[r2] ; load value for test ADR r1,switchtab ; load address for switch table LDR r15,[r1,r0,LSL #2] ; index switch table switchtab DCD case0 DCD case1 ...

  39. Example: FIR filter • C: for (i=0, f=0; i<N; i++) f = f + c[i]*x[i]; • Assembler ; loop initiation code MOV r0,#0 ; use r0 for I MOV r8,#0 ; use separate index for arrays ADR r2,N ; get address for N LDR r1,[r2] ; get value of N MOV r2,#0 ; use r2 for f

  40. FIR filter, cont’.d ADR r3,c ; load r3 with base of c ADR r5,x ; load r5 with base of x ; loop body loop LDR r4,[r3,r8] ; get c[i] LDR r6,[r5,r8] ; get x[i] MUL r4,r4,r6 ; compute c[i]*x[i] ADD r2,r2,r4 ; add into running sum ADD r8,r8,#4 ; add one word offset to array index ADD r0,r0,#1 ; add 1 to i CMP r0,r1 ; exit? BLT loop ; if i < N, continue

  41. ARM subroutine linkage • Branch and link instruction: BL foo • Copies current PC to r14. • To return from subroutine: MOV r15,r14

  42. Nested subroutine calls • Nesting/recursion requires coding convention: f1 LDR r0,[r13] ; load arg into r0 from stack ; call f2() STR r13!,[r14] ; store f1’s return adrs STR r13!,[r0] ; store arg to f2 on stack BL f2 ; branch and link to f2 ; return from f1() SUB r13,#4 ; pop f2’s arg off stack LDR r13!,r15 ; restore register and return

  43. Summary • Load/store architecture • Most instructions are RISCy, operate in single cycle. • Some multi-register operations take longer. • All instructions can be executed conditionally.

  44. 4. ARM Assembly Language Programming • Why and when to use? • AT&Tformat and Intel format • Grammar of ARM assembly language • Examples

  45. Why and when to use? • 操作系统内核中的底层程序直接与硬件打交道,需要用到的专用指令。 • CPU中的特殊指令 • 频繁使用代码的时间效率 • 程序的空间效率(如操作系统的引导程序) Refer to “Linux内核源代码情景分析”(浙江大学出版社)1.5节

  46. AT&T format and Intel format

  47. Grammar of ARM assembly language • 语句 • 程序格式

  48. 语句 • 语句 • 指令 • 伪操作 • 宏 • 语句格式 • { symbol } { instruction | directive | pseudo-instruction } { ;comment }

  49. 伪操作 • 符号定义伪操作 • 数据定义伪操作 • 汇编控制伪操作 • 框架描述伪操作 • 信息报告伪操作 • 其它伪操作

  50. 关于变量的伪操作 • 声明一个全局变量,并初始化 • GBLA, GBLL, GBLS • 声明一个局部变量,并初始化 • LCLA, LCLL, LCLS • 变量赋值 • SETA, SETL, SETS

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