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Usability and Accessibility Lecture 13 – 06/04/10. Dr. Simeon Keates. Exercise – part 1. Prepare the testing protocol for evaluating the accessibility and usability of your web-site Also, address any additional research aims identified in your research plan from Tuesday.
Usability and AccessibilityLecture 13 – 06/04/10 Dr. Simeon Keates
Exercise – part 1 • Prepare the testing protocol for evaluating the accessibility and usability of your web-site • Also, address any additional research aims identified in your research plan from Tuesday
Exercise – part 2 You need to consider the following: • Pre-session briefing • Prepare your welcome statement • What you are doing and why • Privacy issues and right to withdraw • Any initial questions you wish to ask • Prepare a consent form • Tasks • Identify at least 5 tasks for each user on each site • Ensure you do not introduce systematic errors • Prepare any likely questions you may wish to ask • Remember to add/amend tasks for the “blind” test
Exercise – part 3 You need to consider (continued) • Post-session de-brief • Ask any remaining questions needed to address your research issues • Thank the user for their time • E-mail your protocol to Susanne and me • Remember – you will be putting this to the test next time!
Exercise – suggestions for tasks • Exploring the site / describe each page • Great for getting users used to what is where • Completing a guided product selection task • Find “this” product • Completing an unguided product selection task • Find “any” product of your choice • Changing your mind • You decide you do not want this • How many types of [x] (example: tea)? More discussion on tasks a little later…
Exercise – additional points • Decide whether all users do the same tasks in the same order or not • Be on the lookout for “order” effects • You should randomise the presentation of the sites • ½ do site 1 first • ½ do site 2 first • Think about getting timing data • Very important to know how long the tasks and sub-tasks take • Companies often care about productivity More discussion on order effects a little later…
Good experimental design A usability trial is fundamentally a scientific experiment: • A research question is asked • An experiment is designed to obtain data • The data is analysed • An answer is suggested to the question
Example questions used to • A major search engine company often asks new recruits this: • “On our search page results, we often include the ability to progress to different pages of results via the hyperlinks in “Page 1 / 2 / 3 / … / 10” and also “next page” and “previous” page links. Those links are available at the top and bottom of each page of results. We wish to save money by removing one or other set of links. How would you test which set to remove and whether removing either significantly affects the usability of our search engine?” • How would you test for this???
Example questions • You have been asked to design a new set of icons for operating the electric windows in ITU • Currently the icons look like this: • Which icon opens and which closes? Your task: • Design a better pair of icons • Design an evaluation to show that your icons are better
An example set of answers Designs: • “^” and “v” are quite abstract • Need cognitive effort to map to “open” and “close” • Evolution tells us that humans respond more quickly to particular shapes and concepts • Using that we can design icons that are more closely associated with “open” and “close” • Examples:
An example evaluation approach Quick approach: • Prepare stick on versions of your icons and put them on the existing button • Ask users which is easier to use More scientific approach: • Code a virtual simulation of the window and the weather outside • Show rain/snow and bright sunshine • Ask users to press the correct button on screen to open or close the window • Record the RT (reaction time)
Good questions to ask (source: Nielsen “Usability Engineering”) General categories: • Time • Errors • Extent of system usage • Use of help • User response • User effectiveness
Good questions to ask (source: Nielsen “Usability Engineering”) Time: • The time users take to complete a specific task • The number of tasks of various kinds that can be completed in time x Errors: • The ratio between successful interactions and errors • The time spent recovering from errors • The number of user errors • The number of immediately subsequent erroneous actions
Good questions to ask (source: Nielsen “Usability Engineering”) Extent of system usage: • The number of commands or other features used by the user • The number of commands or other features never used by the user • The number of system features the user can remember during a debrief Use of Help: • The frequency of use of the manuals/help system • The time spent using manuals/help • How frequently manuals/help solved the user’s problem
Good questions to ask (source: Nielsen “Usability Engineering”) User response: • The proportion of user statements during the trial that were positive or critical towards the system • The number of times the user expresses clear frustration (or joy) • The proportion of users who say they prefer the system over [X] User effectiveness: • The number of times the user hard to work round an unsolvable problem • The proportion of users using efficient working strategies vs. those without • The amount of “dead” time when the user is not interacting with the system • (a) response time delays – user waiting for system • (b) thinking time delays – system waiting for user • The number of times the user is sidetracked from focusing on the real task
How to ensure we get “good” results • First, what is “good”? • It does not mean “what we were looking for” • It does mean “results we can trust and believe to be valid”
Balanced designs… (a.k.a. Latin squares) • “Order effects” can significantly alter the results of usability trials • Especially those based on comparing two or more designs • The reason is that users get better the more that they practise • Example: • “If you go shopping in China and try to find tea in a supermarket, your first attempt will most likely involve walking up and down the aisles in turn until you see the tea. • The second time you go in, you will walk straight to the tea section, or at least the drinks section.” • Thus, the second time you do the task, even if the layout is slightly different (and possibly “poorer”), you will most likely be much faster.
The Power Law of Practice • This improvement over time is a known psychological phenomenon • It can be described mathematically through the Power Law of Practice… • The time Tn to perform a task on the n-th trial follows a power law: Tn = T1 n-α where: α = 0.4 [0.2~0.6]
The Power Law of Practice • Tn = T1 n-α • α = 0.4, T1 = 60s, T2 = 45.5s (24% faster), T10 = 23.9s (60%faster)
Eliminating the effects of practice • The only way to eliminate the effects of practice is to use a balanced design Example: • We have 2 competing web site designs • We want to see which is the fastest for finding an arbitrary product • i.e. a product that is not “special” in any particular way • Variables: • 4 users (1, 2, 3, 4) • 2 web-sites (A, B) • 2 products (20, 40)
A “balanced” experimental design • User 1 Site A Product 20 • User 1 Site B Product 40 • User 2 Site B Product 40 • User 2 Site A Product 20 • User 3 Site A Product 40 • User 3 Site B Product 20 • User 4 Site B Product 20 • User 4 Site A Product 40 Unbalanced design – Site B has a built in advantage Balanced design – Sites A and B are both first Unbalanced design – Site B has a built in advantage Balanced design – Sites A and B are both first Also – order effects on product And product/site interactions
Which site is better? • We need to establish which site offers the best usability • One option: which has the fastest time to find a product? • Data collected:
Which site is better? • Collating the data:
Statistical significance • It looks like Site B is “better” than Site A • 10.50 vs. 13.75 • It also looks like product 20 is faster to find than product 40 • 11.25 vs. 13.00 • It also looks like the site evaluated 1st is faster than the one evaluated 2nd • 12.00 vs. 12.25 • Are these results reliable? • i.e. are these statistically significant?
Testing statistical significance • Need to set up two hypotheses: • H0 (null): There is no difference in the means (μA = μB) • H1: μB (mean for B) < μA (mean for A) • Evaluate the difference between means using Student t-test • One-tailed test (because we believe B is faster than A) Using Excel’s TTEST function (one-tailed, assume equal variance): • p(B is equal to A) = 0.026– i.e. statistically significant at 5% level • i.e. <5% chance of μA = μB
Testing statistical significance • What about product order (μ20 < μ40) and learning (μ2nd < μ1st)? • Set up similar hypotheses: • H0 (null): Means are the same ( μ20 = μ40 ) and ( μ1st = μ2nd ) • H1: Means of product 20 and 2nd site are lower (μ20 < μ40) and (μ2nd < μ1st) Using Excel’s TTEST (one-tailed, assume equal variance): • p(μ20 = μ40) = 0.21 • i.e. 21% chance that μ20 = μ40 and thus not statistically significant • p(μ2nd = μ1st) = 0.46 • i.e. 46% chance that μ1st = μ2nd and thus not statistically significant
Testing statistical significance • You can only state authoritatively that something is better than another if you test for statistical significance • The tighter the threshold, the more believable • i.e. 1% is better than 5% • Even then you still might be wrong • 1 in 20 chance at 5% level • i.e. 65% chance (1 - 0.9520) of being wrong at least once after 20 experiments • 1 in 100 chance at 1% level • i.e. 18% (1 – 0.9920) chance of being wrong at least once after 20 experiments
A psychological theoretical perspective Cognitive psychology offers an insight into issues to look for when performing user trials, for example: • Some things are easier to see or hear than others • Effects of contrast, loudness, size, etc. • Models can provide quantitative data on this • Source: Wharton and Lewis “Role of Psychological Theory” in: Usability Inspection Methods, ed. Jakob Nielsen
A psychological theoretical perspective • Some things don’t look or sound they way you would think • Same colour can look very different on different backgrounds, or with different monitors • May actually need to change a colour to get the same visual appearance Which picture is brighter?
A psychological theoretical perspective • Some things don’t look or sound they way you would think • Same colour can look very different on different backgrounds, or with different monitors • May actually need to change a colour to get the same visual appearance Are the red and green squares the same on each “half”?
A psychological theoretical perspective • Only some of the contents of a complex display are likely to be seen • Depends on size, colour, organisation and movement • Also: where the user is looking (focus) • What the user knows about the structure of the scene • What the user is trying to do
A psychological theoretical perspective • Precise movements take longer than gross movements • i.e. small, fiddly things take longer than big, simple ones • Described by Fitts’ Law • We can model how long a movement of a given length and requiring a given precision will take • More on this later this morning
A psychological theoretical perspective • Mental operations take time • It takes time to recall info from memory or to make a decision • Can make quantitative estimates of how much time • See Model Human Processor slides from earlier lectures • More on this later • People can perform some mental and physical operations in parallel • It usually takes practice though! • Examples – driving a car, talking while typing, etc. • People get faster the more often that they perform a task • Power Law of Practice • Improvement is rapid at first, but drops off over time …
A psychological theoretical perspective • Novice users my perform tasks differently from expert users • Differences arise from the way that knowledge is mentally represented • Also how much knowledge is available • And how the task is understood and organised for different levels of expertise • It takes time to learn things well • Small amount of time available = small amount learnt • Also only remembered for a small amount of time (usually) • Can make quantitative estimates of how much time is required to learn something – based on decomposition of the skill into small parts • Prior knowledge can be beneficial • As for scaffolding technique – • Relating to prior/existing knowledge speeds up data acquisition and retention
A psychological theoretical perspective • Recognition is easier than recall • [c.f. Jordan guidelines and Nielsen heuristics] • One of the defining principles of the Star interface design (the forerunner of modern GUIs) • Interaction is dominated by recognising depictions (icons) rather than remembering commands • People forget things • Need ample time to rehearse • Hard to keep arbitrary information in mind while performing a task • Needs scaffolding • Often affected by external factors, e.g. inducing stress
A psychological theoretical perspective • Behaviour is often guided by goals • People choose actions that they believe will accomplish their goals • If an action does not appear to help this, it will not be selected • Usually results in “label following” – where labels are related to the goal • Example: archiving a file – call it “Archive” not “Disk maintenance” • Alternative methods can cause problems • Problems with many solution options seem harder than those with few • Possible issue here with preferred solutions for Universal Access! • People try to assess progress • If they do not seem to be making progress, they will often stop, go back or try a completely new method
Cognitive modelling perspectives – Perception (CMN) • The eye sees up to almost 180° • Detail is only seen by the fovea over 2° • Remainder is seen by the rest of the retina as peripheral vision for orientation • The eye moves continuously in a sequences of saccades • Each saccade takes ~30ms • Each eye dwell takes 60~700ms • So, estimated times for eye-movement to a new target (travel + fixation time): Eye-movement = 230 [70~700] ms
Cognitive modelling – Reading rate • Assuming 230 ms per saccade, how much can a reader read per fixation? 1 – One saccade per letter (5 letters per word) 2 – One saccade per word 3 – One saccade per phrase (13 chars = 2.5 words for a good reader)
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • What is the cycle time τp of the Perceptual Processor? • This is the unit impulse response time • i.e. the time response of the visual system to a very brief pulse of light • Also, the time taken (from t = 0) for the image to be available in the Visual Image Store • This is the “working” store of images in the brain and holds 17 [7~17] letters with a half-life of 200 [90~1000] ms • For most users in most circumstances (it varies by stimulus and need) τp = 100 [50~200] ms Note: The Perceptual Processor cycle time τp varies inversely with stimulus intensity (i.e bigger, louder, brighter = faster response)
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The perceptual processor • How do people perceive motion? • What happens if you vary the time delay between one action and the following one?
Cognitive modelling – The motor system • Experiment: • Draw two horizontal parallel lines on a piece of paper approximately 2.5 cm apart • Now, draw vertical lines back and forth for 5 s, i.e. • Now count the number of back and forth motions • Should be approximately 70 • Thus motor processor “open loop” time is: τm = 70 [30~100] ms
Cognitive modelling – The motor system • We can also look at the “closed loop” response times • Draw the “envelope” of edge contours, like this: • And now count how many “changes in direction” you see • Each “change in direction” is a closed-loop correction • i.e. “I am overshooting/undershooting the line and must correct” • You should have ~20