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Supporting the Common Core State Standards and Educator Evaluations Systems with Quality Professional Development. Hammonton District October 23, 2012. Hammonton District Quick Facts. Pre-K through grade 12 with over 3,700 students – 4 buildings Receiving district Choice district $10,474
Supporting the Common Core State Standards and Educator Evaluations Systems with Quality Professional Development Hammonton District October 23, 2012
Hammonton District Quick Facts • Pre-K through grade 12 with over 3,700 students – 4 buildings • Receiving district • Choice district • $10,474 • 50% • Supervisory structure
Rationale: Why is the topic of this seminar/informational session important? • It causes us to FOCUS ON THE DESTINATION:STUDENT LEARNING • ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can we use the skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise of our districts to tackle connecting CCSS, educator evaluation systems, and professional learning?
Journey • Connecting curriculum, instruction, and assessment • 3 BIG IDEAS for creating and sustaining an effective school: • Focus on Learning • Collaborative Culture • Focus on Results
Common Core State StandardsWhy the CCSS will accelerate student achievement • Shared Vision – every student needs to be given access to the standards • Spiraled • Everyone’s responsibility – importance placed on critical citizenship • Accelerating Achievement – high levels of proficiency • College and Career Readiness
How do we engage students and staff in the process of implementing the Common Core? How do we get more students reading on grade level by grade 3?
Dr. Robert Lynn Canady America’s School Dropout Crisis: Strategies for Prevention and Rescue
Hammonton High SchoolAdvanced Placement Scores • Success on an AP Exam is defined as an exam score of 3 or higher Percent of Total AP Students with scores of 3+ Global – 61.5% New Jersey – 75.1% HHS – 86.4%
BIG IDEAS • Professional Learning Communities • Collective Focus on Student Learning • Collaboration • Transition to the Common Core
UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN (UbD) • PLC conversations occur when developing, delivering, reflecting on and revising a viable curriculum – key to continuous school improvement. • Grade-level, content-area PLC teams collaborate to develop and continuously improve curriculum organized into UbD units of study.
UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN (UbD) • All students have equal access to the same academically rigorous curriculum aligned to the 2009 NJCCCS and the Common Core. • Stage I, where content and skills students will learn is identified, is the same for each classroom in a primary grade classroom or each level of a secondary content-area course.
Grades 6-8 ELASummer 2012 • UbD units on novels and writing revised to reflect block scheduling • Pacing charts • Evaluate against Common Core (Unpacking documents developed at articulation sessions) • Begin to incorporate elements of balanced literacy into Stage III Learning Activities • Whole class novels = Shared Reading • Literature Circles (leveled books with students group by reading level) • DIRT =Self-selected Independent Reading • Conference with students about their reading and writing • Develop “grammar curriculum” based on Jeff Anderson’s Everyday Editing andLanguage Progressive Skills, by Grade from the Common Core • Infuse Standards 8 & 9 • Identify benchmark assessments – plan to score writings on 11/16 and 2/1
Pathways to the Common Core • The Common Core is written, but the plan for implementing the Common Core is not. • Interpret the Common Core as a rallying cry that ignites deep, wide and lasting reforms and, most importantly, accelerates student achievement.
ELA Standard 10 – Range, Quality, and Complexity • Common Core stresses moving kids up through increasingly complex text. • Standard 10 requires students to read and comprehend literature and informational text at the high end of each grade level’s complexity band. • Question is how your district will accelerate student reading.
Standard 10: Range, Quality, & Complexity » Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Range of Student Reading K–5
Look at each running record. • Determine instructional focus by looking at errors. • Record on Running Record Results form.
*Assist in informing the work/decisions of instructional leaders and prioritize needs of each Title 1 student *Target instruction to help students reach GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATIONS Data teams
DATA TEAMS -continued *Help prepare students to navigate “grade-level complex texts” required by the ELA common core standards and *Assist in building strong foundational knowledge in mathematics Staircase of Complexity
Collect and Chart Data: Before Instruction Collaboration ELA NJASK Analysis
Interdisciplinary PLCs and the Common Core • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.9 Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts. • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.8 Delineate and evaluate the reasoning in seminal U.S. texts, including the application of constitutional principles and use of legal reasoning (e.g., in U.S. Supreme Court majority opinions and dissents) and the premises, purposes, and arguments in works of public advocacy (e.g., The Federalist, presidential addresses). • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.9 Analyze seventeenth-, eighteenth-, and nineteenth-century foundational U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (including The Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address) for their themes, purposes, and rhetorical features.
Common Core State Standards What do we want students to learn? How will we measure their success? What do we do if students don’t know or already know the material?
What do we want students to learn? • 3-Part Learning Objective • Condition • Behavior • Criteria • Essential Question
How do we measure their success? • Math Benchmarks • IDMS (Instructional Data Management System) • Quarterly Benchmark Assessments in Math and Language Arts for all students grades 6-11 • Historical Data since 2006 • Release time for teachers to analyze data by content area • Assessments aligned to Common Core Standards and Curriculum
How do we measure their success? Common Benchmark Assessments in Math and Science
Individual Class Results: DATA ANALYSIS
Professional Development Partnerships • Math-Science Partnership • Rowan University Description of Program The Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) is intended to increase the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by enhancing the content knowledge and teaching skills of classroom teachers.
Purpose of Program The purpose of the three-year project is to provide professional development to teams of mathematics and science teachers in grades K to 12. Each year, 16 new teachers from the Hammonton Consortia participated in the program and received 120 hours of professional development.
Science 3-Year Program Mathematics Year 1 Mathematical Processes Numbers/Numerical Operations Year 2 Geometry and Measurements Year 3 Data Analysis and Discrete Math Year 1 Organization and Development Heredity and Reproduction Evolution and Diversity Year 2 Science Practices Matter and Energy Forces and Motion Year 3 The Universe Earth Systems, Weather, Climate
New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning The Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) is a program designed to support high levels of student achievement in physics, chemistry, and biology and was developed over 10 years by teachers. This program has led to high levels of Advanced Placement (AP) participation and passing rates.
Ninth Grade Physics Supports Algebra • Algebra-based: All students enrolled in Algebra, or completed it in a prior year • No trigonometry • Provides a setting to show the usefulness of the mental tool of mathematics • Algebra weakness is a key reason for algebra-based physics – not a reason to avoid algebra in physics