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PRODUKSI PERIKLANAN. Produksi Periklanan Cetak Produksi Periklanan Radio. Managing Advertising Production. The role of the production manager/producer The production manager or producer is responsible for the stages of the production of any advertisement.
PRODUKSI PERIKLANAN ProduksiPeriklananCetak Produksi Periklanan Radio
Managing Advertising Production • The role of the production manager/producer • The production manager or producer is responsible for the stages of the production of any advertisement. • They are in charge of four major functions. • planning, organizing, directing, and controlling
Managing Advertising Production • Managing Production Costs • Managing the costs of Print • print production refers to the systematic process an approved design goes through from concept to final publication • big cost factor with print ads is the engraver • provides color separations, retouching, proofs, digital files
ProduksiPeriklananCetak Terdiridariproses yang sangatkompleks, yaitureproduksi visual, spesifikasipenempatanjenishurufsecaratepat, sertapemeriksaan, penyetujuan, penggandaan, danpengiriman material-material cetakkekorandanmajalahtepatwaktuuntukmemenuhitenggatwaktumereka. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan : • Tata LetakdanDesain • Tipografi (keluarga jenis huruf, jenis huruf dan poin) • DesktopPublishing
Jenis-jenisIklanCetak • IklanBaris • Iklan Kolom • Iklan Advetorial • Iklan Display
The Print Production Process • Production has four major phases • Preproduction • Production • Prepress • Printing &Distribution
The Print Production Process • Typography • The art of selecting and setting type • Four important criteria • readability • appropriateness • harmony or appearance • emphasis • Some companies commission new typefaces, others use one type consistently
The Print Production Process • Production Phase • Creating the visual • Photography can be original or stock photography • Preparing Mechanicals • The camera-ready pasteup of the artwork layered for color separation • art elements must be properly positioned so the printer can photograph each layer
The Print Production Process • Prepress Phase • Printing in color • four-color process (CMYK) simulates nearly all colors by combining cyan, magenta, yellow and black • uses 4 different plates with halftones for each color • when less then 4 colors are needed, blended inks are used • Pantone (PMS) colors are one popular color system
The Print Production Process • Duplicating and Distribution Phase • Select printing process • letterpress, offset, rotogravure, flexography • Press Run • alignment is checked, proofs checked, run speeds up • Finishing • ink dried, paper trimmed, sent for additional finishing
ProduksiPeriklanan Radio Iklan-iklan radio diproduksidalamsatudariduacara. Bisadengancaradirekamdandigandakanuntukkeperluandistribusi, ataudisiarkansecaralangsung, namun yang lazimdilakukanadalahiklan radio yang direkam.Prosesperekamanbisadilakukandi studio rekamankhususataubisajugadirekamdi studio radio yang bersangkutan.
Radio Commercial Production • Preproduction • assign a radio producer or hire a freelance producer • select a studio and director • determine the necessary talent • estimate costs, prepare a budget for the client’s approval
Terminologi dasar dalam produksi radio: • Voice talent/voiceover (pengisisuara), dalampenulisan script iklan radio pengisisuaralaki-lakidisebutmale voiceover (MVO) danpengisisuaraperempuan (female voiceover) FVO. • Announcer, pembacanaskahiklan radio, biasanyaannouncerinimembacakan intro atau slogan produk/jasa yang diiklankan. • Music In, Musiv Out, dan Fade Under, beberapa spot radio dimulaidenganmusik (music in) danberakhir (music out) ketikavoice talent/announcermulaiberbicara. Volume musikdapatditurunkansecarabertahap (fade) sehinggamusikterdengarsayup-sayupdibelakangsuara sang pembicara. • Up, Down. Volume bisadinaikkan (up) danditurunkan (down). • SFX. Penggunaanefeksuara, bertujuanmembantudayaimajinasiaudieniklan radio.
Karakteritis Iklan Radio • Hanyadapatdidengarkanmelalui audio saja. • Suaraperpaduandarikata (voice), musik, dansound effect. Kataadalahsuaramanusia yang teratur, semacam kata-kata monolog maupun dialog. Musikadalahperpaduanbunyiygteraturdenganritmetertentudanharmonissehinggaenakdidengar. Sound effectadalahsuaratidakberaturanmaupunefeksuaraalam.
Jenis Iklan Radio • Ad lib (langsungtanpadirekam) dibacaolehpenyiar • Spot (direkamterlebihdahulu) • Sponsor program (pemberianwaktukhususkepada sponsor untukmenyampaikanpesandengancaramembiayaisebuah program acara radio