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American Prosperity

American Prosperity. Lecture 5. Standard 11.9.3. Trace the origins and geopolitical consequences of the Cold War Essential Question: What is Prosperity and how was it seen in the US after WWII?. $$$. a short economic downturn after WWII led to fears of new Great Depression

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American Prosperity

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  1. American Prosperity Lecture 5

  2. Standard 11.9.3 • Trace the origins and geopolitical consequences of the Cold War • Essential Question: What is Prosperity and how was it seen in the US after WWII?

  3. $$$ • a short economic downturn after WWII led to fears of new Great Depression • Congress cuts taxes • America wealthiest civilization on Earth • 6% of world’s population control 40% of wealth

  4. GI Bill of Rights • GI Bill of Rights, 1944 • $14.5 billion for veterans to go to school, or use for farms or small businesses • helped vets get started after the war

  5. Taft-Hartley Act • Taft-Hartley Act, 1947 • made unions liable for damages • union leaders had to take noncommunist oath • AFL and CIO merged in 1955 as a result of weakening unions

  6. Interstate Highway Act • Interstate Highway Act, 1955 • largest and most expensive public works act in U.S. history • 41,000 miles of road • Primarily for military???

  7. McDonalds • McDonalds, 1953 • est. in San Bernardino, CA in 1940 • began franchising in 1953 • every restaurant made the same food and looked the same • 15¢ hamburgers made under Speedee Service System • Roy Kroc bought the company in 1955 • 31,000 stores in 119 countries • 47 million customers per day • 1.5 million employees • $2 billion a year in advertising

  8. The Original Ronald McDonald

  9. Disneyland • Disneyland, 1955 • cost $17 million to build • prosperity = leisure and entertainment • Disney World opened in 1971

  10. Suburbia • Suburbia • Levittown, NY was the first large-scale planned community (17,000+ homes) • white flight: middle-class moved to suburban areas • escape urban problems

  11. Society on the Move • Frostbelt to Sunbelt • Americans moved to the South and West • retirement communities grew in California, Arizona, Texas, Florida

  12. The Collars • Blue Collar to White Collar labor • the number of middle-class families doubled • average income increased from $3,000-$10,000 • 60% middle class and owned home • 90% owned a television • most families owned a car

  13. Service Sector • service sector • fewer Americans worked on farms or in factories • serving rather than producing • McDonalds, accountants, retail

  14. Master Plan • California Master Plan, 1960 • set up the current system of higher education in California • Top 12.5% guaranteed spot in UC • Top 33% guaranteed spot in CSU • Everyone guaranteed spot in JCs

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