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Español 1. 29 de enero de 2014. La Campana. Escribe en español . 1. My mom is tall, skinny and nice. 2. My dad likes hamburgers and pizza. 3. My brother has brown eyes. 4. My sister has blond hair. 5. My grandpa is old. La Campana. Escribe en español .
Español 1 29 de enero de 2014
La Campana • Escribe en español. • 1. My mom is tall, skinny and nice. • 2. My dad likes hamburgers and pizza. • 3. My brother has brown eyes. • 4. My sister has blond hair. • 5. My grandpa is old.
La Campana • Escribe en español. • 1. Mimamáesalta, delgada y simpática. • 2. Mipapá le gustanlashamburguesas y la pizza • 3. Mihermanotieneojos cafés. • 4. Mihermanatienepelorubio. • 5. Miabueloesviejo. Participación #1 dibuja un apartamento. (apartment)
El Calendario • Introduce yourself to the class. • Tell how old you are. • Tell when your birthday is. • Tell how many members you have in your family. • Ask two calendar questions. • Ask two people about their family • Welcome the class to Spanish.
El cheque de tarjetas del practico • Please check your flash cards to be sure you have the right words on them. • El padre- father • La madre- mother • Los padres- Parents • El hermano- brother • La hermana- sister • El tío- uncle • La tía- aunt • El padrastro- stepfather • La padrastra- stepmother • La hermanastra- step sister • El hermanastro- step brother • El abuelo- grandfather • La abuela- grandmother • Los abuelos- grandparents • El primo- cousin • La prima- girl cousin • Los primos- cousins • El perro- dog • El gato- cat • El pez/los peces- fish • El caballo- horse • La mascota- pet • La cobaya- guinea pig • El lagarto- lizard
El cheque de tarjetas del practico • Vivir- to live • Yo vivo- I live • Túvives- you live • Él/ella/Ud. Vive- He/she/You live • Nosotrosvivimos- we live • Ellos, ellas, Uds. Viven- They, they (girls) You all live. • Menor- younger • Mayor older • Soy- I am • Eres- You are • Es- He is/she is/you are • Somos – we are • Son- they are, you all are • Mi/Mis- my • Tu/Tus- your • Su/Sus- his/her/your (formal) • Nuestro/Nuestros- ours • La casa- house • La casona-house • El apartamento- apartment • La casa móvil- mobile home Participación #2 dibujauna casa
Actividad de la Tarea • Show your table leaders your flash cards. Have them mark on your homework +10 for having them done. 5 for being cut out and 5 for writing the English on them. • Get with a partner and lay out both sets, One with the Spanish side up and the other with the English side up. • Each person puts down their card individually, if it matches the person slaps the deck and takes the match. Play for about 15 minutes. Paricipación #3 Dibuja un perro.
La Prueba • Escribe en inglés. • 1.La tíatienetreinte y unoaños. • 2. Miabueloesbajo y viejo. • 3. Misprimos son cómicos.
La Prueba • Escribe en inglés. • 1. The aunt is 31 years old. • 2. My grandfather is short and old. • 3. My cousins are funny.
Los Apuntes Cuarenta-40 Cincuenta-50 Sesenta- 60 Setenta-70 Ochenta- 80 • Los padres- the parents • Los abuelos- the grandparents • El padrastro- the stepfather • La madrastra –the stepmother • El hermanastro- the stepbrother • La hermanastra- the stepsister • ¿Cuántosañostienetu _________________? • Mi______________tiene___años.
Los Apuntes/Preguntas • ¿Cuántas personas hay en tufamilia? • Hay _____personas. Participación #4 Dibuja un abuelo.
El Diario • Your friend from Spain wants to know about your family. Tell them about your family. Tell them how many are in your family. Who each person is and how old they are. Then ask them about their family.
La Tarea • Write 3 questions that you can have a partner answer about their family. You answer those same questions about your family. • Be prepared to share them with a partner in class next time. Participación #5 Dibuja un bebé(baby)
¿Ausente? • If you were absent do the following: • 1. In your notebook, complete the “La Campana”. • 2. Check your flashcards to be sure everything is correct on them. • 3. Take the quiz in your “laspruebas” section. • 4. Check your answers. • 5. Take notes in your Apuntes section. Practice with the questions by writing the questions and answers in your notebook. Use at least 3 different family members. • 6. Time yourself for 5 minutes and complete the diario • 7. Write down the homework instructions. • 8. Write a 125 word essay telling about your family. Be sure to include number of people in your family, their names, and ages. Plus anything else you want to share.