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Chicktime Chapter encourages women to develop passions and gifts, making the world better. Founder's inspiring vision. Partner info, volunteer role, sign-up process, and workshop leadership call-to-action presented.
Chicktime Chapter Name Here Encouraging women to develop their passions and use their gifts to make the world a better place for the next generation
Founder’s Name • You can put up a quote here on the slide, or whatever you like. This is where the chapter founder shares her heart. Base it on your vision statement and let them know why you were moved to start this new adventure. Make sure to communicate your heart. That is all that matters in this part of the presentation. This should take 5-7 minutes. (You may also consider putting a picture here of the founder showing her serving. If you use a picture, it needs to communicate compassion.) ** Throughout this presentation, I have included note at the bottom of some pages in italics. Make sure to delete these for your presentation (probably goes without saying… sorry!)
Charity Partner • Educate your audience on who you have chosen to partner with. A picture slide show, short video, or better yet a live presentation from a representative of the charity. • Educating your audience on WHO you have committed to serve is critical. • This should last 5-10 minutes.
Chicktime Experience Video Presentation Show the video on our website to give your volunteers an idea of what to expect during a Chicktime Event. It is located on the Leader Resources Menu and in the Video Section of the website. It is not critical that you show the video, but make sure to watch it yourself so that you can communicate the high points. The remainder of the kick-off lays out the practicals, the video is just a nice way to transition into that.
Monthly Workshop/Activity Leaders • Base activity on what you love to do • Bring all materials and supplies for your activity • Bring friends to help facilitate your activity if needed • Complete Guidelines located on our website This part of the presentation can be given by the founder or any of the co-leaders.
Volunteers • You are the magic. You are the sweet people that show up to simply love on the women and/or children we serve. • Your role is to just play. If the kids are doing yoga, do yoga with them. If they are doing arts/crafts, sit with them and tell them how lovely their project is. Find ways to show them they are special. • The most important thing we can do for those we serve is to joyfully engage with them and show them they matter to us. (You can’t accomplish this by standing in the back of the room on the sidelines) This part of the presentation can be given by the founder or any of the co-leaders.
How to join • Online signup button on our website • Share your email address with us (we recommend you take a screen shot of the web form and place it here. Because of limits on file size, we are unable to include images in this template).
Chicktime Shirts • Wearing the shirts to our events helps identify us as a group. • The volunteer faces will change month after month. If most of the volunteers are wearing the Chicktime shirt, the children will see us coming and know that we kept our promise… we came back. So many of these children have been abandoned. • Shirts are available for a $20 donation. • Anyone can wear our shirts and they make great gifts! This part of the presentation can be given by the founder or any of the co-leaders. Make sure to have a cute table set up displaying your shirts and a volunteer available at the table to answer questions and help find sizes and receive the donations.
The BIG ASK • Our goal today: We need workshop leaders through 2014 • Our greatest need is your time and talent! We are not asking for big money, instead we are asking you today to commit to: • Lead a workshop/activity • Find a friend, a group, or someone you know to lead a workshop • Attend and bring friends when you can to our volunteer events • Encourage your circles in the local community to get involved • Get a shirt for you and/or friends! This part of the presentation needs to come from the founder or a very passionate and convincing co-leader. It is CRITICAL that you have a VERY cute little table set up somewhere in the room making a BIG DEAL about your sign up sheet (table cloth, twinkle lights covered by toole, flowers, pen with pink feather or flower adorning it… whatever you can think of to make the sign up sheet stand out) The BIG ASK is why everyone is gathered so DON’T Skip It!!!
Delete after reading • These are just some thoughts for you, the leaders. Do not include this slide in the presentation. • Of course you are nervous, it you weren’t, that would mean this kick-off wasn’t important to you and as a result it most likely wouldn’t be successful. Channel the nerves into action and use that energy to make the kick-off the best you can. • The ultimate goal of the kick-off is to fill your calendar for the next 12 months. This is very possible if you have at least 25 women at the kick-off. If you have less, don’t stress, you will still get women to sign up and that is a good thing!! • This presentation portion of your kick-off should take 30-45 minutes depending on how many videos you show. • There is a document with Kick-off tips on the website at chicktime.comlocated on the Leader Resource menu under Build Membership. Make sure to find it. • Don’t hesitate to invite leaders from other chapters in your area to attend your kick-off. They would LOVE to come if they are able!! • Make sure to wear your Chicktime shirts to the kick-off… all leaders, and also volunteers who already have one. Make sure everyone wearing a Chicktime shirt has the basic Chicktime talking points down. As everyone is arriving and mingling waiting for the presentation to begin, those wearing the shirt will be asked questions by curious guests. • This is a great presentation to use anytime you are asked to speak in your community about Chicktime. Rotary club, Lion’s club, Churches, neighborhood associations, or just about any group in town…