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Why Cash Flow Predictive Data is More Powerful than Alternative Data

1st Slide: Today, alternative data helps lenders get more accurate, faster, and more granular insights and metrics into business performance than traditional data resources. While this non-financial data can be used to estimate the lending risk of a business, real-time cash flow predictive data can provide a deep level of insight into a business.<br><br>2nd Slide: How Modern Technology Is Making Financial Data More Powerful?<br>

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Why Cash Flow Predictive Data is More Powerful than Alternative Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhyCashFlowPredictive DataisMorePowerfulthan AlternativeData

  2. Today, alternativedatahelpslendersgetmore accurate, faster, andmoregranularinsights andmetricsintobusinessperformancethan traditionaldataresources. Whilethisnon- financialdatacanbeusedtoestimatethe lendingriskofabusiness, real-timecashflow predictivedatacanprovideadeeplevelof insightintoabusiness.

  3. HowModernTechnologyIsMaking FinancialDataMorePowerful?

  4. NowwiththeperfectblendofAI, ML andAPI, lenderscangetthemost robusthistorical, present, andfuture accounting, financialandcashflowdata todetermineanSMEcreditworthiness, providethebestloanproducts, and makebetterlendingdecisions.

  5. TypesofInformationForward-LookingData ProvidestoLendersFinancialData

  6. HowmuchIncomeisabusinessgenerating? Howmuchisacompany’sassets, liabilities, andshareholders’ equity? Howacompanyisspendingitsmoney? Whatisthecompany’spayrollactivitylike?

  7. BusinessCustomers’ Data

  8. Whoarethecompany’sbusinesscustomers? Howquicklydothesecustomerspayinvoices tothecompany? Howconcentratedarethesecustomers?

  9. CashFlowPredictiveData

  10. Whatwillbetheincomeandexpensesofa companyinthenearfuture? Howvariousscenarioswillimpacta business'sfinancialfuture? Whatwillbeacompany’spredictivefuture receipts & payments?

  11. SoCashFlowPredictivedataiskeyfor lenders, frombankstoalternativelenders andnon-bankingfinancialinstitutions. Becausefinancialstatementsoutlineall itsassetsaswellastheshort- andlong- termdebts, lendersgetabettersenseof abusiness'screditworthiness.

  12. Thanks

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