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Capítulo 1

Capítulo 1. Español 3. Haga Ahora: 12 de septiembre . Página “ En la Caja” Revisan los Examenes. VOCABULARIO . Copia el vocab en p. 25. Vocabulario. http://naturalymas.cl/naturalymas/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=136. Busca una receta simple. Con los celulares.

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Capítulo 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capítulo 1 Español 3

  2. Haga Ahora: 12 de septiembre • Página “ En la Caja” • Revisan los Examenes

  3. VOCABULARIO • Copia el vocab en p. 25

  4. Vocabulario

  5. http://naturalymas.cl/naturalymas/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=136http://naturalymas.cl/naturalymas/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=136

  6. Busca una receta simple Con los celulares

  7. El subjuntivo • ¿Qué es subjuntivo? • - Thesubjunctiveisnot a tense; rather, itis a mood. • - Tense referstowhenanactiontakes place (past, present, future), whilemoodmerelyreflectshowthe speaker feelsabouttheaction. • - Thesubjunctivemoodisrarelyused in English, butitiswidelyused in Spanish.

  8. El ModoIndicativo • El ModoImperativo • El ModoSubjuntivo Los ModosVerbales:

  9. El ModoIndicativo • Habla de hechos • Habla de certidumbre • Habla de la realidad El ModoSubjuntivo • Expresala duda • Expresalos deseos • Expresala incertidumbre • Cosasirreales • Cosascontrarias a la realidad

  10. subjunctive being used in English: • So far, youhavestudiedverb tenses in theindicativemood. Theindicativemoodisusedtoexpressfactual information, certainty, and objectivity. • indicative: Usted va al Perú en diciembre. • You are goingtoPeru in December. • The doctor recommendsthat he takethepillswithfood. • I doubtthat he willmakeitnextyear. • If I were a richman, I wouldn'thavetoworkhard.

  11. InDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE Dudo que usted vaya al Perú en diciembre. I doubtthatyou are goingtoPeru in December. In theabovesentence, theclause "dudo" introduces a quality of uncertainty, -- the speaker doeshavedoubt, so herethesubjunctivemoodisused in thesecondclause (vaya). • No dudo que usted va al Perú en diciembre. • I don'tdoubtthatyou are goingtoPeru in December. • In theabovesentence, theclause "no dudo" introduces a quality of certainty, -- the speaker has no doubt, so theindicativemoodisused in thesecondclause (va) as well as thefirst (no dudo).

  12. El presente del subjuntivo

  13. FormingSubjunctive: • 3 Steps: • 1. Startwiththe yo formpresentindicative. • 2. Thendropthe -o ending. • 3. Finally, addthefollowingendings: • arverbs:er/ir verbs:

  14. prÀctica

  15. prÀctica

  16. PERO….esos6 6 irregulares Just think about………. DISHES

  17. ar D I S H E S dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den r vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan er sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan aber star esté, estés, esté, estemos, esté, estén aber sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

  18. LOS Seis Irregulares

  19. LOS Seis Irregulares

  20. LOS Seis Irregulares

  21. Subjunctive • Thesubjunctivemoodisusedtoexpresseverythingexceptcertainty and objectivity: thingslikedoubt, uncertainty, subjectivity, etc. • Yo dudo que usted vayaal Perú en diciembre. • I doubtthatyou are goingtoPeru in December.

  22. Indicative subjunctive I want John to go to the store.(The clause "I want" tells us that the speaker feels that there is uncertainty as to whether John goes to the store.) I hope that John goes to the store.(The clause "I hope" tells us that the speaker feels that there is uncertainty as to whether John goes to the store.) It is possible that John will go to the store.(The clause "it is possible" tells us that the speaker feels that there is uncertainty as to whether John goes to the store.) It's good that John goes to the store.(The clause "it's good" alerts us that the speaker is about to express a subjective opinion.) It's important that John goes to the store.(The clause "it's important" alerts us that the speaker is about to express a subjective opinion.) • John goes to the store. • I know that John goes to the store.(The clause "I know" tells us that the speaker feels that it is a certain, objective fact that John goes to the store.) • There is no doubt that John goes to the store.(The clause "there is no doubt" tells us that the speaker feels that it is a certain, objective fact that John goes to the store.)

  23. One clause will be indicative and one clause will be subjunctive. • So…to be subjunctive, there must be 2 clauses which each have a different subject.

  24. Clauses • a mainclause w/o certainty • +a secondclause, • =_________________ • subjunctive • (sincethesentencewillnot be reportingsomethingcertain.) • a mainclause of certainty • + a secondclause • =_______________ • Indicative • (sincethesentencewill be reportingsomethingcertain.

  25. Subjunctive Spanish Dict Video Watch and learn

  26. HagaAhora: 9-18-13 Color –shape command cards Corta los. Da uno a un compañero. Siguenlasinstrucciones.

  27. Repaso de Subjuntivo: • 3 Steps: • 1. Startwiththe yo formpresentindicative. • 2. Thendropthe -o ending. • 3. Finally, addthefollowingendings: • arverbs:er/ir verbs:

  28. Repaso de subjuntivo Palabras: Ejemplos: • W • E • I • R • D • O

  29. P. 9 #1 en los libros • Escribenoracionesoriginalesusando el subjuntivo con estosfrases: • trabajar • leer mucho • comer bien • aprender mucho • asistir a la universidad • recibirbueansnotas • hacer el trabjo • ponertodo en orden • salirbien en todo • serbueno • Voy a calificar!!

  30. Hablamos en el subjuntivo Libros- Page SR 2- Alumnos a y b

  31. ¡UnaPrueba! con el subjuntive – Quiz 2 from teacher book • ¡UnaPrueba!

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