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Greece Review Game

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Greece Review Game

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  1. Greece Review Game Divide into teams of 3. Save this document onto your network drive. Click “file” then “save as” then select “my documents” and then your history folder. Use separate score sheet as instructed. Players sit at adjacent computers. Players press “Page Down” key simultaneously to progress through slides.

  2. 1. Polis • Small independent city state • Presumed descendants from same founder • Hereditary • Groups then further divided into clans • They all had a common cultural agreement so they were able to flourish more • Go up against tyrants because bond was so strong • Deep seeded values

  3. 2. Solon

  4. 3. Pisistratus

  5. 4. Clisthenes

  6. 5. Helots

  7. 6. Delian League

  8. 7. Peloponnesian League

  9. 8. Hoplite

  10. 9. Lysander

  11. 10 Periclese

  12. 11. Trojan Wars • See People involved

  13. Menelaus • Fought in Trojan war • Brother of Agamemnon • Son of Atreus • Husband of Helen • King of SPARTA

  14. 13. Helen • Wife of Menelaus • Queen of Sparta • Reason for Trojan War ( see notes) • Abducted by Trojans • Changed allegiances

  15. Paris(person in story, not city in France) • Troy's side • Hector brother • Falls in love with Helen takes her to troy • Other side of Ag and Ach

  16. 15. Agamemnon • Warrior in Trojan War • Story with traded concubines ( see concubine) • Symbolizes war • Raging mad • King of Mycenaean ( House of Atreus) • Leader of Trojan War

  17. 16. Odysseus( the clever) • King of Ithica • Trojan war • Went into Achilles tent and told him they “ need you” • Wise, calm “ what do I really want” • Swallow pride • Opposite of Achilles

  18. 17. Achilles • Trojan war • Story with Ag, Od about traded concubines • Force of nature, creates mood in a way • Noble • Like a god? As a boy dipped in pool by heal

  19. 18 Hector • Wife Andromache • Happy family, son • Considered duty to fight for Troy, sad to leave family

  20. 19. Andromache • Represents sorrowful wife • Ideal of wife and mother who must suffer, suffer with dignity • (Solon*) poem WDS p 107

  21. 20. How did the Minoans and the Mycenaeans differ?

  22. 21. Who won the Great Pelloponesian war and why? • Sparta • Help from Persia

  23. 22. How did the mountains of Greece influence the way city states developed? • Geography influenced polis • Naturally divided up space • Territory • The way the land was determined where a polis was • Availability of farmland and natural resources

  24. 23. As evidenced in the Illiad and the Odyssey, what did Homer value? • Showed both sides • Not judgmental of either side ( Trojan vs. Greeks) • Bravery • Sorrow • Passion • Emotions • What it takes to be a human, experiencing life, super • War because it brings out face of Struggle • Brutality and Humanity of life( hector and Andromache) • Didn’t moralize bile does)

  25. 24. See Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea pages 27-34. Compare how Homer sees ancient war to how you see modern war. • Homer: • Glorious • beautiful powerful scenes written by homer about warfare • not to disgust • may be hell, but glorious hell • top of human achievement • tragedy of death with great lasting deed • Admire Menelaus, wanting blood • I • pointless • no end • killing that doesn’t amount to any real goal • can be very ineffective • not height of human achievement

  26. 25. Explain why Alexander chose to attack types of cities in the order he did. • conquered coastline- stop trade coming from across Ageian Sea Population centers to get troops( ei. India) to support and make alliances • controlled supply line • covered back, when down coast then IN • King Darius fleeted as Alexander came, Alexander followed • Finally Darius actually offered his empire west of Euphrates, denied wanted more used a version of hoplite

  27. Essay 1: Greece is called the “birthplace of democracy.” Explain how democracy developed, and how it on occasion went awry. • Aeropagus • Solon • Pisistratus (see chapter 3 review notes for answers!) • Hippias • Clithenese • The journey through each ruler brought more and more characteristics to the democracy until it was finished • Obstacle – Isagoras, wanted to restore aristocracy competitor clithenese who turned to people for support

  28. Essay 2. Athens and Sparta were so close, yet so far. Compare and contrast their political, economic and social characteristics.

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