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Normative Tolerances for Scuba Divers and Snorkelers : An Application of the PCI. Lauren M. Heesemann Jerry J. Vaske Colorado State University David K. Loomis University of Massachusetts. NERR 2009. Study Objectives. 1. Examine normative evaluations between SCUBA divers and snorkelers
Normative Tolerances for Scuba Divers and Snorkelers: An Application of the PCI Lauren M. Heesemann Jerry J. Vaske Colorado State University David K. Loomis University of Massachusetts NERR 2009
Study Objectives 1. Examine normative evaluations between SCUBA divers and snorkelers 2. Employ Potential for Conflict Index (PCI) to display normative evaluations
4 Norm curve 3 2 Intensity 1 Acceptability 0 Agreement -1 Acceptable range -2 -3 -4 0 1 3 5 7 9 15 20 25 100 Number of Encounters Theoretical Context Structural Characteristics of Norms
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Structural Norm Approach • Advantages – Useful for: • Describing range of acceptable management action • Comparing average norms between different groups • Showing norm intensity • Focusing management direction • Establishing management standards • Disadvantages: • Level of agreement usually summarized as Std. Dev. • Difficult to visualize and understand Std. Dev.
Extending the Structural Norm Approach • Goal of Human Dimensions Research Conceptualize, measure and interpret variables and their relationships in a way that informs management on social issues • Challenge Efficiently communicating the meaning of abstract statistics (e.g., Std. Deviations and Std. Errors) • A Solution Potential for Conflict Index (PCI)(Manfredo et al. 2003; Vaske et al. 2006; Vaske et al. in review)
Potential for Conflict (PCI) • Simultaneously displays information about: • - Central tendency (means) • - Shape of distribution • - Agreement consensus • Uses graphic display: Easy interpretation • Places findings in managerial context • Displays all characteristics of encounter norms:Range, Intensity, Agreement
Very Acceptable Neutral Very Unacceptable Acceptability PCI Example Acceptability of Instream Flows Level of Flow (CFS): 5000 8000 10000 15000 30000 40000 50000
Hypotheses H1 SCUBA divers and snorkelers vary in their tolerances for in-group & out-group encounters H2 The range of acceptable encounters will varybetween SCUBA divers and snorkelers H3 Snorkelers and scuba divers will differ in theirconsensus (PCI) regarding acceptable numbers of encounters with snorkelers and scuba divers.
Methods • Mailed survey (n = 1,590) • Response rate 57.9% • SCUBA Diver and Snorkeler self-response of encounter acceptability with other SCUBA Divers & Snorkelers • Acceptability ratings for 7 levels of encounters (i.e., 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, >25) • 7-point scale: -3 extremely unacceptable to +3 extremely acceptable 0 as a neutral point.
Scenario Example During a typical snorkel/SCUBA dive on a coral reef in the Florida Keys, how acceptable is it for you to see the following number of divers at any one moment: ExtremelyUunacceptable ExtremelyAcceptable Not Sure
SCUBA Diver Evaluations 2.00 1.76 Cell values are means
SCUBA diver evaluations of other SCUBA divers SCUBA diver evaluations of snorkelers SCUBA Diver Social Norms SCUBA Diver PCI Evaluations Extremely Acceptable Neutral Extremely Unacceptable 0 5 10 15 20 25 >25
Snorkeler Evaluations 1.59 1.89 Cell values are means
Snorkeler evaluations of other SCUBA divers Snorkeler evaluations of snorkelers Snorkeler Social Norms Snorkeler PCI Evaluations Extremely Acceptable Neutral Extremely Unacceptable 0 5 10 15 20 25 >25
Summary of Results Range of acceptable encounters: Acceptable Range for:SCUBA Divers Snorkelers Evaluation by: SCUBA Divers 10 10 Snorkelers 10 15
Summary of Results SCUBA Diver Evaluations Snorkeler Evaluations
Summary of Results Snorkelers Both populations SCUBA Divers evaluated large numbers of SCUBA Divers as more unacceptable than Snorkelers with increased consensus
Conclusions SCUBA Divers and Snorkelers differ in: • Acceptable amount of encounters for each group type (means) • Levels of consensus for different numbers of encounters (PCI value and bubble size)
Conclusions • PCI is an intuitive method for • summarizing and illustratingall structural characteristics of norms
Acknowledgments Stuart Cottrell Colorado State University Christopher Hawkins University of Massachusetts NOAA Graduate Sciences Program
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