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VeriLab THE VERIZON MASS MARKET BROADBAND SERVICES RESEARCH CENTER Dr. Isidoro Couvertier, PI & Associate Professor Dr. Bienvenido Vélez, Assistant Professor Dr. Manuel Rodríguez, Assistant Professor Dr. J. Fernando Vega, Associate Professor Dr. Pedro I. Rivera Vega, Professor

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  1. VeriLab THE VERIZON MASS MARKET BROADBAND SERVICES RESEARCH CENTER Dr. Isidoro Couvertier, PI & Associate Professor Dr. Bienvenido Vélez, Assistant Professor Dr. Manuel Rodríguez, Assistant Professor Dr. J. Fernando Vega, Associate Professor Dr. Pedro I. Rivera Vega, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Submitted: February 26, 2002 Revised: October 25, 2002

  2. VeriLab Project Objectives • Realistic setting for studying impact of Gigabit Internet access from average home • design intelligent devices • ubiquitous remote control/access to home • social implications • Provide test-bed for R&D and training on state-of-the-art networking technology • Students & related industry personnel • Enhance UPRM’s presence as a proactive technology transfer agent

  3. Homes connected via Gigabit lines Currently In the order of Megabits/sec Internet An order of magnitude bandwidth increase from current technology RESEARCH: How can we exploit the additional bandwidth capacity?

  4. ideas industry VeriLabConstituents faculty students ideas ideas Net Center results prototypes Tech Center Demo Center

  5. Gigabit Home-Area Network (HAN) Verizon Gigabit Line Home Wireless HAN

  6. VeriLab Networking Center OPTera Metro OPTera Metro Remote Site LAN Headquarters LAN Gigabit Ethernet Wavelength Accelar 8600 Accelar 1200 GbE GbE Server Farms Server Farms VERIZON NETWORK UPRM Provides test-bed for R&D and training on networking technology

  7. Social Implications • Health Risks • Electromagnetic radiation • Social acceptance of technology • Economics of Interconnected Homes • Cost of connectivity • Cost of intelligent devices • Security

  8. Programming Interfaces (API) Ubiquitous access/control to iHome WWW device specific client device specific client device specific client iHome Home Area Network Protocol API Protocol API Protocol API XML Protocol API Protocol API Protocol API Protocol API device specific server device specific server device specific server device specific server Must develop a communication substrate for intelligent devices

  9. Impact on Our CurriculumNew Networking Courses • CCOM 4XXX Computer Networks and the World Wide Web • ICOM 6XXX Computer Network Design • ICOM 6XXXSpecial Topics in Computer Networking TO DO: Añadir los demas cursos de la propuesta

  10. Budget TO DO: Actualizar Budget

  11. Conclusions • Verizon’s VeriLab @ UPRM will: • Provide a realistic test-bed for innovative home technologies exploiting Gigabit Internet access • Serve as a state-of-the art networking training center • Foster multi-disciplinary research in: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Social Impact of Technology • Enhance UPRM’s role as technology transfer agent

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