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► What or where was the land of Nod? (Verse 16 ) ► Who and where did Cain get his wife? (Verse 16 ) ► Cain’s descendants (Read verses 17-24 ). Genesis 4.25-26 :
►What or where was the land of Nod? (Verse 16) ►Who and where did Cain get his wife? (Verse 16) ►Cain’s descendants (Read verses 17-24)
Genesis 4.25-26: Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.“ Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD. (NIV) ► Is there a contradiction between verse 26 and Exodus 6.3? The reference is to what they did, not what they said.
I have never been asked where Seth got his wife…wonder why? The question always refers to Cain. • The name Seth means “appointed one” ► A quick reading of Luke 3.23-38 will reveal that Seth was in the seed leading directly to the Christ.
Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph…The son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God (Luke 3.23 & 38).
Genesis 5.1-32 • (Genesis 5.1a) The completion of the “toledoth” of Adam and the beginning of the “toledoth” of Noah. • (Genesis 5.3) A Scriptural indicator that all of Adam’s descendants were born with a sinful nature (flesh)…compare verse 1 with 3.
Genesis 5.1-32 • (Genesis 5.3-32) The average age of the patriarchs at the birth of their first child is about 142 years. The meanings of these patriarchal names are given as follows: • (1)Adam--man • (2)Seth--appointed • (3)Enosh--mortal • (4)Cainan (Kenan)--zealous; • (5)Mahalalel--praise of God • (6)Jared--to descend or come down • (7) Enoch--to train or teach • (8)Methuselah--man pierced with a spear • (9)Lamech (uncertain meaning, but could be despair) • (10) Noah--rest.
The meanings of the Patriarch’s names can be sequenced in a sentence, as follows: • Manwas appointed to live as a mortalzealous of redemption, until the God of all praise shall come downteaching, the One who was pierced with a spear, whose death shall bring those in despair great rest.
►Enoch: The Seventh from Adam and the great, great, grandfather of Noah: a. “By faith [that] Enoch was translated so that he did not see death, and was not found because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” (Hebrews 11. 5) b. Jude says Enoch was a prophet (Jude 14) c. Genesis says he walked with God, and God took him… d. Noah is born, meaning rest.
Review: 1. The “seed of the Serpent” and the “seed of Seth.” 2.Since the fall and the curse there has always been a portion of the world’s population whose spiritual lineage was from the Serpent’s seedand a portion of the world’s population whose spiritual lineage was from the Woman’s seed. And there has always been a deep, seething, rancorous, acrimonous, bitter “enmity” between them.
In the last 150 to 175 years, we have seen this warfare exacerbated. Basic to the present battle strategy in then War of the Ages is the intrusion of an aggressive positivistic, evolutionary dialectic ( dialectic was originally reason and logic in discussion ): August Comte a 19th century philosopher of science, was the founder of Positivism, a philosophy that said man had passed through three stages of development: ►religious phase (Judeo/Christian) ►a metaphysical phase (Renaissance knowledge) ►finally a positive phase (empiricism). This philosophy strongly influenced Charles Darwin.
►Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel developed, early 19th century, a philosophy to promote dialogue and debate over ideas without, he thought, the violation of either side. But this inevitably deconstructs one view or the other. ►Dialectical Materialism is the name of his invention, but it has never been an effective procedure for solving particular problems (physical or philosophical). “…a dialectical analysis provides an overview and a set of warning signs against particular forms of dogmatism and narrowness of thought.” ( Richard Lewontin, Evolution: The First Four Billion Years, 2009, p. 685)
Thesis—traditional (overt, absolute authority found in the dictates of a transcendental, eternal God) • Antithesis—transitional (cause for change to a covert, earth-bound authority, namely society; this is parallel to Paul’s idea of “the exchange of the truth for the lie…”) • Synthesis—transformational (truth determined by society through dialogue, the only way for peace, this view is cosmic bound. It from this view that the following terms were devised : •pluralism, •political correctness, •multiculturalism, •egalitarianism, •new world order, •cosmic peace and •the new tolerance
A “change agent” is crucial to dialectical The past 100 years the primary change agent has been some form of materialistic/naturalistic evolutionism being presented in a system of dialectical steps; Darwin didn’t originate this use of his theory. Nevertheless, this approach has influenced many, e.g. Karl Marx, John Rockefeller, Sigmund Freud, Adolph Hitler, and many others.
Buzz words and detractors in the post modern dialectic. • Higher order thinking skills • Lower order thinking skills • Cognitive dissonance • Felt needs • Critical thinking • Cognitive domain • Affective domain (these two so-called domains are generally thought to be associated with the educational , process, and were developed by Benjamin S. Bloom. • “But, as has been pointed out before, we recognize the point of view that truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and all places.” (Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, p. 32 (1967)
The present Fruit of this thinking: ► Total Quality Management (TQM—associated with big business ► Outcome Based Education (OBE—associated with state schools) ►School To Work (STW—associated with politics) ••••••••••••
Genesis 6.1-2 “The Days of Noah” Matthew 24.36-38
~Who are the participants in this passage? ~Why is this answer important? (2 Corinthians 6.14) • Clear statements in Matthew 24.37- “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage.”
PROBLEMS: • Genesis 1 heredity law (Genesis 1:11-12,21,24-25; Mentioned ten times) 2. Scripture doesn’t indicate that angels had offspring. 3.To have the sexual ability to have offspring with other angels. There doesn’t appear to be any baby angels.
PROBLEMS CONT. • Jesus seems to indicate while answering the Sadducees that angels are neuter. (Matthew 22.29-30) • Fallen angels do not seem to be referred to as “sons of God” after their fall. Note differentiation in Job 1.6; 2.1, etc.
PROBLEMS CONT. • Some argue that the devil can appear as men, even as an angel of light—while this is true, an epiphany, or appearance of spiritual beings does not necessarily provide them with the sexual capability to cohabit with humans and produce offspring. 7.This occurrence is during the times called “the days of Noah,” so whatever these verses refer—there will be a repetition of those happenings in the days before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Genesis 6.1-2 Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. (NASB)
Son(s) of God Scriptural use of the phrase “sons of God” or “son of God” Sons of God: Son of God Genesis 6:2-Sethites● Said of Jesus 45 times— Genesis 6:4-Sethites all gospels, many epistles. Job 1:6-angels● Mentioned of Adam in Job2:1-angels Luke 3:38 Hosea 1:10-Israel●The phrase doesn’t John 1:12-believersappear to be used of Romans 8:14,19-believersangels once cast out of Philippians 2:15-believersheaven. 1 John 3:1,2-believers
Genesis 6.3: Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." (NASB) • Disregard for God’s will, spiritual prompts (conviction), perpetual sinning, accompanied by total disregard for God’s mercy, leads to the permanent withdrawal of God’s grace. • “My Spirit shall not always strive with man forever… • “Strive”—diyn (deen). This word refers to continued leniency, patience or mercy. This word is used, in this context, as a term of mediation in an attempt to postpone or delay the justice demanded by the wrong committed.
“forever”—(KJV “always”), is from the Hebrew olam (olawm), meaning for a long time, or age lasting. The corrective efforts of the Holy Spirit can, at a particular point, no longer delay the penalty for sin.
►“…for the iniquity of the Amorite (Canaanites) is not yet complete.“ Genesis 15.16 (NASB) ► If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 1 John 5.16 (NASB) ► For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep. 1 Corinthians 11.29-30 (NASB)
Genesis 6.3 “…for he is indeed flesh…” (NKJV) The seed of the woman had become so completely degeneratedand philosophically mixed (evolutionized) until they were no longer able to fulfill their God intended purpose for existence. The key (or trigger point), in my thinking, is always holiness of God’s people and the functionality of their family.
Genesis 3:3 “…for he is indeed flesh…” (NKJV) They were no longer concerned about the sanctity and divine design for their home. They chose many women that suited their fleshly desires from which to mother and train their children. As a result, they became “mere flesh,” i.e., devoid of their divine “likeness and image,” really nothing more than sophisticated animals.
Genesis 6.3 “…yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years…” • It seems that this statement indicates there is to be one last period of grace, and serves, quite possibly, as the practical meaning of the word “always” or “forever” mentioned earlier in the passage. This may have been only told Noah! • This exhibits the extension of God’s grace. In effect, the LORD is saying that the length of their days before judgment shall be 120 years, but, as always warnings of reprobation influence no one but the true children of God.
Genesis 6.4 “ There were giantson the earth in those days…” The word “giants” comes from the Hebrew word “nephilim,” and means giants, bullies or tyrants—men of a rude and mean nature who hated the LORD God of heaven and His purpose. These men were a shrewd, dominating sort, because they inspired fear, intimidation and cowardice in all they contacted. This word “nephilim”does not necessarily demand that they were of a large physical stature, they may have been, but it is for sure they were fierce and intimidating.
The same word could easily be interpreted as attackers, robbers, bandits, or terrorists (consider the influence of men like Osama Bin Laden, but more deceptive, consider emergent preachers).
There is no connection between these rash and godless people and the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men seen later in this verse. Genesis 6.4b “¹…and also afterward, ²whenthe sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them.³Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown (heroes).”
The text plainly says that the sons of God came in to the daughter of men afterthe nephilim were already on the earth and acknowledged. This is confirmed by the adverb “when.” This is an adverb of time that shows “WHEN” the sons of God came into the daughters of men. It was after the nephilim (the giants) were already present on the earth. Many of the offspring born because of the commingling of the sons of God and the daughters of men became mightymen (heroes—the pop culture elites of Noah’s day). This is the first time this word “renown” (shem) appears in Scripture. Remember these offspring were born due to unequal yoking…
►TheHebrew word translated “mighty” is gibbour, meaning powerful, or strong. BDB (Brown-Driver-Briggs (Hebrew lexicon) says they were men who magnified themselves and behaved proudly; [possibly they were] tyrannical, or boldly audacious (p. 150). ►Theywere also called men of renown. The Hebrew word is “shem,” and can mean name, fame or glory.
►Apossible application for this word, in this context, is that they made a name for themselves, or became the heroes of the day, men of great reputation among men, popular men. ►Their state of being “renown” was not due to their godliness, but their fleshly accomplishments. Who are the heroes of our day?
Genesis 6.5-6: Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. (NASB)
Genesis 6.5-6: • Why do you suppose Solomon said, “Keep or guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverb 4.23) • Antediluvian wickedness proceeded from the depraved, perverted heart of the people. • The heart is the seat of man’s intellect, will and emotions. And, as such, is the location of his thoughts and imaginations. To fulfill His preordained redemptive purpose and His promise to Eve, God must destroy antediluvian man, which He created, from the face of the earth.
Genesis 6.5: “The LORD saw that the wickednessof man was great…” The word “saw” does not mean that the LORD just noticed man’s sinfulness, or was ignorant of man’s wickedness until now…It means man’s wickedness had escalated to the point that He must now acknowledge it. The word “wickedness” (rah) means abhorrently bad, wild and fierce evil, and its use here uniquely combinesthe wicked deeds of man and their consequences, because the definition of “wickedness” can only be perceived as it stands in contrast to God and His absolute holiness.
Vs. 6.5— “and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…” ►The word “imagination” (Hebrew yetsar) connotes the forming or framing of something, as framing a picture, or an idea. It is the same word that is used in Genesis 2.7 that shows the creation work of God “forming” or framing man from the dust from the ground.
The workbench is the heart of man, which is the seat, the inner sanctum, from which emanates our thoughts. • Man, since the fall, has always had problems framing evil thoughts, but in the antediluvian heart, as will be the case just before Christ’s second coming, all of his imaginationswere the continual framings of evil and evil practice. • Any thought of God or His Kingdom were completely estranged from the motives of the antediluvian mind. • Consider and compare Genesis 8.21
Genesis 6.6 The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. (NASB)
Vs. 6.6—KJV: “And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved (at·sab > worried angered, pained, vexed, hurt, displeased) Him at His heart.” The word that is translated “grieved” (naw-kham) and is derived from a Hebrew root that means to “breathe deeply” or to “sigh.” This word, when used in reference to God, is most often used as an explanation of God’s sovereign intentions and man’s failure to obey Him. It does not mean that God reacts to man’s failure, but that He moves ahead with His redemptive purpose in the earth.
The word translated “repented” is from the Hebrew Niphaland is used in the OT mostly in respect to God. In fact, if the intent is to show that man is repenting, it is a completely different Hebrew word…(shûb), meaning “to turn” as the result of conviction because of sin. The word used here shows that God relents or changes His dealings according to His sovereign purposes. A change in man’s conduct will bring about a change in God’s dealing.
The Hebrew is very strong in 6.6b. • It literally says that “man grieved God into His heart.” • This can very well be the reason why no pre-Flood humans have ever been found in the fossil record. • God not only intended to destroy man that He had made from the face of the earth, but He also intended to remove their physical memory!
To “grieve” the Creator God is a dangerous thing! This fact is illustrated very well in Isaiah 63.10: • “But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; so He turned Himself against them as an enemy…” • This terrible sin is only possible for man, as a result of his original creation and purpose.
Genesis 6.7-8: The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.“ But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. (NASB)
Consider the comments of Mackintosh: • In the narrative now before us, we see that the union of the sons of God with the daughters of men led to the most disastrous consequences. True, the fruit of the union seemed exceedingly fair, in man’s judgment, as we read, “The same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.” Yet, God’s judgment was quite different.
Consider the comments of Mackintosh: • He sees not as man sees. His thoughts are not ours. “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Such was the condition before God—“only evil”—“evil continual;” so much for the commingling of the holy with the profane.
Thus it must ever be. If the holy seed will not maintain its purity, all must be forfeited, as regards testimony on the earth. Satan’s first effort was, to frustrate God’s purpose, by putting the holy seed to death (Abel); and when that failed, he sought to gain his end by corrupting the holy seed…
Now, it is of the deepest moment that [we] should clearly understand the aim, the character and the result of this union between “the sons of God and the daughters of men.” This unequal union… There is great danger, at the present day, of compromising truth for the sake of union…