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133029 – 133336 Additional Study

133029 – 133336 Additional Study. JetMET DQM. 133036. 133036. Higher CaloSumET . Higher EM fraction etc. Jet eta distribution different The trigger table is different for this run / cdaq /physics/firstCollisions10/v3.2/HLT_7TeV/V1

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133029 – 133336 Additional Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 133029 – 133336 Additional Study JetMET DQM

  2. 133036

  3. 133036 • Higher CaloSumET. • Higher EM fraction etc. • Jet eta distribution different • The trigger table is different for this run /cdaq/physics/firstCollisions10/v3.2/HLT_7TeV/V1 (In earlier runs and later runs, /cdaq/physics/firstCollisions10/v3.1/HLT_7TeV/V1) CaloSumET Jet eta CaloSumET EM Fraction

  4. 133035 133036 Alca_ECALPhiSym dominates in 133036 Change of DQM plots may be due to HLT change. More Alca_EcalPhSym  More Ecal energy

  5. 133036 • Look at Low Pt Jet trigger (HLT_L1Jet6U) only. 133036 133035 133035 133036 Consistent between 133036 and 133035

  6. 133082

  7. 133082 • Noisy area around iphi~60 and ieta~20.

  8. 133082 • Is it coming from 337-522??? To be confirmed. Until it is confirmed, mark it bad…

  9. 133161

  10. 133161 • Everything looks fine for Calo jets. Tracking not good (i.e. Pf, JPT, TcMET not good) though.

  11. 133250

  12. 133250, 133269, 133270 • Bad tracking and B-field off. Similar trend in all these runs. Mark bad.

  13. 133336

  14. 133320, 133321, 133324, 133336 • What is going on? “Uncleaned” jet distribution look problematic, but see next page

  15. 133320 • Cleaned (passing ID) AntiKt jets look fine. 132601 133320 133320 132601

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