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Information Resources for Buddhist Studies. 因緣 , 剎那 , 意識 , 方便 平常心 , 大無畏 , 門外漢 當頭棒喝 , 單刀直入 , 斬釘截鐵 , 胡說八道 拖泥帶水 , 神通廣大 , 五體投地 , 大開眼界 心心相印 , 想入非非 , 一塵不染 , 夢幻泡影 They are all originated from Buddhism. Do you know these terms?. Ancient Historic Tradition
因緣, 剎那, 意識, 方便 平常心, 大無畏, 門外漢 當頭棒喝, 單刀直入, 斬釘截鐵, 胡說八道 拖泥帶水, 神通廣大, 五體投地, 大開眼界 心心相印, 想入非非, 一塵不染, 夢幻泡影 They are all originated from Buddhism. Do you know these terms?
Ancient Historic Tradition Diffuse Geographical Origins Multiple Languages of Teaching Different Schools of Thought Religious vs Academic Interpretation Abundant Information Resources … Studying Buddhism in Modern Age
What is nirvana? Google: 127,000,000 results. But … Only 1 (Wikipedia) out of the first 30 results is related to Buddhism How to find relevant & reliable information?
Use trustworthy academic sources Encyclopedia of specific subject (not Wikipedia!) Scholarly Books Academic organization website, e.g. university, research centre How to find relevant & reliable information?
Encyclopedias of Buddhism and Religions Encyclopedia of Buddhism The illustrated encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism Encyclopedia of religion Worldmark encyclopedia of religious practices
General Works BuddhismBQ Religious lifeBQ5360-5680 Zen BuddhismBQ9250-9519 Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism BQ7100-7285 Mahayana Buddhism BQ7300-7529
Useful Subject Headings Buddhism Buddhism -- Doctrines Mahayana Buddhism -- Doctrines Theravada Buddhism -- Doctrines Enlightenment (Zen Buddhism) Nirvana Zen Buddhism Zen meditations Buddha (The concept)
Call No.BQ4022 .F38 2009 "Many people know something about Buddhism, but, for interesting historical reasons, much of what they know is wrong. In Unmasking Buddhism, Bernard Faure offers a clear catalogue of these misconceptions and then compassionately dispels the darkness of ignorance.“ Donald S. Lopez, University of Michigan Recommended Readings
佛教義理艱深,不易把握;佛學典籍又浩如煙海,不易卒讀。這已是一般的常識了 … 理想的佛學入門書很少,一般人要理解佛教義理,常有不知從何入手之感。 這本《佛學的現代詮釋》的撰述,便是回應這種需求的。它分印度篇與中國篇,分別論述印度佛學與中國佛學。我們所運用的方法,是哲學的分析方法,分析佛教哲學中的重要概念與理論,而且配合著現代人所熟悉的詞彙來進行。目的是要把佛教哲學的根本輪廓,在現代的脈絡下,作一個正確而清晰的展示。 吳汝鈞 台灣中央研究院 Recommended Readings Call No.BQ286 .W836 1994 Call No.BQ4133 .W8 1995
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佛學數位圖書館暨博物館http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/BDLM/index.htm佛學數位圖書館暨博物館http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/BDLM/index.htm Developed by National Taiwan University Library Full text databases of Buddhist studies Online museum Useful links Multi-lingual Buddhist canons Buddhist languages Learning tools e.g. Dictionary Research centres of Buddhist studies
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