1. MYB Family Transcription Factors Jonathan Russell
Rena Schweizer
Mike Douglas Picture: Sequence specific binding of a transcription factor on DNA Picture: Sequence specific binding of a transcription factor on DNA
2. What is a Transcription Factor? Transcription factor –
any protein other than RNA
Polymerase that is required for
3. MYB Family Myeloblast ---> MYB (came from first identified MYB which was in an avian oncogene)
203 identified MYB-family transcription factors
Found in Eukaryotes
4. Our Genes Within the Myb Family
5. MYBFAMILY PHYLOGENY What is the Structure
and Function of MYBs?
6. What is the Structure of MYB Proteins? All share a conserved MYB DNA-Binding Domain
Up to three imperfect repeats (Helix-Turn-Helix structure) of ~53 AA each Repeats are R1, R2, R3
Tryptophan residues form a cluster in HTH structure (hydrophobic interactions)
Repeats are R1, R2, R3
Tryptophan residues form a cluster in HTH structure (hydrophobic interactions)
7. What Motifs Do Mybs Employ? Helix-turn-Helix structures are crucial to sequence specificity
HTH intercalates in major groove
Recognition by C-terminal helix Recognize certain telomeric repeat sequences in DNA
In relation to function, must recognize DNA in seq-specific manner
C-terminal helix does recognition helix for DNA bindingRecognize certain telomeric repeat sequences in DNA
In relation to function, must recognize DNA in seq-specific manner
C-terminal helix does recognition helix for DNA binding
8. MYB Structure: R2R3 Sub Family Largest family characterized in plants
Both R2 and R3 required for sequence-specific binding
Some redundancy of amino acid sequence, but flexibility in recognition Over 1oo R2R3 sub myb proteins in Arabidopsis
Although some redundancy of AA sequence among MYB genes, due to genes that have similar molecular functions but different biological phenotypes
Some redundancy of amino acid sequence, but flexibility in recognition (which means that proteins very similar in their DNA-Binding domains control quite different target genes and therefore have quite distinct physiological functionsOver 1oo R2R3 sub myb proteins in Arabidopsis
Although some redundancy of AA sequence among MYB genes, due to genes that have similar molecular functions but different biological phenotypes
Some redundancy of amino acid sequence, but flexibility in recognition (which means that proteins very similar in their DNA-Binding domains control quite different target genes and therefore have quite distinct physiological functions
9. What are the functions of Plant MYB Proteins? Wide diversity of functions
By no means fully characterized
In general: regulate many aspects of plant metabolism and development
Some bind telomeric sequences, structural
Some are clearly transcription factors
(from circadian clock to root hair formation)
10. Proposed Plant MYB Functions Vertebrates
Cellular proliferation
Expressed in actively dividing cells before differentiation
Control of secondary metabolism
Regulation of cell morphogenesis
Serving in signal transduction pathways responding to plant growth regulators
11. Specific MYB Functions Controlling Secondary Metabolism
Phenylpropanoid metabolism (modifications of compounds derrived from phenylalinine)
One branch resposible for the production of anthocyanins (major group of plant pigments) Regulating Cellular Morphogenesis
In petunia, essential for developing the conical form of petal epidermal cells
In Arabidopsis, essential for differentiation of hair cells in leaf and stem
12. The Future of MYB Experiments In order to characterize each MYB gene, mutation studies need to be performed
This involves: knocking out specific genes and looking for resulting phenotypes…