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BACK FLIP. In increments of 2, place pencils on the back of hand and then flip them off and catch all of them ending with 12 total pencils. INSTRUCTIONS Pencils are placed on playing surface in increments of 2, with all erasers facing the same direction.
BACK FLIP In increments of 2, place pencils on the back of hand and then flip them off and catch all of them ending with 12 total pencils. INSTRUCTIONS • Pencils are placed on playing surface in increments of 2, with all erasers facing the same direction. • When the clock starts, player picks up first set of 2 pencils and places them on the back of his/her hand. • Player must flip pencils into the air, then catch them together. Player adds two more pencils with each turn, building to a final set of 12. • Player cannot add the next set of 2 pencils until the previous set has been caught. • To complete the game, player must catch sets of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and finally 12 pencils in succession within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 12 pencils
Bite Me Pick up paper bags of varying heights using only the mouth. INSTRUCTIONS • Set up the game by cutting each grocery bag to a different height (10", 8", 6", 4", and 2") on the floor, right side up. • When the clock starts, player may attempt to pick up the tallest bag and may only touch the floor with his or her feet. • If player touches the ground with some body part other than the feet while attempting to grab a bag, he or she must reset by standing up before making another attempt. • To complete the game, player must have all 5 bags concurrently on the table within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 5 paper grocery bags • table
Blind Ball While blindfolded, collect 2 balls balanced on cardboard tubes. INSTRUCTIONS • Cut 2 cardboard tubes so that each is in 2 pieces, with 1 piece twice as long as the other (2 short tubes and 2 long tubes). • Spread out the tubes in a playing area so that they stand vertically with a ball balanced on top of each. • After being blindfolded, the player is spun around 2 times then the clock begins. • When the clock starts, the player begins searching for a ball (without crawling). • If a ball touches the floor at any time, it is out of play. • To complete the game, player must obtain 2 balls (holding them at the same time) within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 4 inflatable balls (approximately 10" diameter) • 3 cardboard tubes (from gift wrap) • 1 blindfold
Bobble Head With a pedometor attached to the forehead, move the head around to record 125 total "steps" in a minute. INSTRUCTIONS 1) After the headband/pedometor is on the head, the device is set to zero in steps mode. 2) When the clock starts, , player may begin head and body motion without touching the pedometer to register "steps." 3) If the pedometer/headband moves, the player may stop motion to prevent it from falling off, re-adjust the headband, then continue. 4) To complete the game, player must record 125 "steps" within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS 1 pedometor attached to a headband.
Bottoms Up Knock over empty cans using a yo-yo tied to the back of the waist. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place empty cans around the edge of a table. 2) When the clock starts, player may begin moving the body to swing yo-yo. 3) Player may not use hands, arms, feet, or legs to guide the string or yo-yo. 4) To complete the game, player must remove all cans from the table using only the yo-yo or yo-yo string within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 yo-yo (tied to a belt, or belt loop on the back of the waist • at least 4 empty aluminum cans • table
Breakfast Scramble Assemble the front of a cereal box that has been cut into 16 even pieces. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cut the front of a cereal box into 16 even rectangles and stack them face down in random order. 2. When the clock starts, player may begin turning over pieces. 3. To complete the game, player must assemble the pieces to recreate the original cereal box within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 cereal box
Bucket Head Catch 3 balls in a bucket on top of the head. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab 1 ball at a time and bounce it so that it hits the floor then wall before attempting to catch it in the bucket headgear. 2) Only balls caught behind the foul line may count toward total. 3) Ball must bounce directly from wall to bucket in order to score. 4) Player can't play from a kneeling or seated position, or touch the bucket with the hands while trying to catch a ball. 5) To complete the game, player must catch and retain a total of 3 balls in the bucket atop the head within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • "bucket headgear" made of small bucket or water jug with top cut off and materials like a sweatband to keep it affixed to the head. • container of ping-pong balls • wall with a foul line on the ground 5' away
Bulb Balance Use a packet of salt to balance 2 eggs vertically, each on its own light bulb. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab salt and pour it onto the light bulbs and attempt to balance an egg vertically. 2) Player may not alter the egg or use substance other than salt. 3) To complete the game, 1 egg must be balanced freestanding vertically atop each bulb. They must both remain that way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • at least 2 raw eggs • 1 packet of salt • 2 light bulbs (each could be placed in a glass, or screwed into an unplugged lamp)
By a Thread Use 1 hand to run a piece of thread through the eye of 10 needles. INSTRUCTIONS 1) All needles are placed sharp side down into a stable surface, arranged from largest eye to smallest. 2) Before starting the game, the player may hold thread with hand of choice, but may not lick or bend it. 3) When the clock starts, player may lick or bend thread as needed, but may only use 1 hand at all times. 4) To complete the game, player must get the thread through the eyes of all 10 needles within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • thread • 10 needles (each with an increasingly smaller eye)
Caddy Stack Stack 3 golf balls 1 atop the other. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab balls and attempt to stack them. 2) To complete the game, 3 golf balls must be stacked freestanding 1 atop the other within the 60-second time limit, and must remain freestanding for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 3 golf balls • level surface (table, desk etc.)
Candelier Stack 5 levels of cans, starting with 1 on the bottom and 5 on the top, with a paper plate in between each level. INSTRUCTIONS • The game begins with 15 cans to the left of the building surface and the paper plates to the right of the building surface. • When the clock starts, player may start stacking the first can and plate. • To complete the game, player must have stacked 5 levels of cans with a paper plate between each level, and 5 cans on the uppermost plate. REQUIRED ITEMS • 15 empty soda cans, tabs removed • 4 paper plates
Candy Elevator Use an "elevator" made from 2 pencils and string, to lift 3 M&Ms into the mouth. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place pencils side by side and tie them together at each end so that there's several feet of string free. 2) Set the pencils down, place M&Ms in the middle and place each loose string over an ear. 3) When the clock starts, player will raise the pencil elevator by pulling 1 string with the right hand, the other with the left hand. 4) Strings may not be placed into the same hand, stepped on, crossed, or wrapped around any object other than the hand or fingers. 5) If candy falls at any time the player loses. 6) To complete the game, player must get all 3 candies into the mouth within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 2 pencils • 2 pieces of string • at least 3 M&M candies
Cantagious • Start with a stack of 3 empty cans in 1 hand, 3 full cans in the other. Without setting them down, transfer stacks into opposite hands. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Stack the 3 empty cans right side up on a table next to the 3 full cans stacked right side up on a table. 2) When the clock starts, the player lifts the empty cans with 1 hand, the full cans with the other. 3) Once the cans have been lifted, they may not be placed on the table until the task is complete. 4) Cans may only touch the hands, and no other body part. 5) To complete the game, player must transfer all cans lifted by a given hand, to the opposite hand, then place them on the table so that both stacks remain freestanding within the 60-second time limit and remain that way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 3 empty aluminum cans • 3 full aluminum cans • table
Card Ninja Throw 1 playing card into a watermelon. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place the half watermelon so that the pink side is perpendicular to the ground. 2) When the clock starts, player may begin tossing cards 1 at a time at the watermelon while standing behind the foul line. 3) To complete the game, player must stick 1 card into the watermelon within the 60-second time limit so that it stays that way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • half a watermelon • at least 1 deck of cards • foul line on the ground, at least 6' from the melon.
Chocolate Unicorn Stack 7 chocolate snack cakes on their forehead while standing and leaning back. INSTRUCTIONS 1. When the clock starts, player may begin using 1 hand to stack snack cakes 1 at a time on the forehead. 2. If a cake or cakes fall, player may use the same hand to restack them. 3. To complete the game, player must stack 7 snack cakes 1 atop the other on the forehead within the 60-second time limit so the freestanding structure stays that way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 7 chocolate snack cakes
Defying Gravity Tap 3 balloons to keep them off the ground for a minute. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player releases all 3 balloons into the air. 2) Player may not hold balloons, allow them to rest on the body, or hit the ground, or the game is over. 3) To complete the game, player must keep all balloons off the ground for 60 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 3 ballons (inflated)
Dizzy Mummy Unwind a roll of toilet paper by executing a series of 360-degree spins. INSTRUCTIONS 1) With toilet paper on a holder, player holds the end of the toilet paper in 1 hand. 2) When the clock starts, player begins spinning so that toilet paper collects over the arms. 3) If the paper severs the toilet paper, the game is over. 4) Player must keep both fists closed at all times. 5) To complete the game, player must remove all toilet paper not glued to the cardboard center within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 roll of toilet paper
Save the Joker Player must blow off 52 cards, leaving 1 on top of a glass bottle. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Stack a deck of cards face down with a joker face up on the bottom. 2) Center this stack of cards on the mouth of a glass bottle. 3) When the clock starts, player begins blowing cards off the top of the stack. 4) Player may not touch the cards or bottle. 5) To complete the game, a player must blow all cards off the stack, leaving only the joker atop the bottle within the 60-second time limit and it must remain there for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 glass bottle • 1 deck of 52 cards plus a joker card
Double Trouble Using 1 hand, toss 2 balls at the same time so that they land in 2 separate pint glasses. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set glasses 2.5" apart. 2) When the clock starts, player may use both hands to position ping-pong balls into the designated throwing hand. 3) Only 2 balls may be thrown at a time. 4) Balls must bounce at least 2' away from the glasses. 5) To complete the game, player must toss 2 balls in a single throw, with a single hand within the 60 seconds so they land in the 2 glasses after a single bounce. REQUIRED ITEMS • container of ping-pong balls • 2 pint glasses • table
Drop, Sink & Clink Drop 3 quarters into 3 shot glasses that are at the bottoms of 3 fishbowls filled with water. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Fill the fishbowls ¾ full of water and place the shot glass at the bottom in the center of each. 2) When the clock starts, player may grab the first quarter and drop it into the first fishbowl. 3) Player may only hold and grab 1 quarter at a time, and must drop them from a height of 36" from the floor. 4) To complete the game, player must drop a quarter into each of the 3 shot glasses within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • water • 3 fishbowls (2-gallon size) • 3 shot glasses • cup of quarters
Egg Roll Move eggs across the floor and into the target area by fanning the eggs with an empty pizza box. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place both eggs on the ground 15' from the target area. 2) When the clock starts, player begins fanning eggs without opening the box at any time. 3) If the player or pizza box touches the egg, the game is over. 4) The player must stop fanning when time expires and the eggs must be touching the target zone. 5) To complete the game, both eggs must be touching the target zone at the same time and come to a complete stop on the zone. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 medium pizza box (14") • 2 raw eggs • 18" x 18" target area on the ground
Elephant March Knock over bottles with a baseball hanging from panty hose worn on the head. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set up bottles in 2 rows, each row 8' apart, with the foul line between the rows. Each bottle should be placed 4' apart in its respective row. 2) Place the baseball into a leg of the panty hose, and pull the waist of the panty hose over the head. 3) When the clock starts, player may begin swinging baseball while keeping 1 foot on either side of the foul line. 4) Player may not use any part of body to propel the baseball. 5) To complete the game, player must knock over all 8 bottles within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 8 full plastic bottles • 1 pair of panty hose • 1 baseball • foul line on the ground
Extreme Hanky Panky Using a designated hand for each box, remove all tissues from 2 tissue boxes. INSTRUCTIONS 1. When the clock starts, player may grab the first tissue from each box. 2. Player must use the same hand to pull the tissues from the respective boxes for the entire game. 3. Player's fingers may not enter the box. 4. To complete the game, player must pull the final tissue from both boxes within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 2 tissue boxes (160 count)
Face the Cookie Using only the face, move cookies from the forehead to the mouth. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab the first cookie and place it on the forehead. 2) The cookie must remain in contact with the face (i.e. player may not toss the cookie from the forehead and catch it in the mouth). 3) If a cookie falls, player may reset an intact cookie on the forehead for the next attempt. 4) To complete the game, the player must hold an intact cookie 3 times with his or her mouth within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • at least 3 cookies
Fish Head While blindfolded, move a lampshade hanging from a fishing rod onto the head. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Tie lampshade to the end of fishing line. 2) Put blindfold on and hold the fishing rod with 1 hand, lampshade on the ground. 3) When the clock starts, use 1 hand to manipulate the rod. 4) To complete the game, player must rest the lampshade on the head within the 60-second time limit and keep it that way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 lampshade • 1 fishing rod (with line) • 1 blindfold
Go the Distance Transport ping-pong balls across an extended tape measure so they rest in shot glasses at varying distances. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set each shot glass at different distances from player (5', 6', and 7') 2) When the clock starts, player extends tape measure and grabs the first ping-pong ball. 3) Ping-pong balls must be transported 1 at a time along the tape measure. 4) Player may use only 1 hand on the tape measure once a ball is placed. 5) Player must go in order from closest shot glass to furthest away. 6) If a shot glass is knocked over, the game is over. 7) To complete the game, a ball must be rolled down the tape measure in each shot glass (and tape measure removed) within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 measuring tape • at least 3 ping-pong balls • 3 shot glasses • elevated surface(s) on which to place shot glasses (table, stool etc.)
Hangnails Hang 6 nails concurrently on a taught string. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When clock starts, player may grab the first nail and attempt to hang it from the string. 2) If a nail falls, player may pick it up and continue playing. 3) To complete the game, player must hang a total of 6 nails concurrently within the 60-second time limit and they must remain there for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 6 nails (3.5" flathead) • 1 string (strung between 2 points so that it's parallel to the ground)
Hangover Hang 6 hangers from a rod, from 1 to the other so that no hook rests in the corner of another hanger. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab hangers and begin hanging them so that only 1 is in contact with the rod. 2) Player may not alter hangers. 3) If a hook slides to the corner of a hanger, the player may re-attempt the task. 4) To complete the game, player must hang 6 hangers, 1 on top of the other so that no hook is resting in the corners within the 60-second time limit. Hangers must remain this way for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • At least 6 wire hangers • rod (shower rod, curtain rod or from rod in closet, etc.)
Hanky Panky Using only 1 hand, pull all tissues out of a tissue box. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may grab the first tissue. 2) Player must use the same hand to pull the tissues for the entire game. 3) Player's fingers may not enter the box. 4) To complete the game, player must empty the box, pulling the final tissue within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • a 160-count box of facial tissues
High Roller Use a cup to vertically stack dice in towers of 3, 4 and 5. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place dice on the table so that none are stacked vertically. 2) When the clock starts, player may pick up the cup and begin attempting to stack the dice. 3) Player's hands may be used to position dice on the table, but may not be used to stack them directly, or to help scoop, slide or toss them into the cup. 4) When attempting to stack the dice, the cup must be inverted with its bottom nearly parallel to the table surface. No credit will be given for "pouring" 1 die onto another. 5) Player must first stack 3, then 4, and then 5. 6) Player may have no more than the number of dice intended to be stacked (i.e. may not have 5 dice in the cup while trying to stack 3). 7) Each stack must remain freestanding for 3 seconds to receive credit. 8) To complete game, player must stack 3 dice, then 4 dice, and have the final inverted cup with the stack of 5 dice on the table within the 60-second time limit so that after the cup is removed, the final stack remains freestanding for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 stiff plastic cup (ideal cup has 90% angle from bottom to sides, and has no ridges inside the cup) at least 5 six-sided dice
High Strung Use a string tied into a loop to pick up and transfer 1 egg, from the top of one large soda bottle to the top of another large soda bottle. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place full soda bottles 15' apart and remove the caps. 2. Tie the ends of a 36" piece of string together, making a loop. 3. When the clock starts, place the an egg atop a bottle, then attempt to pick it up with the string. 4. If an egg drops, player may start over with a new one. 5. To complete the game, player must use only the string to transport an egg from atop one bottle to the other, and then remove the string within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • at least 1 egg • 2 of 2-liter soda bottles • string
How's It Hangin' Using a banana hanging on a string from the waist, player must guide 2 oranges into a hula hoop. NSTRUCTIONS 1) Tie the string to 1 end of the banana, then tie the other end to the front of a belt so that the banana hangs 12" from the floor. 2) Place the hula hoop on the ground, with each orange on either side, 8' from the hoop. 3) When the clock starts, player may bend knees and swing hips to guide the orange with the banana. 4) Player may only guide an orange with the banana. 5) Player's hands may not touch the floor, rope or banana. 6) Player may not move or alter the hula hoop. 7) To complete the game, player must get 2 oranges concurrently inside the hoop within the 60-second time limit and they must remain there for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 banana • string • 2 oranges • 1 hula hoop
Johnny Applestack Stack 5 apples on top of each other. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may begin stacking apples. 2) Player may not alter the apples in any way. 3) To complete the game, player must stack 5 apples so they are freestanding, 1 on top each other, within the 60-second time limit. They must remain freestanding for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 5 apples • table
Junk In the Trunk Wiggle a box that is attached to your waist filled with ping-pong balls until the box is empty. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Fill the tissue box with ping-pong balls, then attach tissue box to the back of belt. Put on the belt with the tissue box sitting at the small of the back. 2) When the clock starts, player may begin moving body to shake the ping-pong balls out. 3) Player's hands or arms may not touch the box or belt. 4) Player may only touch the floor with his or her feet. 5) To complete the game, player must get all 8 ping-pong balls out of the box within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 8 ping-pong balls • 1 empty tissue box • 1 belt
Ka-Broom Drop a broom onto a plate, catapulting a marshmallow into the air, then catch it in a cup. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set up each plate so that it hangs halfway off the table with a marshmallow centered on the portion of the plate covering the table. 2) Create a foul line 7' from the plates. 3) When the clock starts, player places broom bristle side down, and releases the handle so it makes contact with the plate. 4) The marshmallow should catapult into the air and the player must attempt to catch it in the cup while at least 1 foot is behind the foul line. 5) If a player's hand makes contact with a marshmallow, the attempt does not count. 6) To complete the game, player must catch 3 marshmallows so that they are in the cup concurrently within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 cup • 1 broom • 10 paper plates • 10 large marshmallows • table
Keep It Up Players must use only their breath to keep feathers in the air for 60 seconds. Instructions 1) When the clock starts, player may release two feathers and begin to blow on them to keep them in the air. 2) If the feather touches any part of the player's body, or touches the floor, the game is over. Incidental contact on the face is allowed. 3) To complete the game, player must use only his or her breath to keep both feathers from touching the ground for the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 2 feathers
Knock It Off Players will swing a ball of yarn, attempting to knock over pop cans standing on the perimeter of a circle. Instructions 1) Set up soda cans in a circle around the player, so there are 5 stacks of cans, each stack consisting of 1 empty soda can on top of 1 full soda can. Place these stacks on tables of varying heights. 2) When the clock starts, player may swing the yarn ball to knock the empty cans off of the full cans in any order. 3) If the yarn leaves the player's possession, the game is over. 4) To complete the game, player must knock 4 out of 5 empty cans off their stacks within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 ball of yarn • 5 full soda cans • 5 empty soda cans • 5 tables of varying heights
Magic Carpet Ride Player must sit on a bathroom mat and use an inchworm technique to move around obstacles. Instructions 1) Set up 3 obstacles in a line in front of the start line. 2) Player begins game sitting on bathmat with fuzzy side down. 3) When the clock starts, player may begin moving across floor using the designated inchworm motion to move around the obstacles. 4) Player may slalom in any direction around the obstacles, then turn around and slalom back past the same obstacles. 5) If player touches the ground with any part of his or her body, he or she must stop moving forward until their body is correctly positioned back on the mat. 6) To complete the game, player must slalom around the obstacles to the end and back, and the bath mat must cross the start line entirely within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 standard bath mat • 3 obstacles (i.e. toilet brush, plunger, toilet paper roll) • smooth floor with start line
Keep the Change Using only one hand, knock a dollar bill out from under 5 quarters stacked atop the rim of a glass. Instructions 1) Set up each pint glass with a dollar bill positioned so that a stack of 5 quarters sits on top of it, balanced on the rim of the glass. 2) When the clock starts, player may use 1 hand to get the dollar off the glass so that the 5 quarters remain stacked on the rim of the glass. 3) To complete the game, contestant must get 1 out of the 5 dollars off its glass within the 60-second time limit so that the quarters remain balanced on the rim for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 5 pint glasses • 5 dollar bills • 25 quarters
Loner Player must lie on his or her stomach and roll one marble at a time to knock over one standing pencil. Instructions 1) Set up the pencil on its unsharpened end 15' away from the foul line. 2) Player begins game lying down on their stomach behind the foul line. 3) When the clock starts, player may begin rolling marbles 1 at a time with 1 hand towards the pencil. 4) Player must release the marble behind the line. If a marble released across the line knocks over the pencil, the game is over. 5) To complete the game, player must knock down the pencil with a marble that's released within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 20 marbles • 1 unsharpened pencil • foul line
Matchmaker Pick up 1 of 18 plastic cups on a center table and place the small candy from under that cup into 1 of 3 glasses place around the outer rim of the stage. Object is to get 6 of each colored candy in the 3 glasses. Instructions 1) Randomly place each candy beneath an overturned cup at the center of the playing area. 2) Place each of the 3 glasses approximately 8' away, each in a different direction from the center cups. 3) When the clock starts, player may lift the first cup and must then pick up the candy underneath and place it into 1 of the glasses. 4) If a player overturns more than 1 cup at a time, the game is over. 5) Small candies must be placed by color in each glass on each podium. Player may choose which glass contains which color. 6) If a player places candies of different colors in the same glass, the game is over. 7) To complete the game, the contestant must place all 18 small candies grouped 6-of-a-kind into the 3 glasses within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 18 candies (6 each of 3 different colors) • 18 small cups (opaque) • 3 glasses
Supercoin Player must bounce and land 1 quarter off of a table and into the opening of a 5-gallon water jug 15' away. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Center the 5-gallon water jug 15' away from the table. 2) When the clock starts, player may grab quarters and begin to bounce them off the table, 1 at a time, using his or her designated throwing hand. 3) To complete the game, a quarter must bounce once on the table before landing into the water jug within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • table • 5-gallon water jug • quarters
This Blows Player must continually blow up a balloon and expel the air from it to knock cups off of a table. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set up 15 plastic cups in a row across the table. 2) When the clock starts, player may grab the balloon and begin to blow it up. 3) Player may only knock cups off the table by using air from the balloon and must always stay on 1 side of the table. 4) If the player makes physical contact with the cup, the game is over. 5) To complete the game, the player must knock all cups off of the table using only the air from the balloon within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 1 balloon • 15 cups • table
Tipsy Player must drink liquid out of 3 soda cans and balance all 3 concurrently on their beveled edge. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may begin to drink soda from the cans to get them to the proper level so that they may be balanced on their beveled edge. 2) Player may not alter can in any manner. 3) Player may only pour contents of can into his or her mouth. 4) Player must grab a new can if a can falls on its side, falls off the table, or spills liquid while it falls. 5) Player may not add liquid back into a can. 6) To complete the game, 3 cans must be balanced freestanding concurrently within the 60-second time limit and remain that way for 3 consecutive seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • Table • at least 3 full soda cans
Triple Pong Plop Player must get 5 ping-pong balls into a fish bowl by bouncing them off 3 plates, lined up in front of the fish bowl. NSTRUCTIONS 1) Set up plates in a straight line with 1" between their rims. Place the fishbowl 10" away from the rim of the third plate. 2) When the clock starts, player may grab ping-pong balls and bounce them off the plates to land in the fishbowl. 3) The ball must hit all 3 plates, at least 1 time each, in order to count. 4) Any ball that touches the ground at any time is void. 5) Player may only throw with his or her designated throwing hand. 6) To complete the game, all 5 ping-pong balls must remain concurrently in the fishbowl within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 3 11" plates • at least 5 ping-pong balls • 1 fishbowl
Tweeze Me Player must use tweezers to maneuver a Tic Tac through a tennis racket and land it in a cup. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Balance tennis racquet on its handle with a tennis ball balanced on top of the head. Place a glass 1/2" behind each racquet. 2) When the clock starts, player may pick up a Tic Tac using only the tweezers, and attempt to maneuver it through the center of the tennis racquet. 3) After being maneuvered through the racquet, the Tic Tac must land in the glass and stay there while the racquet and ball stay upright for 3 consecutive seconds in order to count. 4) The player may not touch the frame of the tennis racquet or the glass with the tweezers or his or her body. 5) To complete the game, a Tic Tac must be transported through the tennis racquet and into the glass without knocking over the racquet or tennis ball within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • tennis racquet • tennis ball • tweezers • glass • container of Tic Tacs
Wet Ball Player must propel a balloon into a garbage can using only a spray bottle. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set garbage can 12' from the foul line and place container of balloons behind the foul line. 2) When the clock starts, player may toss balloon in the air from behind the foul line and attempt to direct it into the trash can using only the spray bottle. 3) If the balloon hits the ground, the spray bottle, or any part of the player's body, it's void. 4) A player may reuse an old balloon or use a new balloon to make a new attempt from behind the foul line. 5) To complete the game, player must move 1 balloon through the air and into the trash can using only the water from the spray bottle within the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 3 inflated balloons in a container • 1 high-powered spray bottle filled with water • 1 39-gallon trash can
Keep It Up Player must use only their breath to keep feathers in the air for 60 seconds. INSTRUCTIONS 1) When the clock starts, player may release two feathers and begin to blow on them to keep them in the air. 2) If the feather touches any part of the player's body, or touches the floor, the game is over. Incidental contact on the face is allowed. 3) To complete the game, player must use only his or her breath to keep both feathers from touching the ground for the 60-second time limit. REQUIRED ITEMS • 2 feathers http://www.nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/how-to/keep-it-up/
Keep the Change Using only 1 hand, knock a dollar bill out from under 5 quarters stacked atop the rim of a glass INSTRUCTIONS 1) Set up each pint glass with a dollar bill positioned so that a stack of 5 quarters sits on top of it, balanced on the rim of the glass. 2) When the clock starts, player may use 1 hand to get the dollar off the glass so that the 5 quarters remain stacked on the rim of the glass. 3) To complete the game, contestant must get 1 out of the 5 dollars off its glass within the 60-second time limit so that the quarters remain balanced on the rim for 3 seconds. REQUIRED ITEMS • 5 pint glasses • 5 dollar bills • 25 quarters http://www.nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/how-to/keep-the-change/