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Strumenti International, Inc. Investing in Fine Rare Stringed Instruments. 14010 Captains Row, Suite 328 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: (888) 989 9171 Cell: (310) 985 5929 Fax: (413) 556 1323 violinist@vzavenue.net www.strumenti-concerts.com. About Strumenti International.
Strumenti International, Inc Investing in Fine Rare Stringed Instruments 14010 Captains Row, Suite 328 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: (888) 989 9171 Cell: (310) 985 5929 Fax: (413) 556 1323 violinist@vzavenue.net www.strumenti-concerts.com
About Strumenti International With over 20 years of experience, and excellence in service, Strumenti, originally of Belgium was founded by Geoffrey Maingart primarily as a fine rare stringed instrument brokerage and concert management service. For several years, Strumenti has successfully sold fine vintage instruments worldwide and has provided one of the finest concert series in Antwerp called the Het Nieuwe Salon and is now booking artists internationally. Strumenti has sold in the past years instruments made by Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesu, Gaudagnini, Ceruti, Storioni, Gagliano, Rocca D’espine, among others and bows made by Tourte, Peccate, Simon, Maire, Sartory and Voirin, Lamy and Fetique and many more. Geoffrey Maingart Founder and President of Strumenti Geoffrey Maingart is not only a fine concert violinist but also a master luthier since 1980 and an experienced broker of fine and rare stringed instruments. His instruments are now played in major orchestras in the United States and in Europe. Truly a gifted performer, he has held the positions of Concertmaster of the Royal Flemish Opera in Belgium as well as Concertmaster of the White House Orchestra under Presidents Nixon and Ford. He has also performed as soloist in recitals, chamber music, orchestras and festivals in Europe and the United States.
Investing in Fine Rare Stringed Instruments Investing in stringed instruments is a centuries-old passion. Musicians and collectors have long prized certain instruments for their tonal qualities, artistic workmanship, beautiful varnishes and the name of a particular maker. Wealthy collectors and patrons of the arts usually invested in the rare outstanding examples by the most famous luthiers, namely Stradivarius, Guarneri, Bergonzi, Guadagnini and a handful of other great makers. In the second half of the twentieth century, interest in rare string instruments rose to unprecedented levels. Easy continental travel, Asian interest in Western art, advancement in recording technology, renowned concert artists, and advancements in communication has made ownership of rare Italian instruments a much sought after commodity. However, there will always remain a small and finite supply of these rare gems. As a result, the world’s great violins, violas and celli are now worth remarkable sums of money today with values rising in many cases monthly. The average increase in value of the great examples is not less than 15% annually. Masterpieces by Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesu have in some cases reached values in excess of $5,000,000. These price increases can be compared with those of the old master paintings and collectibles which have also remained some of the safest and most profitable investments. Sadly, even famous musicians now find these works of art beyond their reach financially. They now must depend on wealthy investors or foundations to loan a great instrument for performances. In a short time the notoriety attained for both investor and musician through performance and recording adds greatly to the value of the instrument. Often the instrument, itself will be known for the investor or musician for whom the instrument is associated.
Strumenti International, under the directorship of Geoffrey Maingart, has over the last years specialized in the marketing of only the finest examples of these makers. Last year alone we organized the purchase of four great Stradivari instruments, two instruments made by Guarneri del Gesu and two examples by GB Guadagnini among others ranging in price from $500,000 to more than $4,000,000 each. We always have a remarkable inventory of these fine instruments available as well as instruments by many of the less costly grand Italian and French masters and bow makers. Strumenti is also greatly interested in placing these instruments with deserving concert artists and in the future will be organizing a major new music festival in California. Besides the financial advantages of such an investment, which unlike traditional investments such as real estate, stocks, and commodities, rare violins have no downside risk. Ownership of a great violin can often add to a very positive change of lifestyle and participation in the wonderful community of artists and classical music. These instruments whose supply will always be finite and limited, will always increase in value both as a rare antique and a tool for artists. For corporate investors, having your company associated with a great instrument and artist will provide positive publicity for the company as well as financial gains. We look forward to discussing your interests in such ownership, purchase or resale of fine instruments in the future and your goals in financial success through the magic of classical music.
Overview: Investment Strategy Several international business organizations and private foundations have undertaken the purchase of rare violins as a matter of important investment strategy — These instruments are truly a non-renewable resource increasing in value from year to year. It is a simple case of supply and demand — there are not enough of these glorious 18th century masterpieces to go around. Growing interest in European classical music. In Asia, as well as the dramatic increase worldwide in the number of young artists anxious to demonstrate their skills, make ownership of rare violins a distinction that cannot be equaled. Acquisition can be undertaken in a variety of ways, structured to the special circumstances of the purchaser. Once owned, they may be held for a period of time, increasing rapidly in value, then sold or donated to a non-profit entity — using the means that best suits the owner’s financial objectives. In short, it’s a collector’s market rather than a musician’s. Increasingly, instruments are not owned by individuals but by banks and governments and upscale investors. With the arrival of the 21st century, the need for global recognition becomes more critical, especially in business. The name “Stradivari” has become synonymous with the highest level of perfection Ownership or, if you will, “stewardship” of such masterfully crafted works of art can reap enormous benefits. Rarely are these instruments available through ordinary channels. A select cadre of luthiers, dealers and brokers, such as Geoffrey Maingart, around the world deal with the dwindling trove of the Cremonese school pieces.
Contacting Strumenti International, Inc For an appointment to discuss your investment opportunities Contact: Geoffrey Maingart US: 310 302-1006 Toll free: 888 989-7151 Cell: 310 985-9529 Violinist@vzavenue.com Violinist@strumenti-concerts.com Europe: 32 3 297 2556 GSM: 32 477 500875 Ex-Mozart Francesco Rugieri Cremona, anno 1680 Owned by Strumenti International, Inc.