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Introduction. Power Point is a branding tool widely used and valued for making presentations and documents. Therefore, we must ensure consistency of brand image. In this template you can find all the slides needed for any presentation as well as an explanation of how to use the tools available.
Introduction Power Point is a branding tool widely used and valued for making presentations and documents. Therefore, we must ensure consistency of brand image. In this template you can find all the slides needed for any presentation as well as an explanation of how to use the tools available. Colour BBVA´s brand image is blue and white, and these are the colours that should predominate in any presentation. Use secondary colours as support in graphs and charts when the blue range is insufficient or to highlight important information. For highlighting, the colour green is preferable to the other secondary colours. Typography Stag Sans is the recommended type for any presentation. If Stag Sans is not available, Arial font can be used. Corporate templates in Arial and Stag Sans are available. In the following slides you can find the size and type of font which should be used in each case. Please, ensure that you are using the most appropriate slides and font size depending on the visualization of the presentation –projected, printed or shown on screen. If the presentation is going to be projected outside the bank, it is recommended to have the font installed on the computer which you will project from.
Title Arial, 64pt/84,5 white on two lines Sub-title or date between 14pt to 19pt Arial Bold
Title Arial 70pt/87, one or two lines Sub-title or date here between 14pt to 19pt, Arial Bold
Title Arial 54pt/58pt/ 68,8 in two or three lines Sub-title or date here between 14pt to 19pt, Arial Bold
Title Arial 70pt/88 one, two or even three lines Sub-title or date here between 14pt to 19pt, Arial Bold
Title Arial 70pt/88 one, two or even three lines Sub-title or date here between 14pt to 19pt, Arial Bold
Index Text Arial 21pt Curabitur sed sem leo At massa risus Fusce facilisis nunc et magna Aliquam dignissim pharetra
Index Text Arial 21pt Curabitur sed sem leo At massa risus Fusce facilisis nunc et magna Aliquam dignissim pharetra Integer euismod dui non tortor Curabitur sed sem leo At massa risus Fusce facilisis nunc et magna Aliquam dignissim pharetra
Index Text Arial 21pt Curabitur sed sem leo At massa risus Highlights Arial Bold 21pt Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id
Index TextArial 21pt Curabitur sed sem leo At massarisus HighlightsArialBold 21pt Aliquamdignissimpharetra mi id
Introduction Arial minimun size 24pt maximum size 42pt. Quisque tristique dolor a urna scelerisque aliquam. Highlights in Arial Bold,sapien non iaculis.
Introduction Arial minimun size 24pt maximum size 42pt. Quisquetristique dolor a urnascelerisquealiquam. Highlights in Arial Bold,sapien non iaculis.
1 Section Name
2 Section Name
3 Section Name lorem ipsum dolor sit consectuer
Section divider option two Arial 70pt
Two line title should only be used in exceptional circumstances. It aligns to bottom line of the stripes tab. Arial 24/26pt.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Arial 21 pt. Quisque tristique dolor a urna scelerisque aliquam. Aenean egestas, sapien non iaculis dignissim, tortor nulla laoreet ipsum, eu faucibus velit diam non diam. Integer dui diam, consectetur ac scelerisque mollis, condimentum ut dolor. Pellentesque vitae nisl id quam euismod mattis non a leo. Sed risus dui, rutrum sit amet elementum at, luctus eu ipsum.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 21pt • Body copy is Arial 21pt with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem leo. • At massa risus. Highlights Arial Bold 21pt.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 21pt • Body copy is Arial 21pt with Arial Bold in light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem leo. • At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper. • .
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt with light blue or secondary colour used to highlight key points. • 1.1 Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem. • 1.2 At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcomer. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • 2.1 Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem. • 2.2 At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcomer
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor • porta. Curabitur sed sem. • Integer euismod dui non tortor • Porta. Curabitur sed sem. • Body copy is Arial 14pt with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor • porta. Curabitur sed sem. • Integer euismod dui non tortor • Porta. Curabitur sed sem.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 21pt • Body copy is Arial 21pt with Arial Bold in light blue or secondary colours to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesquejjakjaj porta. Curabitur sed sem • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesquejjakjaj porta. Curabitur sed sem
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 21pt • Body copy is Arial 21pt, light blue or secondary colours to highlight key points, Arial Bold 21pt. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt with Arial Bold in light blue or secondary colours to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Highlighted body copy in Arial Bold 14pt. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. • Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo. Chart title is Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt with Arial Bold in light blue or secondary colours to highlight key points. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Highlighted body copy in Arial Bold 14pt. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. • Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo. Chart title is Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Arial 18pt is used for long text or highlighting key messages in Arial Bold. Light blue can also be used to highlight key words.
Text Arial 18pt. hendrerit. Fuscenecenimrisus. Donecquisrutrumjusto. Proinsemenim, rhoncus sit amettemporquis, egestas non lectus.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Arial 18pt is used for long text or highlighting key messages. • Bright blue can also be used to highlight key words in Arial Bold. • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet tristique dolor a urna scelerisque aliquam.
Supporting statement here Arial Bold sice 18pt. Main statements can go on a separate page in Arial size 42pt lorem ipsum.
Supporting statement here Arial Bold sice 18pt. Main statements can go on a separate page in Arial size 42pt lorem ipsum.
Supporting statement here Arial Bold sice 18pt. Main statements can go on a separate page in Arial size 42pt lorem ipsum.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt, with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points in Arial Bold. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. • Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt, with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points in Arial Bold. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. • Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt • Sub-heading is Arial Bold 14pt • Body copy is Arial 14pt, with light blue or secondary colours used to highlight key points in Arial Bold. • Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem • At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper. • Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuada. • Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. • Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt 4% Body copy is Arial 14pt with secondary colours or light blue used to highlight key points in Arial Bold. Integer euismod dui non tortorpellentesqueporta. Curabitursedsemleo. At massarisus. Sedeuvelitsedlectusfaucibusullamcorper. Fuscefacilisisnunc et magna portamalesuada. Duiscursuspharetraipsum, necinterdumvelitrhoncus et. Aliquamdignissimpharetra mi id hendrerit. Fuscenecenimrisus. Donecquisrutrumjusto.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt 4.0% 4.1% 3.8% 5.2% Body copy is Arial Bold 14pt with secondary colours or light blue used to highlight key points. Integer euismod dui non tortor pellentesque porta. Curabitur sed sem leo. At massa risus. Sed eu velit sed lectus faucibus ullamcorper. Fusce facilisis nunc et magna porta malesuad. Duis cursus pharetra ipsum, nec interdum velit rhoncus et. Aliquam dignissim pharetra mi id hendrerit. Fusce nec enim risus. Donec quis rutrum justo.
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt
Title Arial 42pt / mín 30pt Chart title Arial Bold 14pt