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Guidelines for Conducting Lajna Imaillah Elections in the USA

Discover the rules and regulations for Lajna Imaillah elections in the USA. Learn about Majlis Shura, delegate election process, eligibility criteria, terms of office, and election procedures. Stay informed on the election guidelines specified in the Constitution of Lajna Immaillah Silsila ‘Aaliya.

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Guidelines for Conducting Lajna Imaillah Elections in the USA

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  1. Guidelines for Conducting Lajna Imaillah ElectionsPrepared in response to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Election Process This presentation is based on the rules and regulations specified in the Constitution of the Lajna Immaillah Silsila ‘Aaliya Ahmadiyya USA.

  2. Q: What is Majlis Shura and who is considered to be part of the Majlis Shura? Majlis Shura Delegate Election Process A: “This Majlis shall represent the Country. This Majlis shall consist of the following members:a) Office bearers at the national levelb)The district Sadrsc)Representatives of Majalisd)Such Lajna members whom Sadr Lajna Mulk may specially invite for consultation.” (MAJLIS SHURA: Rule 12.1 and 12.2.) Q: Can the same Shura delegate be elected every year? A: Yes, no limitations in Constitution.

  3. Q: Who is not eligible to become a member of Majlis Shura? A: “A member not fulfilling the following conditions shall not be eligible to become a member of Majlis ‘Amila:1.A member not observing purdah.2.A member who is in arrears of Obligatory Chandas (viz. Chanda ‘Am, Chanda Jalsa Salana, Chanda Hissa ‘Amad) for six months or more.3.A member who bypasses the local Jama’at system and insists to send her Chandas directly to the Markaz.4.A member against whom Jama’at took disciplinary action and a period of two years has not yet been completed after her pardon.5.A member whose Wasiyyat has been canceled by Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya by way of disciplinary action or due to non-payment of Chanda Wasiyyat.6.A person who ever brought Jama’at funds or Auxiliary Organization funds into personal use.” (MAJLIS SHURA: Rule 12.4 & MAJALIS: Rule 8.b.)

  4. Q: How many delegates can we elect if a local Lajna has 3, 25, 26, or 100 members in their local Lajna? A: 3 members – 1 delegate 25 members – 1 delegate 26 members – 2 delegates 100 members – 4 delegates“Every Majlis Muqami (a local Majlis) can elect one representative for the Majlis Shura for every twenty-five members or a fraction thereof, e.g., one representative if number of members is 25 or less than 25; two representatives if number of members is 26 to 50; three representatives if number of members is 51 to 75; four representatives if number of members is 76 to 100; and so on.”(MAJLIS SHURA: Rule 12.3.)

  5. National and Local Lajna Sadr Election Process Q: For purposes of fair elections, relatives should abstain from nominating each other for positions. Suggestion: They can second a nomination and vote for a relative after a non-relative has nominated a person. • A: We are entrusted (Amaanat) by Allah in voting for Jamaat offices. We should honestly deliver our vote to the person who in our judgment is best for that position and we should not consider our relationship or friendship with a person, even a mother/daughter relationship.

  6. Q: Terms for other officers in the Amila should be limited like they are for the Lajna Sadr. Special permission may be taken of the National Sadr for a term beyond the two terms. A: The Lajna Constitution does not put limit on terms. The Local Sadr should appoint whom she considers to be the best for doing the work. Q: Terms of Office – members feel that the terms for Sadr Muqami should be limited to one term, instead of allowing the Sadr Muqami to be re-elected to serve consecutive terms. A: The Lajna Constitution does not allow that. Rule # 187 has defined the term limit for Sadr Lajna Mulk that applies for the Sadr Muqami (local) as well.

  7. Q: How is the National Sadr Lajna appointed? A: “The appointment of National Sadr Lajna Imaillah shall be made through election unless Hadrat Khalifatul Masih chooses to make a nomination.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 178) Q: When should the election of the National Sadr Lajna take place? A: “The election of the National Sadr Lajna Imaillah shall be held on the occasion of the Annual Convention. If annual convention is not held then elected representatives can be called and election can be held. Prior approval of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih shall be obtained for holding the election. Similarly a request shall be made to Hadrat Khalifatul Masih before the election to appoint his representative for conducting the election.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 179)

  8. Q: Who is responsible for planning and telling everyone about the Sadr Lajna elections? A: “The General Secretary shall be responsible for informing all the members concerned about the meeting for the election of the Sadr.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 190) Q: How should people vote? A: “All the elections shall be open (e.g. show of hands).”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 189)

  9. Q: Who can vote in the election of the National Sadr Lajna? A: “The Majlis Shura of Lajna Imaillah (consisting of elected representatives of Lajna branches) shall have the right to vote for the election of the Sadr.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 180) Q: If I am eligible, do I have to vote?A: “During the election session it shall be binding for every member to exercise her right of vote.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 185)

  10. Q: Is there a quorum requirement for the election of local Sadr? A: Yes “The quorum for such a meeting shall be one half of the total number of members of the branch. If the required quorum is not realized in the first meeting, the quorum of the second meeting called for this purpose shall be one third of the total number of members of the branch. If quorum not realized in the second meeting also, then in the third meeting there shall be no restriction of quorum.” (SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 190) This rule also applies for the election of Halqa Sadrs.

  11. Q: What basic qualities should you look for in a Sadr? A: “The person whose name is proposed for the office of Sadr should know the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, if not of the whole, then at least of a part of it. In villages she should at least be able to recite the Holy Qur’an.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 188)“A person whose name is proposed for election as Sadr must be regular in five daily prayers, be a regular chanda paying member of the Jama’at and Lajna, be truthful, honest and having regard for the institution of Silsila ‘Aliya Ahmadiyya and that she observes purdah.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 195)“National Sadr Lajna Imaillah should preferably be a resident of the place where headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Community in the country is located.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 186)

  12. Q: How many names must be proposed for the Sadr Lajna election? A: National - “It shall be binding that at least five names must be proposed for the office of Sadr Lajna Mulk.” (SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 181)Local - “At least three names shall be proposed for the election of Sadr Lajna Muqami.” (SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 197)

  13. Q: During the election process is it permissible to introduce the proposed person? Can the nominee speak on her behalf? A: “(a) During the election session it shall be permissible to give introduction of a proposed name but there shall be no permission to speak against anybody. (b) Any propaganda or canvassing, implicit or explicit, is not allowed in the elections.”“In the course of the election no one is allowed to speak in her own favor or vote for herself.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 183 & 184)

  14. Q: After the election, is the National Sadr Lajna automatically appointed? A: Election process is only a recommendation to Hadrat Khalifatul Masih by Majlise Shura. “The names of all persons (presented to Majlis Shura for election) along with the number of votes obtained by each shall be submitted to Hadrat Khalifatul Masih for final decision and appointment for National Sadr Lajna Imaillah.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 182)

  15. Q: After the election, is the Local Sadr Lajna automatically appointed? A: No“A report about the proceedings of the election meeting along with the number of votes and other particulars which are asked for should be sent for approval to the headquarters of Lajna Mulk through the district Sadr.”“The old Sadr shall continue to work until the approval is received from the headquarters.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 192)“If the National Sadr Lajna rejects the appointment of office bearers of Lajna Muqami, they shall make fresh appointments and intimate the results to National Lajna. The names of rejected candidates shall not be proposed again in the elections that year.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 193)

  16. Q: What is the term for National Sadr Lajna and how many terms can she be elected consecutively? A: “Sadr Lajna Mulk shall be elected for a period of two years. A member cannot be elected as Sadr Lajna Mulk for more than three consecutive terms. However before the election Na’ib Sadr Lajna Mulk may convene a meeting of Majlis ‘Amila Mulk and keeping in view the performance of the Sadr make a recommendation to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. The Sadr shall not participate in this meeting.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH MULK: Rule 187)

  17. Q: What is the term for Local Sadr Lajna and how many terms can she be elected consecutively? A: “The name of the local Sadr, who has been elected thrice consecutively, shall not be proposed for the fourth term except with the special approval of Sadr Lajna Mulk.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 196) Q: If there is no clear guidance in the Constitution about a specific question related to the Election process, where should we go for further guidance? A: “The final explanation and interpretation of all Rules and Regulations shall rest with the Sadr.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH USA: Rule 25)

  18. Q: Can I resign from my position after being elected? A: “No office bearer has the right to resign. In case of some constraint she can offer her apology to Sadr Lajna Mulk along with her reasons. The concerned office bearer shall continue to do the duties delegated to her till the Sadr Lajna Mulk takes a decision. The case of a person who is a member of Majlis ‘Amila Mulk shall be submitted to Hadrat Khalifatul Masih.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 199)

  19. Q: Are Amila members elected or selected by the Sadr? Amila Members A: “Sadr Lajna Mulk shall nominate National Office Bearers and seek approval from Hadrat Khalifatul Masih. Similarly in case of any change she shall again seek approval of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH USA: Rule 22)“The Sadr shall approve the appointment of elected office bearers of Lajna Muqami.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH USA: Rule 34)“In case the appointments of office bearers are not approved, the Sadr shall direct the concerned Lajna to make fresh appointments.”“The Sadr shall have the power to dismiss the office bearers of subordinate Majalis.”(SADR LAJNA IMAILLAH USA: Rule 35 & 36)

  20. Q: Who should conduct the National Lajna Sadr election? Other Questions Related to the Election Process A: The National Sadr election is held with the permission of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih. It shall be necessary to obtain prior permission for the holding of the election and the appointment of the representative who will conduct the election. Q: What is the appropriate way to start the election? A: It is better to start with recitation from the Holy Qur’an, announcement of the election rules and Dua before the election process begins.

  21. Q: Who should conduct the Local Lajna Sadr election? A: A National Sadr, Regional Sadr or a National Amila member who is not a member of that Chapter*·Sadr of a neighboring Lajna·A voting member of the Lajna of the Chapter, what ever national office they may hold, cannot conduct the election, unless appointed by the Sadr. ·In special circumstances, if none of the above is available, then a person from that Chapter (who will not likely be elected as a Sadr) can conduct the election.·The election presiding officer can neither nominate, second or cast a vote - the presiding officer is supposed to be an unbiased member.  ·The person conducting the election is appointed by the National Sadr. Note - For Shura delegate elections, a national officer can conduct the elections of her own Chapter. This is because she is automatically a delegate.

  22. Q: Can a member decline an office before the election takes place? A: No, they cannot decline an office. The common practice in the Jamaat is that no one should decline. If someone has a genuine reason such as health problems or family constraints, then they can be excused. It is between them and Allah. The election should proceed with all names and the elected person can present her apology to Sadr Lajna Mulk (National Sadr) after the elections, subject to approval by the Sadr.

  23. Q: How many people can I nominate? A: Each person can only nominate one person or can only second one person for one position. You must vote for whomever you nominate or second. Q: Can someone ask/nominate herself for Sadr or Amila position? A: No. Hadith: Abu Musa Ash’ari relates that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: I do not appoint anyone to public office who asks for it or desires it (Bokhari and Muslim).

  24. Q: Should counts be done twice in the same elections? A: Preferably no. It is better to begin the election well prepared and with great discipline – so that the counting is done only once. If there is confusion, then the elections should be conducted again. Q: If you serve for 3 consecutive terms and are not elected for 1 term after that, can you be elected after missing 1 term? A: Yes Q: Do we need Jama’at Sadr signature of the election report? A: No, not required in the Constitution.

  25. Q: Does the National Sadr have to approve the local Amila?A: YesQ: Does the National Sadr have to approve the local Halqa sadr and halqa amla?A:No, The local sadr approves them A: No, the Constitution does not allow anyone to resign from a position. Q: If someone resigned from an office or was removed from an office, can that person’s name be presented again?

  26. Q: Who should send the results of the Local Sadr Lajna election to the National Sadr? Should it be the conductor, the Local Lajna Sadr or both? A: Preferably, by the conductor who is appointed to hold the election by the National Sadr. Q: Can a person be nominated in absentia? A: Yes Q: Can only those members that are regular in paying chanda vote or be elected? A: In order to vote, a person should be an active member of the Lajna and all active members should pay chanda.  

  27. Q: Should a member be considered eligible if they have not paid chanda in prior years but pay in the election year? A: Yes, we should not judge the member’s intention of paying chanda. They should be eligible to vote or be nominated as sadr as long as they have met all of the requirements to be elected or to vote. Please note: Collection of chanda on the day of election should be totally discouraged.

  28. Q: The guidelines say that the person should know the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, if not the whole then at least a part of it. Does this mean that even new converts who may just know Sura Fatiha will qualify? A: Yes. The Lajna Constitution says: “The person whose name is proposed for the office of Sadr should know the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, if not of the whole, then at least of a part of it. In villages she should at least be able to recite the Holy Qur’an.”(SADR LAJNA MUQAMI: Rule 188)

  29. Q: If new converts can’t read the Holy Qur’an in Arabic but can read it in English, can they still be elected as Lajna Sadr? A: Yes. There is no direct rule in the Constitution. Our interpretation is that the real intention is that the person should learn and understand the Holy Qur’an. If a convert has not had the opportunity to learn Arabic and cannot read Arabic, but reads and learns the Holy Qur’an in another language than that person is able to lead her Lajna.

  30. Q: Can a Local Lajna Sadr change Amila members during a term? For example, when a new Amila is formed, and after 2 months a Secretary is not able to keep up with her work can the Lajna President replace her with National Sadr’s approval? A: It is preferable not to make changes to the amla frequently. If the situation calls for a change, then the local Sadr can change Amila member but needs the National Sadr’s approval. The Amila member will continue on her position until the approval of new member comes. Please Note: It is better to put the reasons for the change in writing, copy to national sadr and the persons involved.

  31. Q: If a Halqa Nigran has completed 3 terms and a Halqa seeks permission for the 4th one, how long before the election should they get permission? Who will grant permission? Q: Is there any term limitation on Amila members? A: No, a member can continue serving a position as long as the Sadr appoints her. A: The Local Lajna Sadr handles Halqa Nigrani elections. She will grant permission before the election. The procedure is same as for local sadr elections after her 3 terms are completed.

  32. Q: Can we give a farewell party to a departing Sadr or Amila member? A: There is no protocol in our Lajna.  It is a local matter whether membership may hold these type of functions while following Jamaat traditions of simplicity and dignity.  Please Note: Keep in mind that using up Lajna funds for these farewell parties is not advisable. Nor is it advisable to ask for a contribution for which a receipt was not provided.

  33. Additional Election Guidelines • People should seek guidance from Allah before nominating or voting for a person. • Select a person without any bias who can best serve the jamaat and the office and should not elect a person because of any relationship or friendship. • A member should not present themselves as a candidate for a position or office. If a member would like to serve the Lajna, they should offer themselves unconditionally to the Local or National Sadr. • Only local Lajna chapter members can vote in the Chapter Sadr election.

  34. General Election Guidelines (continued) • Rules should be read out to members and followed through. A mature and responsible person should assist the presiding person in counting votes. In larger Lajnat more than one person should count votes to avoid any miscalculation. • Elections should be conducted in a prayerful manner with utmost sincerity and devotion to serve Islam and Ahmadiyyat.

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