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Persuasive Essay and Speech P roject

Persuasive Essay and Speech P roject. These issue papers will be an out-growth of your understanding of BNW It is an analysis with rhetorical devices and appeals required to persuade your audience It is an expository essay---you pick the mode: definition, cause/effect, classification

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Persuasive Essay and Speech P roject

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  1. Persuasive Essay and Speech Project • These issue papers will be an out-growth of your understanding of BNW • It is an analysis with rhetorical devices and appeals required to persuade your audience • It is an expository essay---you pick the mode: definition, cause/effect, classification • You must incorporate 5 different sources into the paper---they can be graphs, pictures, stats, passages, etc.---but you MUST include BNW as a source! You will 8-10 parenthetically/attributed pieces of material in this essay.

  2. Writing Schedule and Order • Sources and Note Cards • 5 sources completed on the note card form—100 points (03/08) • Must also include copies of your sources. • If you include a source from the internet, you must attach and complete a web evaluation checklist sheet for it • Outlines • 1st outline—subject outline and must indicate the position of sources, but not the actual sources themselves.(03/09) • 2nd outline—sentence outline and must contain the actual quotes, facts, figures, and MLA parenthetical citations.(03/11) • 3rd outline—paragraph outline and must have Works Cited page (03/14)

  3. Writing Schedule and Order • Rough Draft • Due by 03/16 • Must have your sources integrated into it • Must include an updated Works Cited page • CANNOT be significantly shorter than 4 pages typed • Difference between R.D. and Paragraph outline is inclusion of transitional sentences • Peer Editing • Must have paper evaluated with two anonymous Peer Edit sheets (03/17) • You will also be checking on the formatting of the parenthetical citations and the Works Cited in a separate peer edit • After peer editing, you will fix your paper and we will complete final revision checklist before the final copy is due

  4. FINAL DRAFT! • Final Drafts will be due on the first day of presentations! (03/21) • Failure to complete ANY of the above steps will result in a failing grade for the final draft!

  5. The Paper Itself….. • Thesis Statements will be approved by me and have all the following parts: • “The Road Map of 3” • The Subject • The Power Verb • The Universal Truth with Qualifier • Paper MUST include: • Intro with Lead, background of issue, & Thesis Statement • Paragraphs with subordinate clauses/phrases used for transitions from paragraph to paragraph • Internally—Paragraphs should have a topic sentence, evidence, and commentary with the use of adverbial conjunctions where appropriate • Closing—should have strong transition, indication of position, call to action, social ramification

  6. The Paper itself…. • Works Cited • MUST be properly put together using MLA and attached • You may only use 5 TO BE verbs (am, is, are, was, were) • You must use all 4 sentence types at some point in the paper • You need to use all 5 phrase types • NO second person • 1st person usage HAS to be cleared by me first • Use at least 2 of the appeals • Use at least 5 rhetorical devices • 3 syntactical elements

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