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Abject ( adj )

Abject ( adj ). Degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved Syn : wretched, miserable, ignoble Ant: lofty, noble, exalted ** rejected people in society. Agnostic (n) ( adj ).

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Abject ( adj )

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  1. Abject (adj) Degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved Syn: wretched, miserable, ignoble Ant: lofty, noble, exalted ** rejected people in society

  2. Agnostic (n) (adj) One who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic; (adj) without faith, skeptical Syn: (n) doubter Ant: (n) believer **against belief in God NO God

  3. Complicity (n) Involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice Syn: collusion, connivance Ant: noninvolvement, innocence *** being an accomplice

  4. Derelict (n) (adj) Someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj) left abandoned; neglectful of duty Syn: (n) vagrant; (adj) remiss, delinquent Ant: (adj) conscientious, scrupulous

  5. Diatribe (n) A bitter and prolonged verbal attack Syn: harangue, tirade Ant: panegyric, encomium, eulogy **tirade

  6. Effigy (n) A crude image of a despised person Syn: figure, figuring, likeness ***figure

  7. Equity (n) State or quality of being just, fair, or impartial; fair and equal treatment; something that is fair Syn: justice, fairness Ant: injustice, unfairness, bias **equality

  8. Inane (adj) Silly, empty of meaning or value Syn: vapid, idiotic, moronic Ant: sensible, meaningful, profound **insanely ridiculous

  9. Indictment (n) The act of accusing; a formal accusation Syn: charge, accusation **indicating someone’s guilt

  10. Indubitable (adj) Certain, not to be doubted or denied Syn: unquestionable, indisputable Ant: questionable, debatable, dubious **un-doubtable

  11. Intermittent (adj) Stopping and beginning again, sporadic Syn: fitful, spasmodic, random Ant: continuous, uninterrupted *** intermission between

  12. Moot (adj) (n) (v) Open to discussion and debate, unresolved; (v) to bring up for discussion; (n) hypothetical law case argued by students Syn: (adj) debatable, questionable; (v) broach Ant: (adj) undefeatable, indisputable **

  13. Motif (n) A principal idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design **motive of something is it’s motif (theme)

  14. Neophyte (n) A new convert, beginner, novice Syn: tenderfoot, tyro, rookie Ant: veteran, past master, expert **new

  15. Perspicacity (n) Keenness in observing and understanding Syn: acuity, acumen, discernment Ant: dullness, obtuseness ***accuracy

  16. Plenary (adj) Complete in all aspects or essentials; absolute; attended by all qualified members Syn: unlimited, unrestricted Ant: limited, restricted, incomplete **plenty of people at a plenary mtng.

  17. Surveillance (n) A watch kept over a person; careful, close, and disciplined observation Syn: observation, scrutiny, monitoring **surveying

  18. Sylvan (adj) Pertaining to or characteristic of forests; living or located in a forest; wooded, woody Syn: forested, arcadian **

  19. Testy (adj) Easily irritated; characterized by impatience and exasperation Syn: irritable, peevish, waspish Ant: even-tempered, unexcitable **tests make people irritable

  20. Travesty (n) (v) A grotesque or grossly inferior imitation; a disguise, especially the clothing of the opposite sex; (v) to ridicule by imitating in a broad fashion Syn: (n) burlesque, parody, farce, caricature **transvestite

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