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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. The Age of Reform. DFS Transparency 14-1. It was designed for reading out loud. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Chapter 14 Section 1. Temperance means drinking little or no alcohol.

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 The Age of Reform

  2. DFS Transparency 14-1 It was designed for reading out loud. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

  3. Chapter 14 Section 1 • Temperance means drinking little or no alcohol. • Reformers blamed alcohol for poverty, crime, insanity, and break up of families.

  4. Horace Mann was the leader for educational reform, lawyer, changed school year to six months, changed curriculum, paid teachers more, and trained teachers.

  5. 1850s, most states accepted three basic principles for education. • Schools should be free and supported by taxes. • Teachers should be trained. • Children have to go.

  6. Mainly only men were allowed to go to college. In 1833 the College of Ohio accepted women and blacks. • Thomas Gallaudet opened the Hartford school to teach the deaf. • Dorothea Dix fought for the rights of prisoners and mentally ill.

  7. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. In it she focused on slavery. • End Section 1

  8. Chapter 14 Section 2 • American Colonization Society bought slaves and sent them to start new lives. They did not keep them as slaves. • William Lloyd Garrison founded the newspaper, “The Liberator” and worked to abolish slavery. He started the abolitionist movement.

  9. Sarah and Angelina Grimke were from the south and had lived with slaves their whole life. They spoke out about the cruelty of slavery. • Angelina wrote the book “American Slavery As It Is” and it became on of the most influential abolitionist publications.

  10. In 1830, the first convention of free African American leaders was held in Philadelphia. They discussed starting a black college and immigration. • Sojourner Truth used to be named Belle. She was a slave that escaped in 1826. She changed her name because she said, “I will now walk in the light of God’s truth”. She fought for women’s rights.

  11. The north was against slavery, but many of them would not fight for blacks’ freedom. They felt it would cause a war between the North and the South.

  12. Extra Facts • Thomas Jefferson’s greatest contribution as president was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France. • Northwest Ordinance was established in 1787. It was to create new states from western territories.

  13. New states admitted to the Union were equal to existing states. • Congress elected judges and governors. • When they got 5000 free males they could send one to Congress. • When they got 60,000 free people they could write a constitution. • They would be admitted as a state.

  14. Battle of Saratoga in the American Revolution convinced France to support American Independence. They formed an alliance with the US government. • Worcester V Georgia Supreme Court case, ruled in favor of the Cherokee nation. President Jackson refused to enforce the ruling and it led to the Trail of Tears.

  15. Era of Good Feelings increased nationalism and patriotism in the US. It happened after the war of 1812. • The Nullification Crisis concerned South Carolina’s feelings with federal policy on taxes and tariffs. • Samuel Morse invented the Morse code and telegraph. End Section 2

  16. Tell me about the following items: (Section 1 notes) • Missouri Compromise • Wilmot Proviso • Free-Soil Party • Compromise of 1850 (5 main points)

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