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Opportunities for free movers

This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive guide for free movers, students who study abroad without financial or other support. It includes a checklist, sources for information and grants, databases, and contact information for student organizations and international organizations. Good luck!

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Opportunities for free movers

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  1. Opportunities for free movers Jozef Vanraepenbusch EUROGUIDANCE Flanders

  2. Introduction Free movers are students who study abroad without any financial or other support. By consequence, if you are a free mover, you have to organise everything yourself! The aim of this PowerPoint presentation, is to help you as much as possible in your search for relevant information. You will find a checklist, different sources for information and grants (student organisations, countries, international organisations, help in your OWN country) and databases. Good luck!

  3. Checklist: what to do? (1) • Be in time: UK-UCAS, NL-IB-group,… • Do you know someting about the culture? • Do you know the language? • Accomodation? • http://www.erasmate.com/ • https://www.housinganywhere.com/ • Resident permit/visa? • Your financial means?

  4. Checklist: what to do? (2) • Social & health security/insurance? • Go to doctor/dentist! (medication,…) • Recognition of your qualifications? • http://www.enic-naric.net/ • How to keep contact (family, friends, professor, employer…)?

  5. Studentorganisations • AIESEC: all students: • https://opportunities.aiesec.org/ • IAAS:Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences: • http://www.iaasworld.org/ • IAESTE: all students: • http://www.iaeste.org/ • IFSA: Forestry students: • http://www.ifsa.net/ • WORKING FOR NATURE: • http://www.workingfornature.org/

  6. Countries • Portugal: • http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/ • Netherlands: • http://www.nuffic.nl/ • Iceland: • http://eng.menntamalaraduneyti.is/ • Sweden: • http://www.studyinsweden.se/ • UK: • http://www.britishcouncil.org/ • USA – Fullbright: • http://fulbright.state.gov/ • …

  7. International organisations • UNESCO; • WHO; • FAO; • NATO; • …

  8. Help in your own country • Bilateral agreements; • Contact your OWN Ministry of Education; • Contact your OWN Ministry of Science; • Contact local service clubs: LIONS, ROTARY, KIWANIS,… • …

  9. DATABASES (1) - Europe • PLOTEUS: • http://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/ • Mastersportal: Finds the masters for you! • http://www.mastersportal.eu/ • Phd Portal: Find and compare Phd's in Europe • http://www.phdportal.eu/ • Find Scholarship's • http://www.scholarshipportal.eu/ • Short courses portal: Find and compare short courses in Europe • http://www.shortcoursesportal.eu/ • OpenupEd is the first MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) initiative which goes Europe-wide, with the support of the European Commission: • http://www.openuped.eu/courses

  10. Databases (2) - Worldwide • UNESCO: • http://www.unesco.org/education/studyingabroad/index.shtml • Braintrack - Over 8'300 Links to Higher Educational Institutions in 194 Countries: • http://www.braintrack.com/

  11. Work opportunities for researchers • Researchers move to Australia: • http://mobility.anu.edu.au/ • Scholarshipsofferedby the Israeligovernment: • http://www.gov.il/FirstGov/TopNavEng/EngSituations/ESStudentsGuide/ESSHousing/ • EC: Research posts(Environment,…): • http://ec.europa.eu/civil_service/job/research_en.htm • EC: Workexperienceforgraduates: • http://ec.europa.eu/stages/index_en.htm

  12. Need more information? • The EUROGUIDANCE network exists to promote mobility and to develop the European dimension in guidance. • There are EUROGUIDANCE centres in all the EU/EEA and pre-accession countries, and also in Switzerland. • The aim is to provide the target groups with information on: • • educational and training opportunities; • • living conditions, linked to financial provisions; • • language training opportunities; • • in other European countries. • If you live in Europe and are looking for opportunities in another country, you can best contact your local guidance counsellor, who will contact us through the EUROGUIDANCE centre in your country, which can be found at the following website: • http://euroguidance.eu/

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