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Teaching “Technology and Society” to Undergraduate Learners Erol Inelmen Assistant Professor. OUTLINE. Introduction. Background. Survey. Model. Implementation. Discussion. Conclusion. Introduction. premise. claim. evidence. Introduction. premise. Technology. should.
Teaching “Technology and Society” to Undergraduate Learners Erol Inelmen Assistant Professor
OUTLINE Introduction Background Survey Model Implementation Discussion Conclusion
Introduction premise claim evidence
Introduction premise Technology should Satisfyneeds (food, shelter) Usemeans (energy, robot)
Introduction claim Society must Createassets (green, culture) Inculcate values (solidarity, respect)
Introduction evidence Education can Suggest goals (development, wellbeing) Protectresources (soil, water)
Background: the problem significance consequence control
significance Chant (1989) points at the importance of the “artefacts” as they reveal the “social significance” in contexts where they have been introduced. Higgs et. al. (2000) claims that we need to evolve “theories that guide us toward a critical rather than a passive engagement with technology and its effects in our lives
consequences Feenberg (2002) poses the dilemma of technology and development, Nye (2006) discussed the idea that we have developed “technologies to increase our physical power, to perform all kind of work, to protect ourselves, to produce surpluses, to enhance memory and extend perception ... we have also excelled in finding new uses for inventions, and this has had many unexpected and not always welcome consequences
control Collingridge (1980) argues for the need to understand the “diffusion” of technologies in order to control them. Agassi, (1985) suggest the need to “develop the technology of controls”
Survey: the solution integration universality systemics
integration Plato, –from his Republic, VII 537- warns us that “the sciences which they learned without any order in their early education will be brought together and they will be able to see the natural relationship of sciences to one another and to true being”.
universality Comenius -while advocating for “universal education”- suggests the need for a) constant practice with minimum of theory and b) experience and observation in a sufficiently varied form as to “prevent boredom” (Sadler, 1966).
systemics Following Flyvbjerg (2001) we must all take part in the decision making of environmental problems and learn the “rules of the game”. In the future “system dynamics” must be part of any natural or social curriculum. Nature can survive without humans, but humans cannot without nature.
Implementation solidarity clarity continuity
solidarity Every citizen should feel the need to develop a “social responsibility” approach (Inelmen, 1999). such as promoted by FAO, UNDEP, WTO, WWF, WorldWatch. This context must be encouraged.
clarity “System thinking” (Buckeridge and Inelmen, 2002) –some prefer “critical thinking” approach to knowledge generation. In order to facilitate the discussion – among participant of different backgrounds- in class “visual thinking” is adopted (Inelmen, 2001a). Another tool – which is extensively covered in another work of the author- that helps developing new ideas and applications, is “case based reasoning” (Inelmen, 2001b).
continuity Integration of all courses is a requirement for a life-long-learning approach in education. Using the classification of the Library of Congress is possible to integrate all areas of studies basically under natural and social sciences. (Inelmen, et al, 2003)
Model traditional outcome novel
outcome Pre-fixed outline may cause dissatisfaction in both the participants and the instructor. “There can be no excellent teaching or learning unless teachers and learners delight in what they are doing” (Ramsden, 1992).
novel Model for the “Technology and Society” course
Discussion conservation innovation regulation
conservation Our cultural heritage (due to construction work) and Our physical health (due to excessive cultivation) is endangered
innovation Development must be under control. There are too many risks that affect the health of the planet: a dialogue between all stakeholders trying to understand the dynamics between technology, science, society and environment
regulation there is a need to teach “technology management” The subject of “appropriate technology” and “sustainable development” be at the top of the program.
Conclusion summary caveat legacy
Conclusion summary Education can raise the awareness about the benefits/losses caused by “technology” on “society”
Conclusion caveat Technology has not adressed all the aspirations Postmodernism surged from this discontent
Conclusion legacy We owe next generations the right to use the same resources of the planet we have used The threats originating from the excessive use of technology (Heidegger ,1977) need full consideration.
Acknowledgement We acknowledge the guidance of Prof. Günhan Danışman from the History Department. His support crystallized in a “techno-palette” framework available on the web.
References Meadows, D.H., et al. (1992) “Beyond the limits: confronting global collapse, envisioning a sustainable future”. Post Mills, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub.Co